

I was looking through the reports about worlds that make the most deals with demons when I felt a pulling sensation from a contract. I trace it back to find a contract debt from a demon cunt that had something I wanted. He wouldn't give it to me, so I made a contract with him to take a debt off his shoulders because my instincts told me it would lead to a good world.

He agreed and gave me the debt I wanted so I left and later found out he didn't complete a contract with some young master in a cultivation world. He was turned into a servant girl for the young master for not completing his end of the deal, so I took his stuff before more cunt demons got their hands on it.

The contractor was killed in her first life and didn't use the debt at that time, so her reincarnation could use it instead. It's a summon, so I can get out of this paperwork and that makes taking on this debt worth it already.

I accept and appear over a summoning circle that is carved into the ground. There is blood filling the carved circle that leads to an almost shot to death eighteen-year-old girl. She has silver grey hair and is wearing world war two era royalty clothing. The debt isn't that big so saving her life will consider my side cleared.

I heal her and she starts getting up to find what she has summoned. She's still dizzied from all the blood loss, so I catch her when she slips on her own blood.

"You're in quite the pickle there girly. If your past life didn't save the debt for you, you would have died.", I tell her while she leans into my shoulder and cries. She almost died so I'll cut her some slack. I cast some silencing spells around the rooms so we can talk. Whoever shot her is still around and we don't need them to know she's still alive.

Once she calms down and gets a good look at me, she backs away in fear. "Who are you? Why did you save me?", she asks.

"I am Sarah, a demoness from hell. I saved you because your past life made a contract with another demon and completed her side of the contract. The demon did not complete their side and owed a debt to you which carried over to this life.", I tell her.

"Then why are you here? What about the other demon?", she asks still warry of me.

"I wanted something he had, and he was willing to trade in exchange for taking on one of his debts. He failed to complete his side of another contract, so he is probably getting fucked by some arrogant prick.", I tell her and smile at the memory of his face when he was first taken by that young master.

"Then you have to do whatever I say to pay back the debt right?", she asks, and I answer her, "No. The debt wasn't that big so saving your life paid it back in full. Don't give me that look, we don't pay in gold just because we want some bread. That's just bad trading.", I tell her when she looks at me bitterly.

"What will it take to gain your help in taking back my empire?", she asks.

"That's a tough question. Really, it's more about what you're willing to pay. There are some cultists behind the revolution that have powers from minor cosmic entities. Another group is laying in wait for when both sides are tired from the fighting. Your people don't see you as a leader since your brother had more merits. Keep in mind that the contract must be equal. If you don't offer me something that is worth what you ask, you'll need to lower what you want or offer something better.", I tell her.

"What do I have now that I can give you?", she asks me like I'm her fucking accountant.

"I don't fucking know. I'm not your caretaker girly. If you don't know what you own, then find something you do. Or we could make it a debt that must be paid later.", I tell her and see her thinking about what she can give me in the future.

"What happens if I don't complete my side of the deal?", she asks.

"That depends on what you ask of me. I made a deal with someone that he would stop a planet from destruction and in exchange I would revive him and give him an advanced magic artifact. He didn't complete his end of the deal, while I did. When he asked to break the deal, everything I gave him was taken including his new life. For wasting my time, I reincarnated him as a girl with a fate to get fucked by his most hatted enemy.", I tell her and she shivers.

She thinks about what she can reasonably ask for and give when she is empress. She throws out some ideas, but the values don't match up and the revolutionary army is making its way back to pick off stragglers, so I give her an offer.

"You don't have much time until they make their way back so I will give you an offer. I will train you in the art of using that special right eye of yours.", I say this, and she covers her right eye in shame. Probably has some bad memories with it.

"That right eye can do many wonderful things and you only need to evolve it to the second stage to defeat armies by yourself.", I tell her. She gains a bit of hope since it could help her.

"In exchange, you must evolve it to the third stage before you complete your conquest. After your reign is secured, I will take it as payment.", I tell her. She thinks about it, but the revolutionary army is coming down the hall so she can't think long.

"I accept. Please teach me how to use it.", she says, and the contract is formed.

She already has it active from the near-death experience. I guide her to channel her mental energy into the eye and it turns into an aqua colored crystal that can see into a special dimension. I tell her to look for a tear in space and walk into it, while I transform into a new mod. It's a planet swallowing snake that's just in its infant stage, so I can wrap around her shoulders as she vanishes from the room.

That eye of hers can see into a crystal dimension that is great for using changes in perspective to ignore obstacles in this dimension. There's a indigo left eye that can draw the energy from that dimension and effect this dimension and having both at once is a powerful combo.