
Skill: Absorption(Hiatus)

Reh and his whole section got summoned to the otherworld, namely Deimos. The world of Deimos was engulfed in war, and the humans were pushing back, and on the losing side, that's why they decided to try the summoning ritual to summon the heroes from the other world, which was Reh and his classmates. Each in the section got their own class and ranked and skill, whereas Reh was classless and no skill, what's more, he's ranked lowest amongst them. That's why Reh was bullied intensely and later on cast aside for being a dead weight in the whole class. Experiencing being bullied in his entire high school life and now being cast aside as if he was some kind of trash. With that, he promises and swears in all the gods that if he survives in the situation, he will surely get back to anyone who harms him and to the one he loves. Betrayal, getting stronger than anyone else, revenge, fighting for his love ones and on what he believes was right, building a relationship and getting back to Earth that's what Reh wanted to do. *** Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are all used in fictitious way and products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. *** Photo was not mine. From pixabay.com and credits to the rightful owner.

ddraigg · 奇幻
34 Chs

World of Deimos

A/N: I changed Egil -----> Deimos. So, it is now called the World of Deimos. Reh and his classmates wherein the World of Deimos.


A man in his early thirties emerged at the door at the back of the throne.

The man was wearing red royal attire with black linings, white pants, and long boots. Along with the long white silk mantle on his back, on the back of the white cape, is the golden embroidered shield and spear.

He was also wearing a crown on the top of his head. The crown was made of pure shining gold decorated with precious and rare gemstones and jewels.

He had delicate clear fair skin. The artists on earth will be embarrassed in case they see the clear skin complexion of the man.

He had an average height and body build suitable for his age and had gray hair and deep black eyes. On top of that, he was handsome. The most handsome man Reh saw next to the Elf that presently kneeling.

He majestically sited on his golden throne. After that, he signaled that everyone could ease and stand up, and after he did that, Reh and his classmates jolted when they heard a strong rugged voice shouting at them.

"You fools! Don't you know how to pay respect to His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor?!" The Captain of the High Imperial Knight shouted.

After he does that, the knights clad in red full plated armor grab the hilt of their swords that hanging on their waist.



"Dion, I'm scared."

"Hush now, Plume. I'm sure my father now knows that I was kidnapped and currently searching where we are right now."

There was a mixed expression when the knights made that gesture, but mostly the girls were scared the most.

As for Reh?

He was standing at the far back. Although scared and nervous, the excitement he felt at the moment was more powerful than that, and Reh still remembers what the Elf guy said 'as long as they are in the Empire, nothing would lay a finger on them' the Elf guy also swear it on the name of the Emperor, so it is the absolute truth.

Amidst the situation, a gentle and delicate voice was heard.

"Captain and High Imperial Knights, please don't scare our young Heroes. They are our guests here in our Empire, so please, treat them with the utmost respect. They are also from a different world, maybe far more advanced compared to us. That's why the customs and culture in their world were much more diverse than ours.

So, their attitude and gesture are acceptable."

The Emperor said while looking at the Knights then after, he looked at the whole section.

"Ha! I'm sorry about the attitude I showed, Your Imperial Majesty. I'm sorry as well, young Heroes." The Captain said, saluting the Emperor and bowing his head to Reh and his classmates.

"But please, young Heroes. I know our worlds are much more different, but I would be very much please when you pay respect to my presence." The Emperor said while smiling, showing his perfect white teeth to everyone.

Some of the girls immediately nodded their heads, scared that if they somehow offended the Emperor, their heads would roll on the ground.

"Nepotia, please." The Emperor said while looking at the Elf.


Now that the Emperor is here, we can resume the question and answer. You can ask anything that's come to your mind. The Emperor and I are willing to answer all of your questions." Nepotia said while having a smile on his face.

But I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Nepotia Akropolites. I am the advisor of Emperor Venantius. What the young lady said earlier was true. I am an Elf, although only a half. I'm a half-Elf and human." The Elf introduces himself.

The first one to raise a question is the section's homeroom teacher, Luna. She recovered from her previous stupor from the appearance of the Nepotia. Well, she was not the only one, most of the students were like her, but her expression was only natural. Elves are considered mythical and fantasy creatures on Earth. So having one in front of them brought a big shock upon them.

"Where are we? Are we still on Earth?" Luna asked.

"Young Heroes and Guardian of the Heroes, currently, you are not on what you called Earth, but in the world called Deimos," Nepotia answered.

"T-then, why are we here? How did we get in here?" Luna added.

