
Innate Gift and First Simulation

The bodies of Aron's mother and the maid were left undiscovered until the afternoon. It was a younger maid, newly hired, that was delivering lunch to the room that discovered the gruesome scene. After having been left unanswered during breakfast, she was given a key to let herself into the room. Nobody else would have come looking into the room.

Upon seeing the bodies, a vicious scream rang through the hallways near the mother's room before an abrupt silence and loud thump. The young maid had passed out. Such a scene was too much for such a young girl.

Hearing the scream, tens of attendants came running to the room. Of those attendants, there were those that stood there, shocked that such an event could occur in the home of the prestigious Perch family. Others fainted, much like the first young maid. As simple attendants, there was no way for them to ever really see such a devastating sight.

One attendant, however, ran into the room heading straight for Aron.

This attendant was a much older man, likely in his 60s, and had been working for the Perch family for a vast majority of his life. He knew that ensuring the life of the child at this moment was the most crucial.

"One of you, go fetch Steward Lee. He will alert one of the elders. They will know what to do."

The attendant spoke calmly, hoping to knock one of the others out of their dazes.

Sure enough, as he spoke, a young man started to sprint down the hallway.

Hours passed as the news spread around the mansion belonging to the Perch family.

Eventually, Darius Perch himself came to check on the status of the baby. Upon seeing the dead corpse of the woman that birthed his child, he tensed slightly, only to relax upon seeing that Aron was still alive and breathing.

The talent of that woman was just too strong. As long as Aron was alive, the talent would belong to the Perch family, but if they were both to die. There would be hell to pay.

Examining the room, Darius looked at the first attendant that had reacted to the event and spoke.

"You will be in charge of the boy for the time being. Ensure that he is taken care of well."

"Yes, patriarch."

Hearing his response, the patriarch flashed and disappeared from the scene.


After the initial events had calmed down, the attendant noticed that the baby had not woken up at all during the course of the day.

Panicked, he fetched the physician that resided in the house.

An initial checkup confirmed that the child was healthy and would probably just need some rest.

Yet, after several days, Aron still had not woken up. This alarmed the entire mansion, thoughts of poisoning and mental damage came quickly as rumors spread.

Darius personally invited several renowned medicine masters, each one ran away without any answers.

Panic took over the Clan once more.

Then, three months after the death of the mother and the maid, the cries of the young Aron sounded out throughout the family villa.


Time passed quickly for the young Aron.

Without a mother, and with a father that seemed to prefer his own cultivation and duties over taking care of his children, Aron was raised by the same attendant that ran to his side the day after the murders. The man was named Marvin.

Long having made his work for the Perches his priority, Marvin had no family of his own, so he welcomed the task of raising Aron with open arms. He taught him what he could, mostly numbers and language.

For the rest of Aron's early education, which was quite rigorous, he enlisted the help of the family's tutors. Complex math, business, history. Though the level was lowered considering his age, it was still a larger and more complex education than any other child would receive. 

And Aron was a smart child. He took in everything he was taught and requested more. To the young Aron, it was almost like a game. And as a young master of a prestigious family, no matter his true position, it was really the only game he could play without judgment or scorn.

Soon, five years went by.

The Aron that was an adorable baby, quickly grew into an even more adorable child. His face was bright. His eyes filled with vibrant color. His hair, dark brown in color, had grown to his ears.

Despite living in an environment that didn't seem to welcome him, outside of his caretaker Marvin, Aron lived his life with joy.


Sitting in a small chair in a small room, Aron was looking at a board full of chalk. Writing on that board was Igram, Aron's history tutor. 

"In the last lesson, we discussed the Olsen family and the formation of the Olsen Empire. Today, we will be talking about the role that your family, the Perch family, had in the initial stages of that formation."

As the tutor carried on talking, Aron read his textbook along with him. History was his favorite. Learning about the adventures that Pero Olsen had with his own ancestors seemed to come right out of a story book.

Even if he didn't have today's lesson, Aron had already read about the formation of the Olsen Empire tens of times.

"At the time, though his cultivation was lower, Yuron Perch was able to match the strength of the Imperial Demon Beast that ruled these lands before the Olsen family. It was only because he delayed for so long that Pero was able to break through and defeat the beast...."

