
Chapter 45

When Leo reached to the huge building, it was evening. He entered the building with his assistant. There were many people who worked here. It was a huge organization. It's named by toys but it is actually for making furniture. They also make toys but it's not a big amount. Leo and his assistant searched for Eun and them who kidnapped her. They search for her everywhere but they could not find her.

"Look carefully. Is it the same place?" asked Leo to his assistant.

"Yes, the signal is coming from near somewhere." said the assistant.

"Search all of the building," said Leo. Then they got apart and start searching for them in a different way. But they found nothing. It was their closing time so people are in a hurry for going back to their homes. Leo gets into a lift and it was empty. He feels strange because people are waiting for the lift but they don't use it. He entered the lift and saw that there was an option underground floor. He chooses that button and the lift's door closed. He reached into a hall by the lift. "Sir, you are not allowed here." said a guard there. Leo showed his identity card to him and when he saw he is a detective, he let him entered the hall. He looked at the hall. It was too big and they stored their furniture here.

"Is it your storage hall?" asked Leo to a guard.

"Yes, sir. There is another storage in another place. We store furniture here and we store toys in another store." said the guard.

"Ah! Do you know this man?" asked Leo and showed him Man Soo's picture. No.

"I never saw him before." said the man. "Oh! Then did you saw her anywhere?" asking this, Leo showed Eun's photo to him.

"No," said the guard.

"Are you sure? Try to remember," said Leo.

"I am sure sir. I never saw this girl." said the guard.

"Okay, Can you tell me, which furniture is taken here within 1.00-2.00? And who bring those here?" asked Leo. Yes, sir.

"This furniture is taken here at 1.45 o'clock at noon. And our workers bring those here." saying this the man showed him some furniture. There was a bed, a wardrobe, a cupboard, and two tables. And there was a tag on each of the furniture and that was named 'sold out' Leo go to there and checked the cupboard. He looks at his phone and saw that Eun's mobile signal is coming from here where he is standing. Suspecting something, Leo checked each drawer of the wardrobes. But he found nothing. When he opened the cupboard, he saw a mobile phone which was kept there. Leo didn't surprise because he could guess that from before. But he felt so much angry on that kidnapper. The guard which were standing there astonished to see the phone. Leo come out from there quickly and met his assistant. He was searching for Leo. "Could you find anything?" asked the assistant.

"Let's go to our office," said Leo and being hurry. He called Tae Jin.

"Yes, Detective Leo, could you find her? Was she there? Could you catch that jerk?" asked Tae Jin so many questions at a time.

"No, he played with us. Now, it's time for playing with him. Can we meet?" asked Leo.

"Yes, I am coming." said the detective. "No, stay there. We are coming," said Leo. When he went to their house, everyone was sitting in their living room. But Tae Jin was standing. He looks so worried and anxious.

"What happened? Why you could not catch him?" said the detective.

"Call her, now," ordered Leo to Tae Jin. Tae Jin took his phone and call her again. The phone on Leo's hand starts ringing. But it was in a silent mood.

"Where you find it?" asked Tae Jin being afraid. Leo told him everything. Not only Tae Jin was worried about her. All the other members also worry for her because they loved her as their little sister. They all want to get her back.

"Is there no way to find her?" asked Chi Won anxiously.

"We have to find her no matter what," said Jeong Eun.

"Are you sure, this is her phone? Because I saw a black colored mobile on her hand. But it is gray." said Young Soo.

"Ah right! It's not her phone. But...." said Tae Jin.

"Then why this phone rang when you call Eun's number?" asked Kang Min.

"Call again," said Ha Joon. Tae Jin looks at him with questionable eyes. Just do what I say.

They shifted Eun to another room. It was a small room from the other. They give her medicine to be senseless and now she opened her eyes. She feels so dizzy like she drinks so much alcohol. She can't able to see everything in the room. She was tied up yet. Her hands were tied with the backside of the chair. Her legs are also tied up with a big and wide rope. She wants to get free. Her hands are now hurting. Her head also hurting. She doesn't feel well. She was all alone in the room. It was not too dark because there was very low powered light. And on its light, the room was not seen too dark. She saw some glass on the floor which was broken. She understands that she is not the one who came here. Someone else might be kept here before her.

"Ah! You are awake?" said Man Soo. There were some other boys who worked for him. Eun didn't reply to him because she doesn't want to talk with him.

"Why you are so quite sweetheart? Do you feel bad? Don't worry. Your boyfriend will be here soon." said Man Soo and laughed.

"What do you want from him? Money? Gold? Diamond? Why you are acting like this? I heard you two used to be friend." "Don't you dare to call us friend. He ruined my life. And now, it's my turn." while saying this he holds Eun's cheek tightly and hurt her.

"Why? What has he done to you?" asked Eun.

"You want to know? Aww, nobody asks me before." saying this Man Soo act like crying. Then he takes a chair and sits down in front of her.

"It's a long story. But I will tell you as you want to know," said Man Soo smilingly. Eun doesn't want to listen to his story but she has no choice. And she is now regretted for she asks him the reason.

