
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · 漫画同人
175 Chs

Potentia(DC Superhero Girls)-1

"Two hundred and ninety eight... two hundred and ninety nine... three hundred!" I dropped with the final knuckle push up before immediately jumping back up and starting on squads. The training making me calm and making my survival chances rise slightly.

For those who might be confused by that, my name is Jack Marko and I am a very poor soul who lives in the death world known as DC universe. I arrived in this word years ago as a lil baby after getting hit by, a truck!

...just kidding. It wasn't anything cliche like that, I just got shot. Though I guess one could argue that such a thing was far more cliche.

Anyway, I got shot and then I was reborn in this death world as an orphan. Which kind of sucked, even if not having parents meant that I did not have to worry about worrying them with my abnormal behavior as a child. Silver linings.

When I had first realized exactly what kind of world I was in, I kinda shut down. In my defense, what else was I supposed to do after finding out I was sharing a universe with beings like Darkseid and Anti-Monitor? No, shutting down had been a mild reaction that I had gotten out of compared to what could have been.

After finally managing to calm down, I decided to train. The orphanage I was in did some programs where the kids could get to join lessons in martial arts like karate, judo and kung fu; I participated in all of them and trained like a man possessed. Not because I actually thought that training in martial arts would allow me to suddenly become a proficient fighter that could survive DC universe, I didn't have Batman's plot armor. No, I trained because it would raise my survival chances in a sudden catastrophe by about tenth of a percent and I would take anything I could.

It did have a rather nice side effect of helping me make money in fighting rings though, even if it also brought me a bit too close to death after a few people lost their bets decided that they wanted their money back. Not the point.

I also tried to do some search in arcane arts and that had been a bust. The thing about universes with magic, it didn't suddenly make internet more reliable when it came to searching magic. It had gotten so bad that I even thought about trying to contact Giovanni Zatara, who was a renowned stage magician in this universe, but I was trying to stay away from the danger so I decided that going to a hero might be somewhat counterproductive.

I finally gave up when I actually managed to get my hands on a magical item. Mostly because it required me to relinquish the control of my body to a spirit and any power that required me to allow old dead magicians to possess me was worthless.

So, the options that were left to me were training my body; studying sciences and investing in stocks. All in all, my life was not exactly that bad. At least that was my opinion when I went out for my run.

It was a ver normal one, the same path I took in the small forest at the edge of the city. Away from all the people and affording me some amount of peace as I jogged, sprinted and even used the natural habitat as a parkour.

So of course it would be the perfect place for me to have an accident.

The very earth beneath my feet suddenly collapsed and I started to fall. Then the edges of my vision suddenly turned into a ruby like red, the shapes started to lose themselves and finally; number started to appear in my mind.


And then I finally fell to the ground and... I was once more in the clearing?

I took a look at my right, and the to my left, and realized that I really was in the same place I was in when I started to fall. I couldn't help but wonder if I had imagined the whole thing as I put my hand on a tree trunk in order to get up, only to fall back down with shock as the trunk got crushed under my grip; making me look a my hand with confusion.

Next I tried to get up with a jump and that worked, except it worked too well with me going high enough to almost hit a bird and then landing back on one knee.

"This is... weird." I said as I looked around, where small pieces of rubble were floating around me. Not to mention I kinda felt bigger. "Very weird." And the rubbles fell back.

Then I suddenly remembered something I had read in DC years ago and then just forgot about it due to ridiculous plot connected to it. Power coming from earth, lights, super strength and objects around me just ignoring gravity. I knew what this was.

"Strength Force." An interdimensional force that could be considered to be the cousin of the, much more famous, Speed Force from Flash. A power that appeared in one issue out of nowhere, used for one more character and then just forgotten about it forever even though it could potentially make its user physically the strongest being in the universe. So, classic comic stuff.

And now I was its avatar, or conduit? The thought made me smile.

"Whelp, guess that's my lifeline in this universe." Now all I had to do was to stay as far away from danger as possible.


"Jack, you have been accepted into the Metropolis High; with scholarship!" Oh come on!


In the end I couldn't bring myself to reject the offer. Mostly because matron Isabella had already accepted it in my stead and I had a soft spot for the elderly woman.

Isabella Romano had always been a good person to me. From making nutritious meals for before and after my trainings, giving some extra pocket money while no one was looking, tending to my wounds after my fights and not calling an exorcist on my young ass when I was being a very weird child. I just couldn't bring myself to reject her.

But I did get the last laugh, the old matron must have found the fat stack of bills I left in her desk's drawer before leaving by now. I could only hope that she actually does something nice for herself instead of spending it all on the orphanage.

Still, this meant that I would be living here for the next few years. Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow, the home of Superman and Lex Luthor; though one might claim that it was less their home and more of their little private space to fight each other. Not exactly the ideal place to stay safe from all the comic shenanigans but it was the home of Superman so the chances of someone getting hurt around here should be actually lower than anywhere else in the world, and that was without thinking about the fact that I was a conduit of the Strength Force.

The energy that I had obtained had some... esoteric effects. Obviously it made me stronger and more durable but it also seemed to have power over gravity and the habit of making me glow with a red outline. I was also trying to figure out if I could make construct out of the energy, like how Wally West could create his costume with the Speed Force, but there was no luck on that part. I did found out that it could make me grow bigger to enormous sizes though, like the Hulk.

So yeah, I probably didn't have to be too worried about things and could just sit back and... was that a viking ship?

It... actually wasn't but it definitely looked like one with its wooden design, white and red sails and its huge bow. Though none of them were as eye catching as the fact that there seemed to be a person who was pulling the ship to the beach with a rope, an impressive feat considering the ship's size. Though as I got closer, the person pulling the ship looked more familiar.

It was only when I finally stepped foot on the beach I realized who they were. There was no mistaking such iconic armor, the headgear or the golden rope at her waist.

Fucking Wonder Woman was on the beach of Metropolis, and she was looking at me with wide eyes.

For a moment, I thought about booking it but running away from a hero seemed like a fast way to get branded as a potential criminal. So I tried to be just casual.

"Hello." I said with a wave and Wonder Woman's face started to... turn pink?

"H-Hello o' citizen of the outside world! I am Diana of Themyscira, the princess of Amazons and a champion of peace!" She declared with conviction, which would have been far more impressive if it hadn't been for the stutter at the beginning.

"Umm, hi. I'm Jack Marko." I said as I offered my hand, to which Diana looked with confusion before grabbing my hand and shaking it. "Welcome to Metropolis." I said with a smile, trying to appear as unthreatening as possible.

Only for the princess of Amazons to turn even pinker and faint.

"The hell." I muttered as I gazed down at the unconscious form of Wonder Woman, the greatest female hero in all DC universe; if not any and all media. Trying to comprehend what I was seeing but then, everything clicked.

The fact that there hadn't been any big catastrophes in this world yet. A clearly inexperienced Wonder Woman who did not even seem to be able to hold a conversation. No alien invasions.

With all these facts, the truth finally revealed itself to me and I could only laugh with despair as I understood.

I wasn't in a DC comics universe. I was in a DC cartoon universe.


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