
Chapter 36

The next day Maynard took Emma to the hospital for a check up and fortunately she did not suffer any internal injuries. "I'm glad that you are okay." Maynard said. They were both in Maynard's car and they were heading back to Maynard's mansion.

"As if you care." Emma answered. Maynard sighed. This is not what he wanted.

"You are my wife so yes I do care." He said. Emma rolled her eyes at him.

"If you did then you wouldn't have made me kneel on the pavement under the hot sun and you wouldn't have locked me up in a cold and dark basement knowing full well that I was injured. So then tell me my dear husband is that how you men show women how much you care about them?"She asked. Maynard sighed looking away. He just wished that he could tell her why he did what he did." What, cat caught your tongue? "She asked.

"Emma I..." He stopped talking because he didn't know what to say and he didn't want to make the situation worse than it already was.

"Of course there is nothing that you can say or do to defend yourself, I just wish that you were more like lucius, how I wish my parents had sold me to him instead of you." She said. Those words made Maynard angry, he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, Emma could see the anger written all over his face but she couldn't care less.

"If I ever hear you say that again then..."Before he could finish his sentence he was cut off by Emma.

"What are you going to do, lock me up in the basement again or give me a worse punishment? Go ahead and try but nothing you do or say will make me change my mind about you." She said.

"Just forget it. We will be going somewhere after you recover." He said.

"Didn't you say that we were going to visit your parents?" She asked.

"There has been a change of plans." He said.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I'll tell you when the time comes not now." He said. Emma rolled her eyes and she looked away.

After 30 minutes they arrived at Maynard's house, Maynard helped Emma to get out of the car and enter the house. She didn't complain because she knew that she could not do anything without her wheelchair. He sat her down on the sofa in the living room and then he left. Emma took the remote that was on her left side and she turned the TV on. Luckily her favourite show was playing.

After a while lucius walked into the living room, he sat down next to Emma. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I am feeling better now." She said.

"That's good to hear. Did Maynard tell you?" He asked.

"Tell me what?"

"About us going to Yarout kingdom."He asked.

"What kingdom?" She asked. She was hearing the name for the first time, and it sounded weird.

"Yarout kingdom. You can ask him, I am not allowed to tell you now just ask him as soon as he comes back." He said.

"Where did he go to?" She asked.

"He went to the office, there are some matters that he needs to attend to." He said.

"Hew do you spell Ya-whatever kingdom?"She asked.

"It's Y-A-R-O-U-T. But why do you ask, it's not like you need to know how to spell it, it's not that important." He said.

"Can you make me some strawberry shake?" She asked and he nodded his head. He stood up and he made his way into the kitchen. Emma took out her phone and sge went on the internet to search for this Yarout kingdom that she had never even heard of before.

She found the results but they didn't seem to be what she was expecting, it said: 'Yarout kingdom was a kingdom that existed between 1777 to 1830 and was ruled by a ruthless king called Mabol.' she stopped reading for a moment, she found the name Mabol to be familiar. She remembered that she had seen it on one of Maynard's files when she was going through his stuff before butler X interrupted her. She wondered why that name was on Maynard's file, but she told herself that it was just a coincidence, but her curiosity said otherwise. She continued reading: 'The king had three sons, Jathion, Maynard and lucius and he had four daughters, Jade, Lanny, Krisley and Ember....'Befire she could continue Lucius entered the living room holding the strawberry shake that she asked for. She quickly turned her phone off and she put it on the couch.

"What you are done?" She asked.

"Uhm yeah, here you go. What are you hiding?" He asked.

"Nothing, I was just not expecting you to finish up really quickly." She said clearing her throat.

"You were searching about Yarout kingdom on the internet weren't you? Don't waste your time you won't find anything useful." He said.

"I did."

"You did?"


"What did you find?"

"Well I found that it was ruled by some king called Mabol and what caught my attention was that this kingdom only existed between 1777 and 1830 and that two of his sons were Maynard and lucius. Since the kingdom is long gone then which kingdom are we going to visit? "She asked. Lucius looked at her but he had a calm expression on his face.

"Like I said don't bother searching for it on the internet because you will not find anything useful." He said. Emma looked at him sceptically.

"What are you and Maynard hiding from me?" She asked.

"I have to go and make a phone call. Make sure to enjoy your strawberry shake I made it with a lot of love. So enjoy it." He said getting walking out if the living room. Emma watched him leave, she now knew that thus two were hiding a lot from her and she was going to do anything and everything to find out what exactly they were hiding,but first she had to heal and get the hell out of that wheelchair even though it was comfortable.