
Chapter 59 Investigation_1


Dr. Cao Ge embarked on a path of exploration, holding a small detection instrument in his hand.

"Murphy, start the spacecraft, fly around over the land, and measure the continental area," Dr. Cao Ge said in front of a plant.

"Okay, Doctor," Murphy's response came through the communicator.


A loud jetting noise erupted, and Dr. Cao Ge looked up into the sky, it was his space shuttle.

Watching the space shuttle zoom away, Dr. Cao Ge was very calm, then he lowered his head again.

Dr. Cao Ge, holding the pistol-like detection instrument in his hand, swept it across the red flowers, a green light shot out from the muzzle and reached the flowers.

"Beep! Undocumented life form detected, analyzing, please wait..."

Dr. Cao Ge straightened up, looking at the small screen on the back of the detection instrument, waiting for the analysis results.

The small detection instrument in Dr. Cao Ge's hands could do very little for undocumented life forms, what he could do was merely compare them with life forms from Earth.

About a minute later, text gradually appeared on the blue screen.

"Carbonyl life form, capable of photosynthesis, similarity to Earth's plants is eighty percent"

Dr. Cao Ge looked at the explanation before him, and had a baseline in his heart.

This planet has plants, which means the biosphere is stable, and it's highly probable that it's suitable for human habitation, but what he meant was the Arctic, not those oceanic regions.

The only downside is the absence of day-night cycles, it's either polar day or polar night.

This is not too friendly for humans.

Dr. Cao Ge squatted down, reaching out to touch the flower stamens swaying in the wind.

Even through the spacesuit, Dr. Cao Ge could still feel the movement of the flowers.

Dr. Cao Ge stayed in place for a few minutes, then continued to move forward.

About fifteen minutes later, Dr. Cao Ge arrived at a small lake, roughly two acres in size, winding and irregular.

The water was blue, fathomlessly deep, turning black in the depths, like a bottomless abyss, quite spine-chilling to behold.

Dr. Cao Ge, lying down, pressed the detection gun into the water, after a "beep" indicating the sampling was complete, he slowly rose to his feet.


Just as Dr. Cao Ge was preparing to check the analysis data, a ripple suddenly rose on the surface of the distant lake.

It seemed something had jumped out of the water, but since Dr. Cao Ge didn't see it immediately, all he saw was the spray splashing.

"Aquatic life?" Dr. Cao Ge murmured curiously.

After speaking, he slowly approached the direction where the water had splashed.

In this process, Dr. Cao Ge glanced at his detector, which showed that the analysis result was, this liquid is water, similar to Earth's water environment, suggesting that it's very likely that life forms similar to those on Earth could exist here.


Dr. Cao Ge opened the button on his waist, took out a pistol, and slowly approached.

This deceptively calm and undisturbed surface of the lake was, all the complex things on the surface might be utterly unruffled.

So beneath the dark blue water's surface, it's highly possible that a water monster was staring at him intently, ready to strike at any moment.


The calm lake surface stirred up another ripple, this time he saw clearly it was a creature the size of a palm.

The creature was somewhat flat, covered in scales, and at first glance, it seemed like a fish, but whether it really was a fish, he wasn't sure, hands-on detection was needed to know for sure, but that wasn't what he should be doing at the moment.

What he should be doing now was to understand this planet as much as possible, studying the diversity of life wasn't an urgent task.


Cao Ge holstered his pistol and then continued to walk forward.

What Cao Ge didn't know was that after he left, a pair of eyes slowly surfaced under the lake in front of him. It was a strange creature, roughly the size of a dolphin, with four limbs. It watched Cao Ge's departing figure with a look of intelligence in its eyes.


Soon, it sank back to the bottom of the lake, and the surface once again became calm.

Cao Ge could not know, had he not left and continued to stay, an encounter of the third kind would have taken place.


Another hour passed.

The Explorer space shuttle flew a circle in the sky and finally returned to his front.

Watching the spacecraft slowly descend and then firmly stop in front of him, Cao Ge opened the hatch and walked in.


After passing through two airlock doors, Cao Ge returned to the interior of the space shuttle.

"Dr. Cao Ge, welcome back," Murphy said.

"How is it? Murphy?" asked Cao Ge as he took off his helmet.

"The total area of this land is 20,000 square kilometers, with large areas of vegetation. No intelligent life forms have been detected so far. After evaluation, it can initially support the survival of hundreds to thousands of people, and after full development, it could sustain hundreds of thousands of humans," Murphy analyzed.

"20,000 square kilometers?" Cao Ge muttered to himself.

The area was indeed not small, and based on what he had seen so far, sustaining a population of tens of thousands should not be difficult.

At this point, many readers might question, 20,000 square kilometers only sustaining tens of thousands of people seems exaggerated.

In fact, it's not an exaggeration at all; this place cannot be compared with those highly developed areas on Earth.

Take the capitals of each province as an example, in a city there, it's nothing unusual to have tens of millions of permanent residents.

But these populations are not supported by a single city alone, rather through the entire country and even the whole world. If a city were isolated, it could not sustain so many people.

Moreover, this planet is still an undeveloped primitive planet, less developed than ancient China. By comparison, with only tens of millions of people in the whole country in ancient China, it's easier to accept.

Therefore, Murphy's evaluation was very scientific.

"Murphy, did you detect any anomalies?" Cao Ge asked again.

"Doctor, during the exploration, Murphy did not detect any anomalies," Murphy replied.

"Hm," Cao Ge nodded and then said.

"Murphy, can you monitor whether any extraterrestrial objects have entered the atmosphere?" Cao Ge suddenly asked.

"I cannot," Murphy replied.

Cao Ge was not surprised by Murphy's answer because this planet was a blank slate, with no electronic devices in the sky, so Murphy's exploratory reach was limited to a few kilometers in radius centered on the spacecraft's electromagnetic signals.

"That means, Murphy, you wouldn't know if anyone has come to this planet."

"That's correct, Doctor," Murphy said.

"Damn, I forgot about that," Cao Ge said, slapping his head in frustration.

"Murphy, start up the spacecraft immediately, locate the beacon's position, and we can fly back," Cao Ge instructed.

"Starting up the spacecraft..."


A hot flame shot out from the tail end, and the spacecraft quickly moved away, disappearing into the sky in a moment's time.