

Being forced to give up your dreams and hopes just to get married is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, especially Emma Xavier, who was forced to drop out of school at the age of 16 after her family's company went bankrupt, her parents forced her get married to one of the most successful and ruthless businessman in the world for money. This is a story of how Emma's life changed drastically after she married Maynard and how she develops feelings for him knowing full well that she shouldn't because that would be against the contract. But unknown to her the marriage contract isn't the only thing that is not letting him allow her to fall in love with there is something else.

Kaulifla42699 · 现代言情
41 Chs

Chapter 8

It was a man, a freaking man. Oh my god he looked like an angel that had just come to earth, he looked perfect, he had perfect features, oh my God that soft and smooth white looking skin. That perfectly square looking jar, those thin lips, that black silky thick short hair. OMG I didn't know that such a perfect man could exist in this world. That perfect face I want to touch it so badly. I lifted my hand to touch his angel face but before I could do it he held my hand quickly and in the Blick of an eye I was lying on my back and thus perfect angel was on top of me. He slowly opened his eyes and they were ember eyes, his thick eyebrows made his angel face look even more attractive. And then in the blink of an eye I felt his lips on my lips, he was freaking kissing me in a aggressive but enjoyable way, and my body was reacting to this kiss, it was so warm that I decided to kiss him back but the moment I started to he broke away from the kiss. "Miss Xavier don't you know that sex before marriage is a sin?" He said. He had a deep husky voice. "You were the one that kissed me first." I said. "OH really but you were the one the one that wanted to touch me first, so I decided to take action." He said, from the way he was talking I could tell that he was a cocky person . So was I seriously going to spend the rest of my life with this idiot. "Take action, by kissing me?"I asked him."But you were about to kiss me back." He said. "You know what I don't have time for this so get off of me." I said. "Okay I will I mean I still have ten more years to to kiss you right here." He said touching my precious and untouched cockie. I quickly pushed him off and he fell on the floor hitting his big ass head. I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you laughing at, do you find it funny?" He asked me. "Yeah, I do, got a problem with it Maynard?" I asked him. Damn his name sounded so good just by saying it. "It's hubby." He said. "Huh?" I asked him confused. "Since we'll be getting married then you can call me hubby, it won't look good on you if you call me by my name." He said. "Okay, hubby. Can you explain that 10 years thing you were talking about?" I said. He got up from the floor and he headed to the small cabinet that I hadn't noticed that was near the bookshelf. He opened the first drawer and he took out a few papers that were stapled together and a pen. Then he walked back towards her sitting on the bed, here take this and read it, if you have any questions then you should just ask me but don't worry I won't be changing anything in the contract and I won't add anything either. "Contract? What is it for?" I asked him. "Just read it." He said and I started reading it and it was a contract for ten years, meaning that I would only be married for ten years, I looked up at him. "Read it and you can ask me anything after you are done." He said and I continued reading it. It said that, as his contract wife then I will have to perform my duties meaning that I should pleasure him in every way possible, I should listen to everything that he says and do it without questioning him, I will bear his children, even after we separate I will still have rights over my children, the rules were long and well I was not the reading type. So I skipped and I read the last one which caught my attention it said that I should not I mean never ever fall for him. Is this guy serious who wouldn't fall for a guy who was sculpted like a deity. "Uhm... So Maynard, I mean hubby what if I break one of the rules then what will happen?" I asked him. "If you break even a single rule then I will make your life a living hell." He said and his eyes were filled with intensity, did he mean it. "Uhm, about this one that says that I will bear your children, what if I can't have kids?" I asked him. "I already did my research about you and you are perfect for the job, you are healthy." He said. "OH uhm, and what if I can't satisfy your desires?"I asked him."I know that you are a virgin I will be gentle and patient with you and I will teach you everything." He said. "OH uhm, and what if I am afraid of having sex with you?"I asked him. " Why are you asking such stupid questions?" He asked me. "Well I just want to know." I said. "Okay. If you can't have sex with me due to some reasons I don't know then I will make sure that I find out what the problem is and if I can help you then I will help you." He said. "OH uhm okay? So... What if I fall for you?" I asked him because I knew that there was no way I wouldn't ever fall for this handsome face. "Then just shut down your feelings, if you don't know how to then I'll teach, but it's not simple." He said. Is it really possible to teach a person how to shut down their feelings or is he just messing with me. "How are you going to that?"I asked him."We'll see." He said. "Anyway I have a meeting in an hour so I have to go, make yourself comfortable and if you need anything you can talk to butler x, and if you want to go anywhere just give me a call... Here's my personal phone number." He said writing down his number on a piece of paper handing it to me and I took it. "And don't forget to sign the contract, because if you don't then we won't be getting married, I won't give your parents the money I promised them and you will go back and leave with them. Going back to that duo was the last thing that I wanted. "Okay then I will." I said. "Good, I'm going to take a shower now." He said. And he went into the bathroom. Wow so this was the man I was getting married to, but was it really possible for me not to fall for him.