

(Book Ended On Ch. 11.)


(October 31st, 2041). (Early-mid afternoon. My cell).

She is the reason, why I had to write this memoir. Well the joke's on them... All of them! Ha ha haaa! I know where they're meeting right now! And you know what... hold on. (Turns on tape recorder to finish the tale.)

"Guards? Guards? GUARDS?!" A heavyset man with tan skin and thick greasy black hair meets me at my cell. "What is it inmate Sorinthia?" I couldn't help but smile. "What're you grinnin' for inmate? You're scheduled to hit the lethal injection room later this evening." "I have some information that the feds may find... valuable."

I couldn't contain myself. My excitement was boiling over as the guard turned his walkie on. "Warden, inmate Sorinthia says he has some valuable information that the feds are going to like. Would you like to send one down sir?" There's a pause. My adrenaline is going full blow by now. "I'm sending down Special Agent Harrilton." "Copy that sir."

I see him turn off his walkie as he gazes at me with that bulldog face of his. Minutes pass and then a tall, burly man with short blonde hair shows up. "Open the cell, guard." "Yes sir." I got a good hard look at this man as the bars slid open. His face is wide, he has a wide jaw, a thick chin and a long nose.

His skin was lightly tan and he towered over me. In fact, the big mother fucker had to duck to even get into the cell. "May I sit?" "Please." I motioned towards a chair that I usually use, and sat on the toilet seat.

(The interview)

Harrilton: "What is this valuable information that you have for me? Are you going to expose your friends to us finally?"

I lean forward and look the man straight in the eyes.

Me: "Just for the record, I'm recording this. I'd like to have it as part of my memoir that I've been writing. I am also going to rewrite it for those who wish to listen and read along."

Harrilton: "As you wish. So please, enlighten me about your information."

I sit back and grin so weirdly at the man who gives me nothing but respect.

Me: "I've spent the last week or so writing this short memoir which is full of details."

Harrilton: "What... sort of details?"

I revel in the fact that he's flustered. But I do want him to know so those other bastards will finally be off the streets.

Me: "I know exactly where the Society's going to meet and at what time."

Harrilton's expression made my adrenaline kick in even harder. I was riding off this high, hoping it would carry me through my execution.

Harrilton: "Where are they going to meet then?"

He leaned in close; his hands folded and a stern look about him. I had to do the same, just so I could feel a bit on his level.

Me: "There's an old abandoned slaughterhouse on the outskirts of New York City. It's stationed just beside the bank of the ocean channel and overlooks the Statue of Liberty."

Harrilton's face lit up so fast, that I thought was gonna freak out right then and there.

Harrilton: "I know where the structure is... It's been kind of worn down over the years though. Is this where you...?"

Me: "No. This is not where I killed my victims. Remember, I killed Lance Burbs, participated in killing Officer Moors and even tortured Simon Virgo at the old apartment. You know, the one nearby the New York Times Building?"

I was so happy to see that I was finally doing something right in my life. Harrilton was grinning at this point, twiddling his thumbs as he sat back to take this all in.

Harrilton: "I remember that building as well. I remember leading the task force as we investigated it. You know, I actually recall picking up traces of a different set of fingerprints, other than yours."

This last statement rang through my head. I had to lean back as well to assess what this man had just stated.

Me: "Let me guess. They belonged to Rachel Zale?"

Harrilton nodded at me and gave me a smirk which I returned. I felt as giddy as a horny nerd looking for any form of sex he could get.

Harrilton: "And..."

He and I both leaned in close. Our noses were only inches apart.

Harrilton: "We found traces of dried blood both on and under that chair you two used. That belonged to none other than Simon-Trifecta-Virgo."

It's safe to note that I'm filling these narrative sections in after the interview. It's making me hurry, since my execution is hours away.

Me: "Did you happen to find some of Maggie Bailey's DNA?"

I just had to ask this question. Harrilton looked ecstatic and all he could muster was a few nods.

Me: "Please tell me what you found and where it was! I'm so fuckin' happy right now!"

Harrilton actually gave me a pat on the shoulder as he continued to smile. And when he spoke it was in a whisper and a completely respectful tone.

Harrilton: "We searched and we searched until we found something. Maggie hadn't realized this, but when she was at your apartment, she scratched herself on that old rusty mattress... You wanna guess what she left behind?"

Me: "She left her DNA! Yes!!! All that we need now is DNA from Adam McDull and Victoria Hull."

It's safe to note that I'm a wee bit too excited. I'm in jail because of my past, and partly because Rachel turned me in.

