
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

Palewhale · 武侠
221 Chs

Mikey, Ralph, and Jin vs Supurasshu, Part 2

Once Jin is in front of Supurasshu, he launches his fist forwards, but the second that it make contact with Supurasshu, she seems to…turn into water, causing Jin to fall straight through Supurasshu with a yelp, landing in the river behind her with a splash.

"I can't swim!" Jin cries as he splashes about in the water, causing Ralph to sigh.

"Morale Arrow: Single Shot!" Ralph shouts as he fires an arrow Supurasshu's way, and when Ralph's arrow makes contact with Supurasshu, unlike Jin's punch, Ralph's arrow causes Supurasshu to howl in pain. "As I thought, when she transforms into water, physical attacks can't hurt Supurasshu, only Cursed Power attacks."

"See what I mean?" Supurasshu smirks as she reverts back into her solid form.

"Ya' didn't forget about me, right?!" A voice roars from behind Supurasshu. Supurasshu feels a flaming fist slam into her back in an explosion of fire, causing Supurasshu to howl in pain and revert back into her water form.

Supurasshu then turns around, finding herself face to face with Mikey, pistols in hand, his right fist engulfed in flames.

"Anyone? Please!" Jin cries from his place in the river.

"So we meet again, Pyromaniac!" Supurasshu booms. Mikey raises an eyebrow. "I've seen that you've been tamed a little by the Slayer Organization. Such a wild beast as yourself needs a master to keep him in check. When I learned that even my water wasn't strong enough to extinguish your flames, I trained! For weeks and weeks on end, I'd practice extinguishing fire and fighting against any fire user I came across! Until eventually, I discovered it. A technique that your flames will never be able to beat! My Liquid Body! I've gotten far stronger since we've last met. Strong enough that I'm going to make you, the star of the competition, bow down to me on your knees, begging for mercy!"

Mikey aims the barrels of his dual pistols at Supurasshu. "I seem to be in your mind a lot. You don't matter to me, not one bit," he replies, causing Supurasshu to recoil.

"You'll never forget how badly I'm going to beat you!" Supurasshu shouts as she transforms back into water, flying towards Mikey like a powerful water bullet.

"Morale Arrow: Single Shot!" Ralph shouts as he fires another arrow off at Supurasshu, who weaves out of the way of Ralph's attack with ease.

"STAY OUT OF MY WAY!" Mikey roars at Ralph as aims both of his dual pistols onto the ground and fires off a pair of bullets, sending him propelling himself into the air. Mikey then aims a pistol at his right foot and fires off a bullet, engulfing it in flames.

"Fireball Spectre!" Mikey shouts as he launches a flurry of side-kicks towards me, which sends multiple fireballs flying out of Mikey's flaming foot Supurasshu's way, which extinguishes the very second that they make contact with Supurasshu's body. "Damnit," Mikey grunts. "When I first fought Supurasshu, my bullets could still hit her if she wasn't able to extinguish them with her water, but now, they won't work at all."

Supurasshu's water body then flies past Mikey, slicing him up with dozens of high -pressured water blades as she passes by, before landing behind Mikey on one knee, and reverting back into her solid form.

"Shit," Mikey grunts as he stumbles backwards, clutching his bleeding wounds.

"You stand back and support me, Mikey," Ralph orders as he jogs up to Mikey's side. "Your flames won't work here, I'll be the one to take Slayer Supurasshu on."

"Hello? Still here!" Jin frantically waves from his spot in the river.

"My flames don't work you say?!" Mikey snaps. "I'll show you! I'll just have to hit this slippery bastard with enough firepower to evaporate her entire body at once!" Mikey cackles as he thrusts both arms forwards, aiming the barrels of his dual pistols at Supurasshu.

"That is, if you can catch me!" Supurasshu smirks as she turns fully into water, leaping from river to river, faster than Mikey can react.

"Damnit, I can't get a read on her!" Mikey cries as he spins around frantically, attempting to aim his dual pistols at Supurasshu, but being unable to get a clear shot.

"The water that my body merges with…" Supurasshu begins to say, and Mikey turns to where he hears the voice, seeing a giant fist of water rising out of the river beside him. "...I can control!" Supurasshu finishes as the fist shoots forwards, knocking into mikey with a powerful enough force to cause his knees to buckle, as Mikey crashes to the ground.