Suddenly, as his tutor was speaking, a voice spoke out within Aron's mind.

[Congratulations on Awakening your Core, Host!]

The voice took Aron by surprise as he looked around the room. Seeing nobody else but his tutor, Aron felt confused as his tutor was still preaching about the foundation of the Empire.

What shook Aron the most, was that the voice was not human. In fact, it didn't even sound real. If it was human, Aron would think that he had been possessed, or that some cultivator was using their essence to speak directly in his mind.

It certainly wasn't a demon beast, as not even a Soul-Body equivalent monster can speak the human language.

[Upon analysis, it has been determined that the Host holds a Minor Core that is unattributed. Analysis shows that both the level and state of attribute is a result of the toxic substance absorbed into the Host's body five years ago.]

The voice paused once again, and Aron panicked. 

"Unattributed?" He said out loud, confused as to what it meant. What he didn't say out loud was "Minor Core." That was one of the first terms he learned during his initial cultivation education.

The Level of Core was divided into seven levels: No Core, Minor Core, Lesser Core, Middle Core, Greater Core, Major Core, Peak Core. 

To have a Minor Core meant to be near talentless. While that was the state of most inhabitants of the Olsen Empire, to be talentless as a Perch was basically a death sentence.

If he were to be talentless, he would likely be killed, just like he learned his mother was.

"Are you paying attention, Aron? I know you already read about this, but it is still important to hear it again." The tutor had noticed Aron's absentmindedness and spoke to him, trying to draw him back into the lesson.

It worked, as Aron focused back to the chalkboard.

"Yes, Professor Igram."

"Good. Now, During the establishment of the Imperial family, the Olsen's enlisted the Perch family as enforcers. If a noble group were to try to revolt against the establishing Olsen family, the Perches would intervene. History shows that several times the Perch family had significant power over the Olsen family, but it is unknown as to why they have always remained subordinate....."

Igram continued to ramble on the subject as the voice within Aron's mind called out once again.

[Host has successfully assimilated with the Dao of Divination. With the Host awakening their Spiritual Core, the Host now has access to the complete Dao of Divination. Given the Host's low cultivation, the Host can only simulate their own Divine future. As a Host for a Heavenly Dao, this is your innate gift.]

[With the limited Essence of the Host, the Dao fragment must absorb the Essence of the world. Because of this, Host may only simulate once per week. As the Host grows in their own strength, the Dao Fragment will allow the Host to simulate more frequently, and even simulate the lives of others.]

[Because of the state of the Dao Fragment, each simulation will allow the Host to select one gift after each simulation. This gift will be something that the Host achieved, experienced, or contacted during the simulation. To select a gift, Host must offer a source that contains Essence, such as Essence stones. The number of Essence stones needed will change with the level of gift.]

[Finally, with each simulation, the Host will be granted a unique talent. The talent that is granted will change with each simulation and is always random. The only talent that the host can receive at the moment are Minor talents. Minor talents will cost the most essence to extract after the simulation.]

[As the Host grows, so too will the capabilities of the Dao Fragment.]

[Thank You, Host, for accepting the Dao. May your future be well.]

The information that Aron read was a lot to take in. Dao, Divination, Simulation, Talents, Gifts, Future.

Aron was smart for his age, yes, but some things are hard to accept. That doesn't change no matter how old you are.

Still, as he thought about it, his excitement grew and grew. This was something that he hadn't heard of before. If he hadn't heard of it, maybe it was his unique power. He was special. Even if he truly did have a Minor Core.

The excitement on his face began to show, and Igram stopped the lesson once more.

"Aron, since you can't seem to focus today, why don't we stop early. It may be nice to take a break every once in a while. Go outside, enjoy the day. And next time, come prepared to focus."

Slight disappointment was visible on Igram's face as he dismissed Aron. And, despite his excitement, Aron did feel a little apologetic.

Still, he was being let go early. Aron wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. If he was told he could leave, he would.

Sprinting to the outdoors, Aron soon found a large tree. Leaning against it, Aron called up all the information once more. He wanted to make sure he understood absolutely everything before beginning.

Finally, Aron let out a deep breath and smiled.

[Weekly Simulations Remaining: 1]

"Let's start the first simulation."

[Weekly Simulations Remaining: 0]

[Simulation Beginning.]