
Time To Go

The next day we pack up and get ready to leave. I feel myself wanting to stay... to hide away from everything but I can't bring myself to do it. We need to go back... others were counting on us to come back. We say our goodbyes and walk back to the gate.

It never once had sunlight in the time we were here... no stars, no moon. The only way we knew it was the full moon was because of the Moon lilies in and around the forest. They would only bloom when it was a full moon. Hule stops us and says "It was an honor to have you all here. Feel free to come back at any time." 

We smile and say our thanks before I reach out and touch the stone yet again. Instantly we find ourselves back in the creepy forest. I look up and smile when I see the two large, full moons. It had bothered me more than I had realized... I didn't like not seeing the moons. It felt unnatural...