"It's a long time ago, we were read in 4th grade. Life was perfect before one day. Both of us wants to be a singer. His father buys him a saxophone and he always used to play that. We went to school together. We come home together. We do everything together. We promised each other that we will not leave each other. We will always stay together. And a more interesting fact is this, we promised each other that we will marry the same girl so we could live together. How silly we were. Isn't it?" said Man Soo and laughed loudly. Suddenly he stopped laughing and start to talk again,

"Times going on and we were staying together. We help each other no matter what. We practice singing together. I could play guitar well and he could play saxophone very well. I could sing better than him. One day some agents of HH Entertainment came to our village. We were in sixth grade then. However, They organized an audition for singers. Many people take apart on that. I also want to give an audition. But how could I give audition without my dearest friend? But now I am regretting this. I have to give the audition alone. However, I pull him with me and write our names on the list. He was afraid of his father so he goes to his father and takes permission from him. I was very sure that we couldn't be selected because there were so many people who were talented more than us. So, I laughed at him. It was our time. We go together to the auditorium. He played his toy in front of the judges and also sing a song. I played my guitar and sing my best song. We were selected for the next round. We give an audition to the next round. We selected there too. We have been selected until the final. But there, they ask us what if we don't select? I answered first that singing is my passion. If I won't select them then I will become very sad. They told me that I am not selected to test me. I became very angry with them and shouted at them why I was not selected when I was the most talented there? And do you know what Tae Jin said? He said that he tried his best but if he won't be selected, he would feel disappointed but it's okay because life is not bounded on one thing. There are too many things to do. He will do anything else instead of becoming a singer. They test him too. But he thanked them to take his audition and left from there. We all thought that they are showing off. They won't take anyone as an apprentice. Hah, how fool we were back then. The next day some officers came there and told that Tae Jin has been selected. I feel jealous of him for the first time. When he went with them. I thought, he should not be there. I am the one who is the most talented. I am the one who has to be selected. I am the one who deserves this fame. And if he wasn't there, I would be selected and could become a famous singer like him. And he was their target because he was the most handsome boy there. He ruined me now it's my turn." said Man Soo and smiled. How he ruined you? "You are famous too. You could earn people's love by managing your idol group. Why don't you concentrate on your real job? You could be famous like Woo Jin." asked Eun surprisingly.

"Don't you dare to compare me with anyone. Everyone has their own specialty. I have my specialty in singing, not in managing." said Man Soo loudly. "You can never reach your goal because you are wrong. And there's no logic to do these," said Eun angrily. "You want logic, huh? There are too many things on earth that have no logic. So don't think everything with logic. I am doing this because I think I am right. Everyone is right in their own way. So, I am right on my way." said Man Soo and smile. Eun doesn't answer because she doesn't want to.

"I could tell about you. You are not that villain whom you are showing. A good guy is still lying inside you. Just show the good one and hide the bad one." said Eun to make his heart soft.

"Really? But do you know what I think? I think that I am perfect. People have both sides but they just listen to their one side but I listen to both sides." said Man Soo and laughed. At that time, Tae Jin called again and the phone began to run.

"Ooh! Your lover. Wanna talk with him?" said Man Soo and receive the call.

"So, do you set up your mind?" asked Man Soo smilingly.

"How could this happen? I call Eun's number, how could you receive my call when her phone is with me?" asked Tae Jin surprisingly.

"What do you think, you people have the brain and I have not?" said Man Soo and laughed loudly.

"You jerk! What did you do with Eun? And where are you? Just come to me you coward!" shouted Tae Jin.

"Ooh! Someone is searching for me? Could I trick you? I will come to you. No, you are the one who will come to me. Because I don't need, but you need to meet me." said Man Soo and laugh. "Stop laughing. Where is Eun?" shouted Tae Jin.

"She is with me. She is fine. Could you find her phone?" asked Man Soo and laugh again.

"What have you done with her phone?" said Tae Jin loudly. Why? You can't track me. Right? How could you? You called the girl and you are talking on my phone right now. Isn't it interesting? Ask me how I do that?" said Man Soo and laughed.

"I don't want to listen," said Tae Jin and look at Leo. Leo was pointing him and said that ask him how he has done that so they could find him.

"Okay, how you did this?" asked Tae Jin. Forward call. When anyone called her and she can't pick up her phone, every call will come to my phone. And when you want to track her, you could just track her phone, not mine. Isn't it a brilliant idea?" said Man Soo and laughed loudly.

"What should I do to get her?" asked Tae Jin.

"I will tell you but won't you talk to her? She was waiting for your call. Just talk with her." said he and take the phone to her.

"Eun! Are you okay? Don't worry. I will rescue you. I am sorry I should not behave like that. I am sorry that I couldn't protect you. Please forgive me." said Tae Jin with a broken voice.

"I am fine. Don't worry. And don't listen to him. He will not harm me. I am sure. He is not that bad what you are thinking." said Eun.

"Are you finished? Now, can we talk with some serious matter?" said Man Soo and take the phone back.

"Listen carefully."