
Game Day 1 Ep1 The Public Court Case

  there watching the arrival the coming out of the two sides this was going to show what they had on the border 

and the south was looking strong they had a gorgeous Princess Sienna ship the likes the galaxy had never seen even Jackson Kerrian and their tribes and people were amazed and the influence was rowdy disgruntled they had independence issues to settle between Chronus the Sponger Heads owners of the dragon in the north and the south galaxy godhead Liam before the games began 

  a second ship came out and this one was a big triple-deck sailing ship with shields for sails it was a refurbished sailing ship with rigging sails made of shields and it was black red and silver and upon the deck was the 48-member team of the crimson stars surrounded by a troop of dark world pilots in their radical style robots in formation on deck