"If singular attacks won't work, then we'll just have to use a wide-spread attack!" Ralph begins to say as he knocks back an extra-powerful arrow, aiming his bow high into the air. "Morale Arrow: Valley Shot!" Ralph shouts as he fires his extra powerful arrow into the air, which soars into the air for a bit before exploding, sending dozens of miniature golden arrows falling to the ground towards Supurasshu. Supurasshu attempts to duck into a nearby river to dodge, but Ralph's Valley SHot is too wide spread, and Supurasshu can't find a place to hide. Supurasshu howls in pain as her watery body is pierced by Ralph's Valley Shot.

"Come on, Mikey, you dumbass!" Mikey shouts as he slams his fist against the rocks beneath him, his knuckles exploding with blood. "Get it together! Don't lose to someone who you've already beaten before!" Slowly, Mikey begins pushing himself off of the ground, but sensing this, Supurasshu flies towards him with a smirk.

"You won't win a second time!" Supurasshu cackles as she flies past Mikey, slicing his body up even further with more water blades, before leaping back into the river behind Mikey. But Mikey ignores his bleeding wounds, and stands up at last.

"Just stand down, Mikey! You're at a disadvantage here, you can't win!" Ralph cries.

"JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" Mikey roars as he aims an accusing finger at Ralph. "I am so damn tired of you Slayers categorizing people! Attackers, Shooters, and Supports, water user beats fire user, Pro Slayers are strong, and Juniors are weak, the people to "look out for" in the competition…JUST SOME PISSED OFF GUY WHO WIELDS TWO FLAME SHOOTIN' GUNS LOOKING TO KILL A DEMON NAMED WAR, IS THAT JUST TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!"

Ralph's eyes widen as he shuts right up.

"Though I suppose I'm no better," Mikey continues as he turns back to face Supurasshu. "I ought to apologize. I assumed that just because I beat you before, that you're weak. You're a lot stronger now. I'm still going to win, of course, but even still. But also, everyone assumes that you'd beat me just because you have a water Cursed Ability and I'm fire, so I guess we're even."

"Um…thank you?" Supurasshu awkwardly replies.

"You're too fast to aim my Earth-Core Cannon at, my bullets extinguish just by touching your watery body, and physical attacks don't work either," Mikey begins to say as he peers down at his feet, rubbing his temples. Supurasshu raises an eyebrow at him. But when Mikey looks up to face his opponent again, there's a new fire lit up in his eyes. "It's much earlier in the competition than I wanted to use this. But it looks like I'll have to!" Mikey shouts. Mikey then opens his mouth up wide and places the barrel of his pistol in his mouth.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" Supurasshu stammers.

"I thought we're trying to win here, not kill ourselves?!" Ralph snaps.

Help?!" Jin pleads.

But Mikey ignores the cries of those around him. Instead, without a second thought or a moment of hesitation…

He pulls the trigger.

Instantly, Mikey's eyes widen as his entire body goes numb. Mikey falls to the ground.

"Um…are you alright?" Ralph asks.

"I don't know what's happening, but I'll use this opportunity to defeat you now!" Supurasshu roars as she transforms back into water then flies towards Mikey like a watery bullet. Supurasshu continues flying towards Mikey, but when she gets too close, a rush of flames envelop Mikey's body, flames so hot that Supurasshu instantly feels her water body begin to evaporate, and she's forced to revert back into her human form.

"Woah!" Supurasshu cries as she hops backwards.

Slowly, Mikey's eyes begin to open, and when he does, Supurasshu can see that Mikey's usual light brown eyes are pure red. Mikey then opens his mouth, and as he does so, a rush of black smoke begins to seep out of it.

"It…hurts…" Mikey groans as he writhes on the ground in pain. "Way more than I thought it would. It feels like my entire body is burning up from the inside!"

"Are…are you okay?!" Supurasshu stammers. "Forfeit the match, you need immediate medical attention!"

Supurasshu attempts to take a step towards Mikey, but pauses when Mikey shouts: "JUST STAND BACK AND WATCH ME!" Slowly, Mikey then pushes himself off of the ground, his entire body bubbling with his flame red Cursed Power. "At first, I didn't know what Cursed Power was. What I didn't know is that my flaming bullets were my Cursed Power taking on the property of fire, so I was only able to channel it through my guns," Mikey begins to say as he turns to face Supurasshu. "But the more I fought, the more I learned about Cursed Power, and Cursed Power Techniques. And then I thought; "If I can't use my flames without my pistols, then why don't I eat my pistols' ammo?"

A rush of flames then explodes out of Mikey's body, wrapping around him and cradling him. Flames so hot that the river water around Mikey begins to evaporate, but Mikey…he doesn't look scathed in the slightest.
