
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · 漫画同人
175 Chs

Chaotic(Young Justice/Gravity Falls/etc)-2

A part of me was telling me that what I did to Pacifica was mean and something that I should be ashamed of.

Another part of me called that part of me a wuss and laughed at the expression on Pacifica's face as we left her in that hall. She was somewhat older than I had expected her to be, which likely meant the same thing for the rest of the Gravity Falls cast, but that merely made her reaction much more fun. It was a dick move to bully children after all, but people around your own age was always fair game.

Still, I probably should think about how to make use of the Northwest patriarch and his wife that I had under my control. Simply making them wait for commands was not exactly sufficient, especially considering the amount of cash I could have under my control if I played my cards right.

Which meant I couldn't just kick the bastard in the dick, make him look like someone else and kick him out of the mansion without enough coins to rub together. The things I give up in the name of greater good.

And that was without thinking about the other things that were supposed to be in this town, like a certain cult of mind wipers that somehow managed to make Harry Potter wizards look incompetent and competent at the same time. Or a colony of testosterone filled bulls living in the forest. Or the fact that there was supposed to be dinosaurs living underground! Or...

Wow, there was actually a lot of work to do in this town; lots of resources too. Like a certain old man without an ounce of sanity left in his head. If I could make use of half of what was in McGucket's head then I... huh.

"You!" She snapped out of it faster than I thought.

Pacifica Northwest seemed to have managed to snap out of the fright I gave her earlier and replaced it with anger, anger that she seemed to intend to unleash upon me. It would have been admirable...

"I don't care who you are or what you did to my father, but if you actually think that you can just..."

"Quiet." If it wasn't so foolhardy.

I let out a pressure of pure magical aura, something that would be considered to be the trick of a charlatan in a battle between true magician; merely a way to wave your weapon around like a brute instead of making use of it. Against a civilian who never had encountered magic before though? The fact that Pacifica actually managed to stay conscious without losing control of her bladder said good things about her.

"I understand that you are accustomed to the world working in a certain way, mostly in your favor, but there are some changes you need to understand." I said as I levitated from the ground slightly and flew right into Pacifica's face. "I am the one in control now." I glared down at her before smiling.

"It's not any different than many business deals your father made throughout his life, except your family is the one getting shafted this time around." I said as I clenched my fist and made her levitate as well. "So let's talk about those changes, shall we?"

"Wh-What are you gonna do to me?" She asked with a stutter, her earlier rage completely gone and replaced with fear.

"To be perfectly honest, likely nothing." I said with a shrug. "As long as you are being a good girl." And then I dropped her.

It was almost hilarious, the way she was shuddering in front of me like she hadn't been so self assured and righteous before. Which was right after I had left her in fear in the first place. So, I needed to make her understand her place in this arrangement thoroughly or this little cycle would continue until I did.

"You see, I don't really care about you or your family. Sure, you guys are kind of jerks to this whole town but when have you ever met a rich family who was not a bunch of jerks towards at least one group? Except for Waynes, those guys are kind of unnatural." I said with a shudder before turning back to her. "But this also means, I don't really care about you enough to keep you around either." And her eyes widened as I snapped my fingers twice, the first doing the real magic and the second conjuring a mirror for the Northwest girl to look at herself.

Her very much different self. Gone was her platinum blonde hair, blue eyes and purple jacket; now they were replaced by a Weasley level ginger hair, brown eyes and a flannel patterned summer dress. Add the fact that the shape of her face was now pudgier and her nose slightly longer, nobody could connect the girl before me with Pacifica Northwest.

"What did you do to me?!"

"Just making a point." I said with a shrug. "I did tell you that I don't care about you enough to keep you around, so I could very well just make this new makeover of yours permanent and leave you outside of the mansion." I said with a smirk at her growing horror and the gathering of tears around her eyes.

"But I won't." So I snapped my fingers again and turned her back to normal, much to her relief. "I won't even interfere with your life when you are out of this mansion as long as you don't cause me any problems." I said as I patted her shoulder.

"Inside the mansion on the other hand." And then her her clothing suddenly changed. Her purple jacket and lavender dress replaced by frilly clothing of black and white, her legs covered by black stockings with white bows on top, her boots replaced by black high heels and finally a frilly headband on her head.

"You'll have to work for your stay." I said with a smirk, relishing the way her whole body trembled with panic as she tried to remain calm. Though the amount of joy I was getting from tormenting her was also making me wonder how much I took after my father or if this was something I took after my mysterious mother.

"Now then, Pacifica dear, get to work." I clapped my hands, conjuring a feather duster in her hand and then a black panel over her mouth when she tried to say something. "And remember, a good maid is meant to be seen; not heard." And then I left her alone with a laugh, I had other things to do now.


"And remember folks, we put the 'fun' in no refund!" Stan Pines declared as he sent the last customers of the day away in the best way possible. With a jar full of money in his hands.

This summer was going great, a lot of customers every day and even his grand nephew and grand niece were with him. Even if they were getting away from the Shack a lot these days, hopefully Dipper wasn't stalking Wendy or something.

Oh well, he was sure he could do something even if the kid was doing something that stupid; like record Corduroy beat the crap out of the kid and sell it!

"Mister Pines." His thoughts about the new money making scheme was rudely interrupted as some kid walked up to him. "Can I have a moment of your time?"

"Sorry kid, we're closed." Stan said as he went to close the door but stopped as the kid suddenly pulled a hundred dollar bill. "Then again, I'm always willing to lend an ear to the young!"

"I am glad to hear that." The kid said with a smile as he handed over the money. "But I think our conversation should be a bit more private, Stanley."


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