
A long ride...

"Your such a pig Riley!" Karen said, looking quite disgusted with her sisters eating habits. I sat in the backseat watching the two throw insults back and forth, unsure what to do. "Well maybe if you didn't spend so much time doing hair and makeup, I wouldn't have been so hungry!" Riley responded, looking quite offended at the "pig" comment.

  Karen shot a glare full of daggers at her sister before reaching over and grabbing her bag of half eaten potato chips, and dumping the remaining chips out the window. "HEY!" Riley shouted at her sister. I don't know what was worse...Riley's scream, or, the fact that Karen crumbled up the chip bag and stuffed it down Riley's shirt.

  "Oh my GOD Karen you are such a witch!" Riley screeched and continued to insult her sister. Karen glared more daggers at her sister before spewing her own insults. I then decided to tune them out and stare out the window. 

  I swear, Karen and Riley are like cats and dogs! Always arguing! But the next minute they are inseparable. *sigh* I remember when they were 6 and stuck to each other like glue. Karen would refuse to play anything with anyone unless Riley was playing as well, and Riley wouldn't play anything unless Karen was.

   They dressed the same, liked the same stuff, and did everything together! Well I guess that is understandable because they are twins. But now, they are complete opposites of each other. I mean literally.

  Karen is the fashion crazed of the two. High heels, makeup, Prada bags, newest fashion trends and creating her own trends. Never caught going out without some type of designer item. While Riley on the other hand, was the laid back artsy sister. Sweatpants, tank tops, sneakers, darker makeup or none at all, and sweatshirts. Always rocking the latest store brands!

  I often wonder how they ended up this way, when they used to be so close. But looking at them now... You would think they are life long rivals! I was snapped back to the present only to realize, they were now arguing over what radio station to listen too. Oh god no!

   "Now you listen here Missy! My car my rules! And one of the rules is whatever station I pick plays!" Karen argued then turned up the radio. Bruno mars song "That's what I like" began blaring from the car speakers. 'I'm talking trips to Puerto Rico! Say the words and we go!' Karen squealed and began singing along " YOU CAN BE MY FLEEKA! GIRL ILL  BE YOUR FLEEKO! MAMASITA" I had to cover my ears because Karen was singing, (well technically screaming not singing), was so god dang loud.

  Riley reached over and turned the radio off saying, "Good lord Karen your going to wipe out half America with that abomination!" Offended, Karen shouted at her sister, " HEY! I was listening to that! I was just about to sing my favorite part!" Riley then looked at her like she was an alien. "You call that singing?!?! I call that trying and failing to be a weasel!" 

   Karen looked as if she was just slapped by the queen. "Now I know your not talking with YOUR trash music!" I really wish I just rode with Liz and Mace right now. This clearly wasn't going to be over soon. And as if on cue, Riley changed the station and some band named Halestorm began playing.

  'IF YOUR A FREAK LIKE ME RAISE YOUR GLASS! IF YOUR A FREAK LIKE ME GET OF YO-' Riley began to shake her head rapidly screaming along, with the already loud music. Karen screamed and turned the radio off. "OK NO MUSIC!" She roared. I swear this was the longest twenty minute ride of my life.