
Silent Resolve

In the once-respected hero's fall from grace, he stumbles upon the injured vampire in a moment of self-doubt and isolation. Despite the disdain of those he once called friends and allies, he chooses to extend a helping hand to the creature of the night, leading to a tumultuous journey of self-discovery and redemption. As they confront their inner demons and face external threats, the unlikely duo must navigate a world that has turned against them, forging an unbreakable bond in the shadows of their past mistakes. ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ Just wanted to say a few things. First of all, as this is my first book, i accept all kinds of criticism. That helps me become a better writer and it is welcomed but i don't want any hate. If you don't like my book, drop it and don't hate on me. Anyway thanks for giving this book a chance.

FugiTee · 奇幻
25 Chs

New Rage

As I swung the sword down, Remy stared at it with an unamused expression as he swiftly side-stepped the sword before jabbing at my stomach. I was still being carried by the momentum, so I was unable to do much against the attack. I attempted to twist my body but that was a move that required inhumane mobility, and that was coming from me. The punch connected, causing me to lose the air from my lungs and lift me from the ground slightly. 

Carmilla vanished from her spot and launched a pincer attack with her daggers, but Remy was one step ahead of her as he bent his back at a ninety-degree angle, bringing me to face the attack. Carmilla attacked with no prior plan and just blindly dashed in so when I was replaced as her target, she was not able to stop herself, similar to my situation. The daggers slowed their course but still inflicted damage on me, much to Remy's amusement.

"I never thought that the woman who loved you so much would attack your handsome face, makes me feel that such a handsome man has bad taste." He chuckled immediately after saying this, much to our dismay.

"Milly, don't just blindly rush in, this man is strong, we should devise a plan." 

"Yeah, I get you."

Remy looked at us whispering amongst ourselves and let us be, not without a taunt of course. At the end of our discussion, Milly readied herself before falling into my shadow and dwelling in it. I dropped my weapon thinking it would revert to its form, but it instead fell to the floor with a 'clang'. My eyes narrowed at my control or lack thereof, but I instead kicked it to Richard, entrusting it to him. Richard was about to pick it up before a hand seemingly covered in darkness emerged from his shadow. I let it be thinking it was Carmilla, but I was wrong, it instead appeared next to Remy, which he then carefully picked up before storing it in a storage ring. 

I was enraged at the action, but I didn't let anger cloud my actions, so I composed myself before rushing Remy. He seemed shocked at the fact that I abandoned my weapon to fight barehanded, but he quickly shook it off and smirked at my actions. I paid no mind to him and continued my attack with a punch to his plexus. He dodged it gracefully before delivering a sweep. I jumped over the sweep, but he then grabbed me from the air before slamming me down with massive amounts of force. As I hit the ground, I turned so I sunk into my shadow, dragging Remy with me since he was still holding onto me.

As I entered my shadow, I saw nothing, not even myself. I calmed myself before hearing the sounds of fighting around me or rather the sounds of a one-sided beatdown. When you enter a person's domain, you are under their absolute control in the case of most domains. You can only combat it with reality-warping magic or a stronger domain. In Remy's case, despite possessing the same magic and possibly the same domain, he is unable to form his own since he needs a shadow and that is impossible in a place where light doesn't pass, which is why I left myself defenseless in the air, to bring him down into my shadow.

I stayed there for a bit before I felt a force pull me out of the domain as I saw the light of the room. When I adapted to the light, I saw a shocking scene. Remy was standing above an injured Carmilla with her upper body exposed and he had a lustful grin plastered on his face. I was sure he said something to mock me, but I didn't hear what he said as I had a single desire ringing in my head, to make this man suffer. 

I was filled with rage as I conjured gauntlets of ice around my hands before firing myself towards him. He laughed at my rage before picking Carmilla up and throwing her to the side while throwing numerous daggers at me. I let them hit me because I felt an indescribable rage at his treatment of her and I didn't care about what happened to me. I wouldn't normally lose my cool in battle and it has only ever happened because the miasma weakened my mental fortitude, but this case was different because the person who got hurt was someone who stayed by my side and cried for me every day for three weeks and now, I was seeing that person get treated like a prostitute in a low-income brothel. I wanted nothing more than to see those around me live in peace but even that dream was being obstructed.