Harrilton: "You do not need to worry about that. Adam McDull was discovered shortly after you were apprehended. His body, more so, his torso and head were found floating near the bank behind that building. We searched that place thoroughly and found traces of blood. But the Society wouldn't be foolish enough to meet back up there, would they?"

Me: (Chuckling).

I just imagined the state that the old man's body was in. Sure, I cherished his wisdom at first, but I quickly realized just how vial that man really was.

Me: "Have your agents ready. Surround that slaughterhouse and keep it surrounded around eight thirty. You'll most likely find Maggie, Simon, Victoria and my precious Rachel. Bah! I hate that bitch now."

I couldn't stand to stare Harrilton in the face, so I focused all my attention on the cockroaches that scurried along nearby the wall.

Harrilton: "If what you're saying is true, Sorinthia, then this may be one of the hugest busts the F.B.I. has ever had. How amazing would it be to collect not one, two or three, but four serial killers that were at large?"

I could barely contain my happiness either, so I laughed alongside him.

Me: "Well you better go get your team assembled Harrilton. I'll await the news up to the point of my death."

(Harrilton left five hours ago.)

"Alright. The recorder is still going for ease of completion. I've filled in all the sections in the breaks of our conversation, and we're good to go. It's been at least five hours since Harrilton and I talked so I figured I'd finish this little memoir up.

For anyone who reads this, remember that I tried to do good in the end. Remember that I was not the only person in the group."

(Harrilton and his squad await, resting on the exterior walls of the slaughterhouse.)

"What time did Sorinthia say for us to wait for?" his nerves were felt by every member of his squad. A short woman with a black ponytail gulped loudly beside him, drawing his attention.

"What is it Agent Dola?" "It's eight twenty eight p.m. sir. Wasn't Sorinthia's execution set for eight thirty?"

Shane: "I'm gonna end this memoir with something that I have to get off my chest."

Harrilton couldn't stop himself from checking his watch to staring Agent Dola in the face. The concern written across it mimicked that of what he felt. "Didn't he say that he'd await the news up to the point of his execution?"

Shane: "I've been rotting in this hell hole for over forty fucking years! They've treated me like shit! Ever since I got in here, the mother fuckers beat me to an inch of my death. They raped me day in and day out... They; They tortured me with lighters and sprayed me with mace on a daily basis..."

(Back at the slaughterhouse the thoughts running through Harrilton's mind were sporadic.)

"He was set to be executed at eight thirty, right?" Dola nodded. "What time is it now?" He eagerly awaited her response as she checked her watch. "It's... e-eight twenty nine now sir."

Sorinthia's voice ran through his head, "I'll await the news... ′up to the point of my death'..." His eyes flew open as realization dawned upon him. That was when he hard the beeping noises.

Shane: "It was our plan all along you know... For Rachel to turn me in? She had her sites set on Harrilton and his fuckin' team for years! They've been chasing her for as long as she could remember. All of that dismay; all of that anger, it boiled down to mere acting. And years I waited in this shit hole. Forty-fucking-years-to-be-exact!

(The beeping speeds up.)

"Run! Move! Move! MOVE!" Harrilton couldn't get himself to yell loud or fast enough.

Shane: "For whomever reads and hears this tale, know this. I, Shane Sorinthia, leader of the most heinous group in American history, the Slash and Burn Society, beloved husband to Rachel Zale and the most infamous murderer of all time will soon bid thee farewell."

(Harrilton hears the beeping as it becomes too rapid. He knows his and his squad member's fates. With his eyes closed and heart ready, the bombs detonate.)

(Shane is strapped down inside the lethal injection room. The curtains are drawn open. The entirety of the original Slash and Burn Society await. Simon and Maggie sit happily waving as does Victoria. Bruce is in the back, smiling all the while. Shane feels his lips spread thin; a malicious grin forms. As the liquids begin to enter his body, he sees them disappear, one by one. The last spirit to remain was Rachel.)

Shane's recorder: "And to whom listens to this, know that my love for Rachel was like no other. When I received the news that cancer claimed her life, I was so angry because I knew her drinking would get to her. Of course I was bitter towards her at first, but that was all part of the plan.

My beloved Rachel... I love you! And as for Harrilton and his squad, I hope Heaven is a good home. This is Shane Sorinthia and I'm signing off for good."

(Shane feels his eyes grow heavier as he's almost put off to sleep. The last thing he sees is Rachel waving and blowing him a kiss. She disappears shortly after.)

(Ten minutes after Shane is executed).

(The recorder continues to run with static in the background and numerous amounts of talking from the other inmates. Hidden among this is a whispered conversation.)

"I love you so much honey!"

(Silence ensues for a short while.)

"...I love you too babe."