
Sleepy Magician

Chris Tural is a 15 year old magician, however he has a unique type of magic, Sleep Magic... The magic to put anything around him to sleep. Read how Chris becomes number 1 in his school!

ImDrava · 奇幻
1 Chs

Chapter 1: A Sleepy Transfer Student

*At the school of Plutotaria a school where your magic determines your standing among the students. The bell rings for first hour.*

*students making noise"

The teacher walks into class saying to the students

"Okay class, quiet down, quiet down..."

The class semi-quiet has their attention at the teacher

"Okay class, today, we actually have some exciting news! We have a transfer student coming in... His name is... Chris-Chris Tural, come on in." The teacher says facing the door

Chris walks into the classroom wearing sweatpants, a hoodie, and a sleep mask

"Hello, Mr. Tural, please come up here and introduce yourself." The teacher says smiling to Chris

Chris walks up to the podium and stands next to the teacher

"Alright, can you introduce yourself Mr. Tural" The teacher says to Chris with a smile

"Uh, alright... uhh" Chris says while yawning

"My name is uh, Chris, and uh... I uh... like sleep... and uh-" Chris says before getting cut off by the teacher

"Ok, Thats enough Chris, does anyone have any questions for Chris?" The teacher says to the whole class

One of the students raises their hand and asks

"What type of magic do you use?"

The rest of the students pay attention to Chris and awaits his answer

"Uh... my magic is-" Chris says before getting cut off by an alarm

*Attention teachers, Please bring your students to the auditorium immediately, we have an important announcement to make*

"Oh, well alright students everyone line up, we can ask Chris his questions after we come back from the auditorium." The teachers says with a confused looks on his face

All of the students in the classroom line up and head to the auditorium

Chris is at the back of the line just following and yawning

"Okay class, we're here everyone please sit within the 3rd row." The teacher says to the class before going to chat with another teacher

Chris sits at the end seat, yawning and putting on a sleep mask

A man in a suit walks up on the stage and clears his throat

"A-hem, Hello students and teachers, This may be the first time many of you are seeing me, but I am your principal, You all can call me Mr. Pier, and I have a announcement for you all." Mr. Pier says while teachers and students are looking around in confusion

Students are bickering saying stuff such as

"Wow, this is our principal, its my first time seeing him this year"

The principal announces into the mic saying

"We... have... gone to... war."

The whole auditorium teachers and students go silent simultaneously shout


(author note: Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this, I plan to update it every weekend, I don't have time to upload it on weekdays, however if you'd want it to be updated daily, I might be able to write multiple chapters at a time =) but for now i'll just be uploading on the weekends.)

I haven't written a story in a while so, sorry if its sloppy >.> essays at school changed my natural writing style quite a bit.

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this chapter!

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