
Slave Boy With Magic Powers ( The princess loves me)

Author While enjoying his life as a prince, never predicted that one day he could become a slave. He was faced with a hard life while living with his master. One day two assassins were sent to kill his Master and Author went to save her life dispite knowing that he couldn't. But Author had a chain wich he wore containing a crystal wich his father left behind. The crystal glowed and Author was filled with power and he could see that the attacks of the assassins had slowed down then he defeated them with ease. -- Pods fell from the sky one day containing dangerous new type of monsters and Author while traveling was almost hit by one of these pods and when it opened, it was humanoid figures from another dimension. Author was Kidnapped to a different world and there he unlocked the Great Wizard System. This Novel is worth your time. It is Unique and has a taste of everything in it. From adventure to magic, to romance,weak to strong, System. Deep down in a forest, it was a cold night and the moon was completely round, blessing the villagers down below with it's bright light. The villagers sat around a huge inferno of fire and there was Laughter and chatter from both the old and young as they devoured away the results of their hunt. A little girl looked up and saw something wich she thought it wise to bring it to the attention of her mother. " Look mum it's a shooting star." The little girl's mother looked up with much expectations and so did the rest of the villagers. Everyone became very excited to see such a rare star and they started making wishes. Time passed and the girl's mum noticed that something was wrong with the star. It seemed to be growing bigger. " I must say this is the strangest shooting star I have ever seen" One of the villagers spoke. Another villager felt something landing on his neck and he slapped it knowing that it was a mosquito. When he opened his palms, a strange glowing fly could be seen. Other villagers were shocked by this fact and suddenly the man started sending out foam from his mouth and he dropped dead. " That is no ordinary star, everyone run and get in your homes and shut the doors and windows now."

Divi_Chris_2233 · 奇幻
39 Chs


"Welcome home dad." A little Zetroit boy was seen running towards his father and he gave him a tight hug.

" Woah I have missed you so, much how are you my little General?"

Author watched both father and son, just thinking to himself that the Zetroit are not that different from the humans.

" Dad who is that strange person?" Little General asked.

" He might be strange, but he is a very good person, he is called Author. Why don't you say hi?" The big General requested.

" Hi, I am called little General luke."

" Hi, I am Author, nice to meet you."

Author was offered a sit, then the General headed up stairs.

Little General luke, sat in the sitting room just looking at Author and not saying anything.


(( Avoid eye contact))


' Huh? What do you mean?'

Author asked the voice in his head.

Author turned and looked at the boy and they ended up making eye contact.

" Where is your tail? " Asked The little General luke.

" I have no tail " Replied Author.

" Why don't you have a tail?"

" I lost mine in an accident."

" Can I see the wound?"

"No that won't be necessary"

Author replied and the boy kept quiet for sometime with a disappointed look on his face. But after that time.

" Did you lost the tip of your ears and the scales on your body in that same accident too?"


(( Damnit can someone shut this lad up? I told you not to make eye contact.))


' I don't still know what or who you are and how you got into my head, but if you don't like kids, then get ou,t because you are too noisy.'


(( Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself.

I am the Great Wizard Sys...))


" Hello there again."

Author and luke have been sitting in the sitting room for a while. General Stephen finally arrived with two females beside him.

" Author, this is my wife Sia and my daughter Alexa."

The family were very nice and welcoming,

and after all the necessary introductions,

they headed to the dinning table.

Author couldn't help but admire the beauty of the General's daughter as she was a perfect beauty and she had a perfect shape to top it all.

Dinner was served and Author saw something wich he had never seen before.

He saw something wich looked like cooked worms in the bowl and the fragrance was so inviting.

The family enjoyed thier meal together and everyone respected Author's meal time and didn't ask him funny questions but luke couldn't help but go behind Author to check what happened to his tail in that accident.

The family finished dinner and Alexa was asked to show Author to his room.

The room was on the second floor and Alexa was walking infront while climbing the stairs. Author who was walking behind her couldn't help but think that this scenario was very familiar.

It reminded him of the time he was first brought into the mantion of the Duchess, Mara was the one to lead him up the stairs to show his room. But she had paused at a certain point in time on the way, to ask Author a question.

' Please don't stop to ask questions too '

" Am I beautiful? "

" Huh, yes you are." Author replied.

" Sorry did you say something?" Asked Alexa

" Huh, no, I didn't." Author replied sheepishly.

Author realized that he had been day dreaming.

He was shown to his room and he went in then Alexa shut the door and left.

Author looked at his new room and it was very different from the room back at the castle, instead of fire giving light, it was a strange lamb from above.

The bed looked different and everything else was so different.

Author went to his window and looked outside and the view from there was really good as the streets were full of light and life.

' Our world is really a dark world, I wish to introduce this technology there some day.'

Author had not been told how to use the bathroom so he left his room and he saw Alexa on the other side.

Author requested for her help.

When Alexa heard of Author's demand, she was urged to laugh hard, wich she did.

" Is your world like those ancient worlds that I read in books or see on TV?"

"TV, what is a TV?"

" Oh Great."

Alexa took her time and explained every basic thing to Author and how they functioned, and Author asked alot of questions that had been bordering his mind, then after a while, Author was good to go.

" Are you the one they were describing as a monster on TV?" Alexa asked to wich Author nodded yes .

" I must say what they say on TV these days is becoming more and more exaggerated as time goes by."

Alexa left Author's room and Author decided to freshen up. Wich was followed by a good night's rest.

"Author l will like to take a walk with you.

We are going to the police station. The Space Research Company will be there to take you, so you will have to explain everything you saw in there to me." General Stephen said as he steamed the engine and they drove off.

While on the way Author had explained everything that happened to him from his world to inside of the space ship.

When the duo arrived at the station, Captain Tony from the Space Research Company, had already arrived.

" I am here for that beast, it is very dangerous and needs to be kept well." Said Tony.

" It is against the code to capture another creature with perception wich is the same as ours.

And this time around we have solid proof.

So we will have to search your ship, you are suspected of creating a deadly weapon.

The Captain had nothing to say again as he understood that Author had told everything to General Stephen.


(( Quest Received.

Save the life of the Duchess in time.))


' Oh Damnit I forgot.'

"Please if there is a way that I can leave this place and get back to earth can you help me? I need to go and complete my mission."

Author asked.

" You could have used a teleporter if we had a receiver there, but the only way to get there now is by using a space ship." Replied the General.

" But I can't fly one."


(( I can help you))


' How?'

((You will need to make a spell))

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