

Silence...not heard from her for a long time...

Sometimes - often - I would like to have her with me.

To hug her. To envelop myself in her.

But she is not here, not next door...She is traveling.

Visiting untouched places...places I can not reach.

But sometimes she comes back to me. To embrace me.

Her sister - loneliness - then watches us from afar.

Shy as loneliness is, she does not really like company.

She too wishes, hopes, silence will come back to her.

But silence has little time, has to leave soon.

With her then leaves loneliness.

But without her, I am lost.

Lost in everyday life.

Lost in the noise.

Lost in the chaos.

I don't know what to do.

Merge with the crowd?

Or hide in a silent corner?