

"Derek, I was on your service already this month and I heard that there was a new cardio attending-" Ivy complains.

Derek cuts her off, "-I know but I miss my little sister so I'm using my attending powers."

They have a stare off, "Fine."

Meredith goes up to them, "Ivy, hey. Derek, Izzie is here with a patient for you."

"Izzie? Shes back?" Derek asks.

Meredith waves him over, "Oh, just come on."


"So you're an evolutionary biologist?" Derek asks Dr. Singer as he does a routine checkup.

"Mm. I was. I was part of a research team... on my way to the Galapagos Islands when suddenly my father died and of course I had to go back home. Next thing I know, I'm back in Chehalis, marrying my high school sweetheart and teaching biology to kids who would rather be anywhere else," Dr. Singer says.

Ivy smiles at him while also staying away from Izzie. She doesn't know her very well but from what she has seen and heard from Reed, she is not someone Ivy wants to be around.

Derek compliments, "I hear you're an excellent teacher."

"Isobel is an excellent student. Shes gonna be a doctor herself someday. If she doesn't get too distracted."

Derek smiles at Izzie, "Hmm. Well, everything looks good, Dr. Singer. What we're gonna do, is have Dr. Shepherd over here, take some blood."


"And someone is going to run some tests. Okay?"

"Okay." He says.

Derek nods at Ivy, "Stevens."

They exit and Ivy preps all the tools she will need, "Alright Dr. Singer, you are going to feel a little pinch. And done with this."

He looks between the siblings, "Are you two married? I couldn't help but notice the last names."

"Oh, no. No. We are siblings. He is my older brother," Ivy explains, "Okay, I'm going to run these down to the lab. Isobel or Dr. Shepherd will be back on shortly."

Ivy walks out to Derek and Izzie. She listens to the end of their conversation, "His wife is dead, he has no kids-"

"Where the hell have you been? You missed your I.L.-2 appointment," Cristina comes over with Meredith behind her.

"You told Cristina I was here? Mer,  who else did you tell?" Izzie complains.

Charles comes up behind them, "Well, well, well. Look whos back."

"This guy? You told the guy who got me fired?"

Meredith defends herself, "I didn't tell him. I don't even know him. Its my first day back."

"Dr. Percy is on Dr. Shepherds service with me today," Ivy says, looking up from the chart briefly.

Charles goes over to Ivy, "And I didn't get you fired. You did that all by yourself."

"Dr. Percy, Dr. Singer needs a full dementia work-up. Dr. Stevens will give you the details. Dr. Shepherd, follow me," Derek tells him.

Ivy pauses, smiles awkwardly at all of them, then follows her brother.

"Stevens and Charles together, this is going to get bad. Is that necessary?" She asks her.

Derek smirks at her, "Yup. Stevens left with no communication and Percy, well, he's on my service so that sucks. Come on."

Ivy rolls her eyes, but dutifully follows.


Ivy finds Reed in the locker room, "Guess who's here."

"Who?" She asks, stretching.

Ivy pops a grape into her mouth, "Izzie Stevens."

"Why does that name sound familiar?" Reed questioned.

Ivy sits, "She worked here until she was fired for draining a patient completely of their potassium. She showed Charles around. Oh and she tried to start a fight with you the first day."

Reed nods in remembrance, "Alex's wife."

Ivy freezes with a grape inches from her mouth, "Alex?"

Reeds eyes widen, "Um, I-I mean, Karev."

"No, you meant Alex. What the hell happened?"

Reed shakes her head, "Nothing, nothing. I swear,"

"But you want something to happen," Ivy says as a statement, more than a question.







"Yes," Reed is tricked by Ivy.

"Haha! I knew it!"

"You tricked me, that doesn't mean anything," Reed tries to defend.

Ivy walks out, "I can't hear you over the sound of being right!"


Ivy is with Izzie and Charles in Dr. Singers room, doing a spinal tap.

"Dr. Percy is almost done getting the spinal fluid sample he needs," Izzie narrates.

Charles scoffs, "Yeah, not that I had any choice."

"That makes two of us."

Ivy looks confused, "What do you mean no choice?"

"You're doing great, he's almost done," Izzie ignores Ivy.

Charles changes the subject, "So whats going on with you and Karev? Have you even talked to him?"

Ivy pays attention, "How is that any of your business?"

"Its everybodys business. Its all anybody talks about around here. Stevens and Karev- have they talked, are they talking? So are you? Thats it, you're all done. I just need you to lie flat for awhile," Percy tells Singer.

Izzie jokes as Charles and Ivy leave, "See? That wasn't do bad, was it?"

He heads up to get the fluid checked out and Ivy tries and find Jackson or Reed.


Ivy gets paged to Dr. Singer from Charles. She arrives about the same time as Derek.

"You have a condition called N.P.H- normal pressure hydrocephalus," Izzie starts.

Derek continues, "Its a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in your brain. Very hard to diagnose, but thanks to Dr. Percy here-"

"The spinal tap removed some of the fluid, relieving the pressure in your brain, resolving your symptoms, which is how we came to your diagnosis," Charles finished.

Ivy takes over, "Um, Dr. Shepherd wants to put in a permanent shunt. It will drain the excess fluid into your abdomen, so-"

"That sounds like major surgery," he worries.

Derek pacifies him, "Its 45 minutes. Its a very common procedure. I do it all the time."

"Mm-hmm. Well, I don't think I could afford it. My savings, my retirement, uh, it all went to my late wife's medical care. So, uh, what do I do?"


Ivy sees Meredith sitting in the residents locker room. She goes and sit next to her.

She looked down at her hands, "Derek practically raised me. He taught me to be strong-willed and opinionated. He usually doesn't mind it, but we often bumped heads along the way. The worse was when we fought over our sister Amelia about 5 years ago. I thought he wasn't supporting her enough and he thought I was supporting her too much. We argued, about it like crazy, for weeks. Drove Addison crazy. Then it was time for me to chose where I was going to do my intern year and then residency. I knew I couldn't stay in New York any longer, so I came to Seattle. Apparently, Derek did to. He met you, tried to make it work with Addison, got divorced, you two figured out you're problems, got married, the merger happened and now here we are. Derek and I are trying to get back to where we were as siblings."

"He misses you like crazy," Meredith tells Ivy.

Ivy nods, "What I'm trying to say is, you are the most important thing in Derek's life, I would like to get to know you. If you can get over the fact that I'm a Mercy Wester."

Meredith laughs, "I think I can overlook that flaw."

Ivy giggles, "Okay. I got to go, but let's get coffee sometime and gossip about Derek. I have so many stories."

Meredith nods as Ivy leaves and Cristina enters.

Ivy is just excited to learn about her new sister.


Reed and Ivy lounge on the couch.

"I scrubbed in to help Bailey fix a mistake the chief made in surgery."

"I am getting to know my new sister-in-law."

There is a knock on the door, "Its open!"

Jackson and Charles come in with pizza. Reed and Ivy sit up and grab a slice. Jackson sits on the couch and Ivy leans back against him, trying to get comfortable.

Jackson looks down, "Do you mind?"

"No, I'm actually quite comfy. Remember you owe me so be quiet and eat your pizza."

Reed just laughs at them.


AN: I didn't really know how to incorporate Ivy into the episode so I thought I would add the part of her and Meredith becoming closer as this is Mers first day back.

I hope you are all enjoying Sister, Sister and thank you for the votes!!