
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · 漫画同人
175 Chs

Re:Heroines and Re:Demon(Re:Zero/WC)-2

"Man, this sucks." Subaru claimed with his hands clenched hard enough to make his palms bleed.

"Well, I'm not really going to say you're wrong; but you really shouldn't hurt yourself like that." Felix the cat eared knight, who turned out to be a man and made Subaru question his sexuality, said with a frown as he looked at the small puddle of blood beneath Subaru's hands; yet the Japanese boy couldn't unclench his hands.

"She has the face of a witch!" How could he while all these people were insulting Emilia-tan in his presence!

He knew that the people were somewhat biased against Emilia-tan due to the fact that she was a silver haired elf, like the Witch of Envy herself, but the fact that they could so casually start throwing insults at her while she was supposed to be a candidate to the throne of this country was just appealing!

Honestly; if it hadn't been for his newest friend Pyrrha, who was standing right beside him, he likely would have walked up to these bastards and given them a piece of his mind. But Pyrrha... he wasn't going to lie, she had helped him get out of the fantasy outlook he had.

Her story of how she had died before waking up in their garden with a spear in hand had been tragic enough. But then seeing her spar against Emilia-tan... the sight of the running warrior and the frost around the silver haired elf had destroyed any fantasies he had about being special person who had to protect Emilia-tan, she was strong enough to protect herself.

That wasn't to say he was not going to help her, he was a part of her 'camp' and damn it he was gonna do his best to help her become the king! Then they would laugh at these morons insulting her later on.

"Enough!" And it seems he wouldn't have the desire to go and make a scene anymore since one of the so called Wise Men just yelled in order to stop the bastards. "We do not have time to waste on such trivial matters, we have far greater concerns right now!" He then sat back down with a sigh before looking down at the five candidates.

Emilia-tan, the beautiful half elf beauty who was as pure as the snow.

Crush Karsten, a noble of military origin that seemed like an okay person that Felix seemed very attached to.

Anastasia Hoshin, a rich merchant with a greedy personality who had the loyalty of that damn Julius. Stupid handsome bishonen bastard, Riajuu go explode!

Priscilla Barielle, a typical ojousama who was so spoiled that she did not know that apples came with red skin. Also super arrogant and believed that the world worked in her favor, a statement that Subaru might start believing after seeing her win a coin flip eight times in a row in order to steal eight apples from him.

Lastly, Felt. It had been quite a shock to learn that the little thief that had almost caused his death, and technically did cause it in a few loops, was now a candidate for the throne as well. Almost as shocking as old man Rom breaking in to the castle in order to 'save' her and almost got executed if it hadn't been for Felt's new position of potential power.

"Candidates of the Dragon, we have gathered you all here today for one reason. The Dragon Tablet has given us a new prophecy." And then everyone in the room gasped, leaving Subaru to feel like a moron due to not knowing about what a Dragon Tablet was. He was kinda getting used to that feeling these days. "That is why we have sent our message to each of you to bring someone of certain description with you. Please have them come forward." And then Emilia-tan asked for Pyrrha to move forward. And all the other candidates called for other people too.

Crusch called for a blonde woman in an armor of blue, red, white and gold; who was also wearing a tiara with a blue flower. She also had a sword with a blue gem on it on her back.

Anastasia called for a girl who kinda looked Japanese with black hair done in twin tails.

Priscilla called for a girl with orangish red hair with a white cloak on her shoulders and a huge book with a green jewel on it in her hand.

Lastly Felt called for a girl who looked a few years older than Subaru with bushy brown hair wearing wizard like robes and had a super cool magic staff with a purple jewel on top of it.

"Please, introduce yourselves." The wise man that had been speaking before asked of them and the blonde girl stepped forward.

"My name is Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra."

"I am Pyrrha Nikos."

"Rin Tohsaka."

"I am Mimosa Vermillion."

"...Hermione Granger." After the last of the people introduced themselves, the wise man spoke once more.

"This new prophecy tells us about five warriors of jewels." The moment the word 'jewels' left the man's mouth, each of the five had the jewels on their weapon glow except for the girl with twin tails whose finger had a glow on it. "Who will be with the five candidates and will be needed in order to protect this world from a great evil!" Wow, that kind of sounded like the kind of fantasy he had when he first opened his eyes in this world.

"This evil is said to be a demon of greed and gluttony who will take the whole world if they are not stopped. The tablet itself tells us to be wary of this... Anung Un Rama." And then a chill was felt throughout the throne room. Subaru's hand immediately went to his chest, trying to reassure himself that he was not dying again, wondering how a few words could actually cause a reaction like this.

"We are not entirely sure if those words are this evil's name or simply a title, but..."

"It's more than likely a title." The girl with bushy hair interrupted the council with a troubled expression on her face.

"Lady Hermione?"

"You know something, big sis?" Felt asked with a raised eyebrow, finally showing an expression other than being uncomfortable in a dress.

"I... have searched much about history in my lands and have read about the phrase before."

"Your lands? Are you saying you are not from Lugnica?" The wise man with huge eyebrows asked with a glare but was then shut down by one of the other people sitting next to him before Hermione could answer.

"She is a part of those who are meant to save us and is giving us valuable information, her nationality has no meaning in a situation like this." The wise man that Subaru decided to call 'cool guy' in his head glared at bushy brows before turning back to the girl. "Please continue lady Hermione."

"...as I said, I studied much history and seen those words more than once; and they have many different meaning. I believe they are a title because of the most famous meanings, one of which is 'He who is crowned with fire'." She said and then took a breath before looking up with a small amount of fear on her face. "But with a prophecy like this, I believe that the other meaning is likely what the Dragon Tablet's prophecy means."

"Which is?" The blonde girl with a sword, Lakyus was it, asked with a raised eyebrow and rested her hand on the hilt of her sword. Hermione turned to her and answered.

"The Destroyer of All Things." And then another chill went through the room and Subaru heard people gasp and a huge shadow appear over him.

"I believe I have been called." Then he heard the voice of evil, and saw his face as he turned back and saw the monster leaning back on a wall.

Pinkish red hair covered his head and he had a face with a strong jawline that could be called handsome if it wasn't for the mask like fragment of skin covering the right side of his face and the extra two eyes he had under his normal two. Other than that, he had four muscular arms with tribal tattoos that also went over to his shoulders and chest. Which also made Subaru's attention to go downwards and see the huge slit on where his stomach was, which seemed to move every few seconds. There was no mistaking it.

"Now then, quite the gathering we have here." The evil of the prophecy was right in front of them.


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