
chapter 41

Maynard sat down on his leather chair, holding on to his already heavy chest. he could feel his papms sweating and his feet shaking, this always happened whenever he felt nervous or scared about a situation. He felt fear starting to overcome his body which was something that didn't normally happen to him, he would always be the one to make others fear him. But he was not afraid if a certain someone, he was afraid of losing someone in the hands of him, Mabol his damned father who made sure to make his life a living hell.

Maynard thought that his true identity would stay hidden forever and from everyone, but not any longer. He had to tell Emma no matter what because he is supposed to take her with him back the kingdom, the place that gives him nightmares even to this very day, the place that was ruled by a man who robbed him of his happiness. On the day that he left he promised himself that he would never make the mistake of returning to that place no matter what the situation was, but sometimes promises are meant to be broken.

He slowly stood up from his leather chair abd he dragged his feet out of the study and he made his way to his bedroom. He opened the door and he found Emma sitting on the bed. She was staring up at the ceiling and she seemed to be deep in thoughts. He walked towards the bed abd he sat down next to her, she shifted her head and she looked at him. She was still angry at him hut all the anger faded when she noticed the look of fear in his eyes which was something that she had never seen before. She sat up from the bed not taking her eyes off him.

"Maynard, are you okay?"She asked. He shut his eyes for a moment and he then opened them again. He sighed.

"Emma, there is something that I need to tell you." He said. from the look on his face Emma could tell that it was not good news that she was about to hear.

"Go on. tell me."She said. Sge didn't like the looknthat Maynard had on his face.

"The first thing that I would like to say to you is that I am sorry, I am deeply sorry for being such a terrible husband. Even thigh our married us just contractual, i shouldn't have treated the way I did. You deserve to know the truth, I thought that I was going to keep it all from you, but I can't it's just haunting me."He said.

"It's okay mayn... I mean hubby, I forgive you. but what truth are you talking about?"She asked.

"I have been lying to you this whole time, lucius and I have been hiding something big from you..." He paused, he took a deep breath. Emma looked at him waiting for him to continue. "We are not who we said we were... Those two are not my parents, my died years ago and my father is Mabol. he is a king that only thinks of nothing but himself. "He said.

"So that means that you are a prince."Sge said in a low voice.

"Yeah. I left home a few years after my mother's death."He said.

"Why did you leave?"Emma asked.

"Because I was angry, I was angry at the fact that my father turned a blind eye on everything. My mother was brutally killed by who knows who. Instead of investigating he just ignored everything and went on with his life like nothing even happened. So I left. I found Sarah and her husband in this city and I asked for their help and in return I would make their company much bigger than it already was, and they agreed to help me and keep my true identity from the world."He said.

"This is...well I don't know. Who exactly are you?"She asked.

"Well... My name is Maynard McCain and, I was born in Yarout kingdom in the year 1814..."Emma cut him off before he could finish.

"So what you are saying is that you are what...208 years old and not 28?"Emma asked, her eyes were wide.

"Yes, please let me continue... I was born three years after Lucius was born, and yes lucius is my older brother. He came here because our father told him to come here abd bring me back to the palace."He said.

"What are you, I know for a fact you are not a human, are you a deity or something?"She asked. Maynard cleard his throat.

"I am well... a werewolf, an immortal werewolf. Lucius is one too."He said. Emma shifted from her position abd she moved a bit far away from him. "Don't be scared I won't hurt you."He said, but that wasn't enough to convince her.

"Just continue."She said.

"Well, now I have no choice but to go back to Yarout and I have to take you with me."He said.

"What!? This is some kind of joke, right?"She asked. The last thing that she wanted was to be surrounded by some immortal creatures, two of them were already making her feel uncomfortable what exactly would ten plus beast make her feel.

"Emma it's fine, I'll be by your side no matter what abd I won't let anyone hurt you."He said.

"So there will be someone or something that will try to hurt me."She said.

"Well, maybe. But I promise you you'll be okay."He said.

"Look dude you can't expect me to believe you. Especially since you've kept something this big from me, not just you but your parents... argh I don't even know what to call them, just forget it. Please just divorce me, I am sorry but just do it I can't come with you."She said.

"I can't do that."He said.

"And why not?"She asked.

"You've signed a contract with me, remember that and I am sure that you haven't forgotten the conditions."He said. He did not want to bring it up but if it was the only way to make her come with him then he would bring it up for as much as he can, even though he was aware that it didn't seat well with her.