"This is hard to say, but..." Nepotia stopped and looked at the Emperor, but the Emperor only nodded his head for approval.

"At the moment, our world was engulfed in bloody warfare. The brutal war was called The Great Human and Demon War. Currently, our side, which is the humans, is pushing back where we started, and we are vigorously defending against all the assaults that the Demons do. Day and night, we defended against any attack until the bodies of our fellow human beings piled up.

Man, women, and child. All of them were brutally and viciously killed as if they are just slaughtering livestock.

We use all the countermeasures we can, but we still haven't stopped the onslaught of the Demons.

But on the brink of losing all the ideas and countermeasures we had, our Great Emperor, Venantius Melodus Alexius Zagon, found the diary of his grandfather in the treasury.

Placed in the diary was the measure we could use..., that is, the summoning ritual.

The summoning ritual of the Heroes from the other world." Nepotia said with a sad expression.

"That's why you are here. I order all of my Highest Elementalist to do the summoning ritual of the Heroes. I--we summoned you here in our world, Heroes. If you have to blame someone, blame me! I would take and accept all the blame you would throw upon me, but please...

My people--our people are out there cowering in fear of what would happen to them...

My soldiers--our soldiers, the army is out there dying one by one protecting and securing the lands and lives of all the humans living here...

Humanity is on the brink of destruction...



O' great young Heroes...

Help and aid us in this situation."

The Emperor said, and suddenly, he got up from his throne. He kneeled and bowed his head to Reh and his classmates.

"Y-your Imperial Majesty!" Nepotia and the High Imperial Knights reacted and shouted when they witnessed that their Great Emperor was kneeling and bowing his heads.

"I know you were disturbed from your daily life, and your father and mother would worry about you, but if I didn't order and take this chance, the humanity in this world are gone for good, so please, young Heroes, help us!" The Emperor added.

Reh and his classmates were stunned and dumbfounded at the current situation right now. Even in the current era on Earth, where most of the countries practices democratic government, and only a few countries still had a monarchical government, Kings or Emperors are part of Earth's history. They are the first to rule and establish laws.

And right now, an actual Emperor, a ruler, and head of a state were kneeling and bowing his head.

"Y-your M-majesty T-the E-emperor, please stand up and raise your head," Dion said in an awkward tone as he was not used to calling someone like that.

When the Emperor heard it, he immediately stood up and sited on his throne.

"How can we get back? Or can we still go back?" Someone asked from the class.

When everyone looked at who had raised the question, they saw Alex standing straight while having crossed arms along with lackeys.

And when he asked that, someone also urged a second motion on Alex's question.

Nepotia and the Emperor looked at each other when they heard the question. The two of them made a complicated expression. As if they were having trouble answering the question.

"What? Are you answering or not?" Alex asked with a proud tone.

The High Imperial Knights jerk up when they hear Alex's tone, but they can't do anything as the Emperor told them not to harm or scare the whole section. flinch

"Well... You could go back, but..." Nepotia was the one who spoke.

"But??" Alex repeated in an impatient tone.

"Alex! Fix that tone of yours!" Dion scolded Alex.

But Alex didn't mind Dion but continued his attitude. "So? What's the answer?"

"As I said, you could go back, but you needed to defeat the Demonic Army of the Demon Emperor and captured him alive to get the Dimensional Necklace that could open the Dimensional Rift in your world," Nepotia explained to everyone.






"Hik! I wanna go home! Hik!"

There was a various reaction when Nepotia finishes his explanation but...


Everyone fell silent when they heard a laugh. Who laughed? It was one other than...


"I get it now...

There's only two things that would happen to us.

First, if we don't help you, your defenses would be overrun by the Demons, and if that happens, death will occur upon your lands same goes for us.

Second, if we help you, there's a chance that you will win the war and save the lives of the people.

We got no choice but to help you in your battle or war with your enemies you called Demons if we don't wanna die in this place.

By doing so... Both sides are satisfied and benefited to each other!

By fighting alongside you and defeating what you called the Demon Emperor and his Demonic Army, we get the Necklace and open a Rift to get back into our world, and you guys win the battle and war, achieve the peace and save the humanity in this world!

I like it! You guys leave us no choice but to cooperate with you to survive in this new world!

I'm in!!!" Alex said grinning.

When Alex said it, Dion and some of the class realized what Alex was talking about.


Two people smiled internally when both of them heard what Alex said.

'This guy's attitude is interesting... We will get along.'

One of the two people thought internally.

As for Reh, his excitement further escalated in the next stage when he heard Alex.

Not aware of what was about to happen next is the start of his hell.

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