

I always was quiet now i'm being called mute. No one really knows the so called nerd with huge glasses and brown wavy hair but it was fine with me the me the less they knew the safer i am by the way my name is Jennifer Lawrence. Yes the daughter of " The Joseph Lawrence" but here i go by Sophie Parks. Well no one does know i speak, till Daniel Rider happened and now i think my cover might just get blown.

Yapido · 青春言情
2 Chs

Change Everything

Calling aunt zoe must have given her the shock of her life. I've never called anyone using this cell I've only received texts from aunt zoe and uncle gerald. I didn't get to speak she just said she was on her way. I leave the halls and go out the doors and sit on the bench waiting for her Tesla to drive into view. Man does she have style.


Why didn't I think of that. Tesla...money...eyes...attention...oh no

I'm dialing aunt zoe's number and she isn't picking up. I send her a frantic text hoping she sees it in time for her to park outside the school.

Oh God please help me

I sit shaking and feeling like everything is

crashing down.

I started making plans on how I would change my name. Change everything. Move to the north pole.

Only then do I notice aunt zoe strut down past the gates of the school elegantly and just before she sees me I run right into her arms.

"Thank you...thank you...thank you!!" I'm sure she can hear the desperation in my voice, her arms stay rigid by her side and only after a few seconds does she hug me back and pats my hair.

I haven't gotten this form of human contact  in over 7 months, it feels great.

I don't know for how long we stood there but I really loved having someone care about me. She shouldn't warm up to me I'll be gone soon and I'll leave her with a hole in heart that aches from time to time.

I step away abruptly and I see a look in aunt zoe's eyes, a look of pity and then it's gone, just as fast as it came.

"Alright sophie, the cars parked 4 blocks away from here don't lose my keys, I'm just gonna go to the principal and get you slip and here's a few bucks you could get something to eat along the way" I nod then turn my back on her and head to the entrance while placing the keys in my pocket and I hear her retreating footsteps.I know aunt zoe and my uncle have no clue on who i am truly and I feel terrible that the secrets have to be kept from them. They deserve to know but what you don't know won't kill you rii.

"Biddidi pa pa

  Burudum dam dam dere den

  I live to see another day

  I escape death for another day

  When your life's on the line only do you      

  Appreciate the little things that life has to offer"

Sometimes I like to feel like a disney princess, I loved believing that when I sing my problems would end or I'll find a solution. Devin would say

"Jen, life is not a fairytale stop trying to escape from reality you have to face it"

Who is Devin you might ask ? He is the world's greatest friend. Full name: Devin Cyan

Yeah him first in line to the Laurel and Ken baking company, dark skin,sexy, handsome, well built, egotistical jerk. My best friend. In addition to all that his baking skills are over the top.

He would have chased me down this road just to stop me from singing. I feel like I've lost everything just moving from the US. I clearly want to go back but why go back there when death awaits you.

I miss Briana's hazel eyes and how i can get lost in them. I miss sneaking out of the mansion to go to our cabin in the words just the three of us.

Briana, my closest female friend,full lips,curves in all the right places,thick as hell,dirty minded freak,you think I'm bad you need to meet briana.

Oh my God the ice cream truck, I run right to it and get a chocolate ice cream,oreo ice cream, mint chocolate chip in a bowl. I spot the car and walk right to it.

I retrieve the keys and start my walk back to the car carefully cause of the ice cream in my hands and the key ring on my middle finger,as the car comes into sight i spot aunt zoe there checking her watch and when she looks up she sees me and sighs. I try walking faster only to get my ice cream on the floor and I felt sad immediately. It was just one of them but it was ice cream. I passed the key over the roof and when the car opened i slumped into the seat.

Aunt zoe tried to make small talk but not once did i reply her. Once we got home i stormed up the staircase and straight into the room and closed the door with a bang and i just fell face first onto my queen sized bed and grabbed my pillow and started crying.

30 minutes later and a bowl of mint chocolate chip and melted chocolate ice cream.

Maybe i was overreacting just a little bit, okay maybe it was a little bit much. I just wanted to be with my friends, be myself.

Be Jennifer Lawrence....just for a day.

And that's what I did !

Siri play Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus

I got in my black hoodie and but on black leggings grabbed a whole lot of cash and I got in my Black Ferrari and drove off to the farthest and most expensive mall in canada. I was fueled by hate or rage call it whatever you want but one things that's sure is that I wasn't backing out of this.


Hey guys! The second chapter. I'm sorry it's late I was so occupied. I hadn't been in the mental state to write and my emotions sort of reflect in the books i work on and i didn't want to end up ruining the story. It's shorter than the last chapter though.

Thank you so much for giving this book a try.


Hey guys! The second chapter. I'm sorry it's late I was so occupied. I hadn't been in the mental state to write and my emotions sort of reflect in the books i work on and i didn't want to end up ruining the story. It's shorter than the last chapter though.

Thank you so much for giving this book a try.


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