
Chapter 123 - Titan's help

Reya frantically ran around the campus trying to find her. At one point Clive, Vickie and her other friends joined the search. They all searched the different parts of their school but ended up with no information.

"What did the gods say?" Clive said as they were rushing towards the academic section of the school.

"Aphro was only able to see a vague image, she was not able to pin pint her location," Reya frantically said.

"Why don't we search in different directions then?" he said and ran away towards their dorm.

"We already searched that way silly!!!" Reya shouted at him, but that guy had already rushed away from her.

Shaking her head, she rushed to the left running into the library. She searched through all the aisles and even the corners of this huge place. She was not able to find any signs of her.