
Singularity in Primal Chaos [Completed]

Suddenly, he found himself in a completely different world with completely different laws. He realized that he had became a singularity and there was nothing he could not learn. Star God's Broken Shadow? World Ode of the Phoenix? Phoenix Suppression? Illusions? No matter what he saw, he learned. This was Singularity, in name and in purpose! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

meatball_san · 漫画同人
206 Chs

Chapter: 20

Blue Wind Profound Palace's Entrance Exam was divided into two segments—Profound Strength Assessment and Combat Strength Assessment.

You needed to be of the age of between fifteen to eighteen to even enter the first part of the examination. After that, your profound strength would be checked based on which age group you belong.

The assessment was as follow: Nascent Profound Realm level one at the age of fifteen, Nascent Profound Realm level three at the age of sixteen, Nascent Profound Realm level five at the age of seventeen, and Nascent Profound Realm level six at the age of eighteen!

Yun Che was sixteen years of age, and so he made his way towards his age group.

He stood behind a long ass line of people, all waiting for the initiation of Profound Strength Assessment.

In front of all of them stood an old aged man who called himself Instructor Qi. He started explaining the first stage of the Entrance Exam to all the participants and asking those who didn't meet the requirement. It was to make sure that people didn't waste their time.

But people never were like that.

Despite knowing that they were not qualified, they would still prolong the line in hope of a miracle to happen. They would hope that people taking the examination would sympathize with them and let them enter the palace even if they are not qualified.

Yun Che felt tired just by looking at the line in front of him.

Hateful memories of the past where he had to stand for hours in front of government sectors to either get some documents or submit some made him cringe.

He could only lament that there was no elderly line here which he could abuse.

With nothing else to do, he ignored everything around him and decided to check the skill log. It has been a while since the last time he checked it. He wondered if there was something new there.

His eyes widened the moment the skills log appeared in front of his eyes. He almost stumbled backward seeing the longass list of skills.

'When did I get all these skills?'

Yun Che wondered in astonishment.

'Sometimes I keep forgetting how absurd Menu is! It has been like what? Nine months since I have reincarnated in this world? I have barely even interacted with the people of this world as most of the time I was either cultivating or traveling, and I already have so many skills. I can only imagine what would happen as I spent more time in Blue Wind Profound Palace. Wouldn't I be getting shit ton of skills like that?'

He thought that he should spend more time fighting with new people than cultivating.

Seeing the list, Yun Che started reading the description of each skill and understood it. He didn't update anyone, just read their description until he reached a particular skill that made him wonder why this was even a skill.

["Headpatting" skill level maxed!]

'... Don't look at me like that everyone, you should understand!'

'Ahem. Anyways, I should max some useful skills too.'

["Night Vision" skill level maxed!]

["Distant View" skill level maxed!]

["Enemy Search" skill level maxed!]

["Danger Sense" skill level maxed!]

["Smooth Talking" skill level maxed!]

["Cooking" skill level maxed!]

["Bloodthirst Projection" skill level maxed!]

["Assassination" skill level maxed!]

["Profound Energy Manipulation (Inside)" skill level maxed!]

["Profound Energy Control (Outside)" skill level maxed!]

["Profound Energy Perception" skill level maxed!]

["Self-Healing" skill level maxed!]

["Mind Resistance" skill level maxed!]

["Illusion Resistance" skill level maxed!]

["Ice Resistance" skill level maxed!]

'Hmmm. This much should be enough for now?'

Yun Che wondered. He had already maxed most skills that would be useful to him.

Jasmine, who was watching Yun Che pressing the void like an idiot suddenly had her eyes widened.

She could no longer perceive any form of energy from Yun Che any longer! It was as if it vanished in thin air! She could no longer perceive his cultivation level either!

'What happened!? Did he lose his cultivation? But how!?'

If Yun Che had known that people couldn't tell apart his cultivation any longer, he would definitely have protested. After all, others not knowing his cultivation was the same as him becoming Young Master magnet. And he definitely would not like that.

But since he had maxed Profound Energy Manipulation, he had started to manipulate his profound energy at an unconscious level. The manipulation was so perfect that not a single wasteful strand of profound energy leaked out of his body, making it look that he no longer possessed any profound energy.

"Brother-in-law, it's your turn."


Yun Che came out of his thoughts and turned his attention away from the screen. He realized that the line in front of him had already vanished. Now he stood in front of the examiner who gave him a look that said "this person is retard, isn't he?".

Seeing this, Yun Che coughed to hide his embarrassed conduct. He was so lost in managing and leveling up his skills that he lost the touch of reality for some time there, not even realizing that the line in front of him had vanished.

"This brother, can you place your hand on the profound strength assessment device already? There are still people waiting behind you in line."

Yun Che sheepishly smiled at the annoyed look of the examiner and placed his hand on the profound strength assessment device.

It suddenly shone in light as words appeared over it.

The examiner read the words and loudly announced.

"Name, Yun Che. Age, sixteen. Profound strength, Tenth-level of Nascent Profound Realm. Qualified!"

An uproar suddenly erupted behind Yun Che when his age and profound strength was announced.

No one could believe that Yun Che had such profound strength at such a young age.

Previously, the highest score was from a person called Ao Yan who had the strength of Nascent Profound Realm nine-level at the age of seventeen.

Everyone wondered which big family Yun Che belonged to. After all, such a strength at such a young age, only those big families with huge amounts of resources could produce such a young genius.

Ignoring all the mummers pointed at him, Yun Che walked towards the passed examinees like him. Once again, he started to check the skills log to see if there was any other skill he could upgrade.

His eyes widened by a small margin seeing new skills that had appeared in the list. He couldn't help but smirk at his luck for getting this system. It was just too OP!

Of course, no one knew why Yun Che suddenly started to smirk. All of them took it as him mocking everyone. People in the cultivation world really had some broad imagination.