
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · 漫画同人
175 Chs

A Solem Tale(Overlord/WC)-1

"Well, this has been a fun night." I said with a small laugh as I exited the room, leaving behind a bed full of beauties that I had met last night. They had been fun, shame that they just weren't interesting enough for me to stay for any longer.

It had been almost a month, a month since I had found myself in this weird fantasy world in a body far too different to mine; a katana in hand and powers that I had unlocked through instincts. It had been somewhat scary at the start, being in such a different place with no idea how exactly I had arrived there, but the fright I had felt was banished to never return the moment I had my first encounter with a monster; some sort of giant lizard like creature with eight legs and green scales that had saliva that melted the ground it fell upon, that was the first monster I had met.

Followed shortly by my blade severing it's head from it's body.

That moment... that moment when my sword cut through the monster's scales, I started remembering things. I remembered the first time I rode on a rollercoaster, I remembered the first time I saw a sunrise, I remembered that time I looked down from a plane's window for the first time.

I remembered the moments of exhilaration of my life that could not be replicated in the same way. The feeling I had when I cut through the giant reptile was far greater than any of those moments!

Whatever you do, enjoy it to the fullest. If that was the way to live a good life, then I could no longer live a good life without cutting! It simply was not possible anymore!

Oops. Almost lost myself there. Anyway, discarding my newfound joy of cutting things, not everything was nice and easy in this world; mostly due to the name of the kingdom I was currently in.

Re-Estize Kingdom.

Better known as the kingdom of dumbasses that had existed in a very popular villain protagonist isekai tale called Overlord till one of their dumber citizens ended up pissing off the main character and his allies, then they ceased to exist after a short and very bloody 'war'. Not that you could actually call what happened a war since the main character psycho friends just steamrolled over them, almost literally as one of them had monsters just trample the people underfoot.

As a friend of mine had once said: 'They might as well have their pants down since they were getting fucked anyway.' Larry was a very eloquent bastard when he wanted to be.

So yeah... I was in Overlord and going by the current lineup of the Adamantite adventure team Blue Roses, I wasn't too far from the start of the series when Nazarick would come and just start wrecking this world. For many that would simply be a death sentence, to me? I was feeling excited.

It might have been suicidal of me; but after going against beings that were considered to be powerful in this world, like the Gigant Basilisk I cut apart or the Death Knight I had met in the Katze Plains or that femboy looking weirdo from Slane Theocracy, and I was not impressed by them.

Therefore, the only chance of something truly enjoyable for me was Nazarick and its sociopath denizens. Just had to figure out how to deal with the Bone Daddy's instant death magics, it wouldn't be fun if I actually died to one of those like scrub, but how...

"You!" I was roused from my thoughts by someone shouting at me from across the street, and for once it was actually a man.

"May I help you?" I asked only for the man to pull a sword on me, making the people around start to scream and back away, and started shouting.

"Don't fucking play dumb with me, Andro Gladius!" Yeah, that was my new name. Was not even sure what the words meant but... they had felt right. "You fucking slept with my wife and my daughter!" Oh, this was one of those things.

"Ok... and why are you telling me this?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, making the man stop in his tracks with confusion. "I mean, I am the one who slept with them so I obviously already know that." I said with a smile before frowning.

"Except I actually don't, I kinda sleep around a lot. Can you describe your wife and daughter? Like hair color or the way they dress... or how big their breasts are." And finally the man's patience snapped and he slashed towards my neck, at a speed where I could see him move like a god damn snail. A part of me was telling me to just cut of his arm and then his neck or just cut him from the middle and let his parts fall to the ground.

But then I had a funnier idea and did not move at all as the sword came closer and closer to my neck. Until it finally made contact and...


...the upper half of the blade went flying away, separate from the other half in the man's hand.

"How dull." I said with a smirk, my skin no longer a pale color but instead a metal-ish silver color; with my tattoos glowing with a brilliant white color.

This was one of the many powers I had discovered, the ability to turn my body into organic metal for increased strength and durability. Except it wasn't an ordinary metal, from the moment I first used it; the power itself had been whispering the name of the substance.

Adamantium. An unbreakable metal from the Marvel universe, a quite famous one at that. It wasn't exactly the strongest metal in existence but in a world like this, against a mere iron sword, it worked pretty damn well.

"How?" The man asked as he stared at the broken sword, trembling along with his hands. I wasn't really interested in answering him though.

I just pulled a katana out of nowhere and cut his head off. The great thing about being in a fantasy world, nobody gave a shit about you killing people as long as they tried to do the same to you first.

Still, the town was no longer of any interest to me. I had slept with every woman worth sleeping with and had just killed a man, it was time to go to another town and that's what I did.

Unaware of the heterochromiac eyes following my form.