
Doctor's Office

"Well the good news is your daughter has an A class telekinesis quirk and I believe that with the proper training she could become even more powerful than you." The doctor stated to the overjoyed mother. This mother was Inko Yagi and today was the day she brought her 4 years old kids to a quirk doctor to find out what there quirks are. Quirks are some type of superpower that 80% of the population has. The other 20% being not so lucky and are considered outcast in this superhuman society.

"The bad news is that your son here is quirkless." The doctor said while looking at the emotionless expression that had not changed once since he entered the room. Izuku was a boy with wavy black shoulder length hair with red highlights that was in a small ponytail with two small bangs in front and his eyes were red, the same color of his highlights. The most noticeable feature of the boy, however, was the flame like birthmark on his forehead which was slightly hidden by his bang. He was quite different from everyone in his family. Not only for his personality but also his appearance as his mother has green hair and green eyes, his father had blonde hair and blue eyes and his twin sister had blonde hair and green eyes.

A gasped escaped both females present as they turned towards the boy who turned to them with the same expressionless face with slightly unnerved the mother who sighed after a few seconds of staring at the boy and looked back at the doctor.

"He won't understand what you are saying doc. He never response when we talk to him and he has never once uttered a single word since the day he was born. We had him do tests but they say nothing is wrong so we aren't really sure what the problem is. He isn't really my own son either since we only found him on our doorsteps so he don't know if this has anything to do with his original family." Inko stated while both the doctor and Izumi, his sister, eyes widen. The doctor because the woman just stated that in front of both children, disregarding the fact that her other child can hear everything being said and they aren't even sure if the boy could hear or not. Izumi eyes widen as she didn't know her brother was not related to her by blood. Sure he looked different but some quirks made kids look different from their parents. Learning that they weren't really related was a big blow for her.

"Well thank you for your time doc. We'll see ourselves out." Inko said whilst picking Izumi up into her arms and walking out the door. Forgetting her 'deaf' son. This action raised many red flags within the doctor's mind as he turned to look at the boy who was staring at him, well. at his chest. The doctor looked down in question, wondering what had the boy so captivated but say nothing out of the ordinary on the plain white dress shirt that he had chosen to wear under his lab coat.

"Is something wrong Izuku-kun?" The boy looked up at the mention of his name to the doctor's surprise, meaning that he wasn't deaf and had heard everything his mother had said. Izuku stared into the doctors eyes for a few seconds before pointing at where he was previously staring at and to the doctor's astonishment, he spoke. But that's not what really caught the doctor's attention no, It's what the boy actually said.

"You have a tumor in your liver. You should get it checked before it becomes life threatening." With that, the boy got up and walked to the door, with the bewildered doctor staring at him. Before the boy stepped out he turned back to the doctor and said. "If we were to ever meet again I would much rather you address me as Yoriichi Tsugikuni rather than Izuku Yagi." With that the boy gave a curt bow and quietly closed the door. Yoriichi walked down the way he came and say his mother with his sister giving a sigh of relief as she had forgotten him in the office. She gently grabbed his arm without  saying a word and went back to the car to drive them home.
