
Chapter 16

The day had finally come, Ivar and I waiting by a specific dock, horses and Dogmeat in hand, till we were allowed to board as the crew ran about making final preparations.

They ran around in ordered chaos hauling the last bits of cargo by hand or wooden crane, doing some last minute maintenance of ship, and likely a bunch of other things I was totally unaware of since I had no knowledge of anything naval beyond bare bones basics.

As for the ship itself… I was honestly expecting it to be bigger, though that was likely due to comparing it to ships back home in modern era. I am sure cargo container ships would equally freak out and cause local merchants to pass out in wonder at the site of them alone, let alone the amount of trade goods they could carry at once.

The ship was about a hundred and thirty feet long, with one tall central mast and a smaller one towards the front, the central mast I noticed flew the Nilfgaardian flag. Instead of using a rudder with a steering boom, it had a wheel like the Black Pearl's from Pirates of the Caribbean. For defense, the captain had hired a small mercenary band with about fifteen members. Oh, and me I suppose. A square hole was built into the deck that led down to the hold, for moving large cargo I assumed. On either side of said hole, rope ladders led down to the hold for the crew to move in and out of the hold.

Hmm, I think I remember reading somewhere that older ships were coated in pitch and other flammable material in order to make them function better? Wasn't sure… but I would avoid using Igni when aboard just to be safe.

My musings were interrupted when an equally well-dressed and built man stepped before us, I assume he was captain of ship considering not a minute before he was shouting orders to crew in a language I didn't understand before walking our way. He wore a sailor's long coat, hat, and even had a sword on his side. His black hair and beard were well trimmed compared to his more scruffy looking crew. He also had this barely restrained annoyed expression that was hidden under a look and tone of total politeness.

I assume he didn't appreciate landlubbers on his ship but had to deal with it since we bought passage through his guild in the first place.

"I am captain Elio Pisapia of the Wave Rider. I am told you two and your beasts have booked passage aboard my vessel until Novigrad. Let it be known here and now that while on my ship I am god and I expect you to follow orders when I deem necessary for the well being of my ship. You're not sailors nor likely have any experience in such things so don't expect me to interact with you unless I wish it. During times of great need I do expect you to pull your weight because I have no plans to die due to laziness. Assuming the Great Sun is with us this voyage will be a typical one, but only a foolish man expects the sea to adhere to his plans. I am clear, gentlemen?" Captain Eilo stated in a polite yet stern voice that had a hint of an Italian accent.

"Of course, captain. Last thing we want is to mess up your crew's effectiveness at helping us cross this big deadly body of water likely infested in things that would happily drown and eat us, not always in that order." I stated.

"I have the utmost respect for those who are experts in fields that I lack. You will find no trouble from me." Ivar said with a bow.

"Excellent. I will likely invite you two for meals later on since I imagine there is much to talk about with a Witcher and scholar traveling together. Now then, allow my crew to safely take your horses abroad while we do the same." Eilo stated while barking more orders to a few crewmen in native Nilfgaardian most likely.

They quickly came over and took the reins of Ivar's horse and Griffin, leading them over to the crane to lift them up and then lower them below deck in a stable area for transporting animals in general. We instead went up the gangplank, following after the captain, who led us to a section of the crew's sleeping area that would be ours alone. It having hammocks made them cool despite likely all the terrible realities of medieval sea travel I am sure to discover. Unlike crew we were told that during the course of the trip as long as we didn't interfere with duties of crew or do anything wrong we would be free to move about the ship.

After another half hour of the ship getting prepared the captain bellowed out that we were ready to depart.

I watched from the front of the ship as men untied the Wave Rider from the dock, starting bringing up the anchor, and rolling down the sails. The central mast had a massive square sail and the front one a smaller triangular sail, both showcasing a rising sun within a large triangle to show that this ship belongs to the Guild of Merchants as well as the Nilfgaardian Empire. Best hope that no raiders from Skellige think that this ship is an easy score since I didn't really hate the people nor their reasons for hating Nilfgaard, the empire is not afraid to pull some shifty shit to advance their power after all.

With the sails unfurled they caught the wind and we started to slowly leave the docks of Pont Vanis. A little bit later were were leaving the port and defending breakwaters that defended it from the sea itself or less natural invaders while passing other ships coming and going on their own voyages. Barely an hour later and Pont Vanis was behind us out of sight and I was truly on my way into the more well known and dangerous parts of the Northern Kingdoms, with the first stop being arguably the most legendary place of the setting for the main character.

All I could do now was hope voyage went well and nothing terribly bad happened.


Something terribly bad happened, I realized that combined with my own hate of sunlight, how said sun easily reflects off sea, and Witcher enhanced senses do not make a pleasant mixture. When I wasn't being totally blinded, my face hurt whenever I was above deck since I was squinting hard enough to look like those manga characters who always seemed to have their eyes closed for some reason.

Like seriously, why do they do that and how do they see anything?!

This meant that during the journey I spent most of my time below deck finding means to pass the time that ranged from practicing my Signs, besides Igni, experimenting more with my potion making from super basic medicine to more magical ones, talking with Ivar on a variety of subjects, visiting Griffin and other animals to make sure they weren't lonely, and of course running Dogmeat through various obedience training so she understood the importance of following orders in exchange for treats.

My Dogmeat was sadly not immortal and very squishy, especially as a puppy as our cuddle time showed, so I wanted to make sure she stayed when I told her to. Ideally the only time I would use her on a job was to act as a more advanced tracker and an early warning system with that super nose of her that was already great at finding where I hide the dried meat she loved so much. I did plan to teach her how to assault humans and other humanoids in future so she would know how to defend herself, but for now it was basically learning how to listen or more advanced training was easier in future. Use of the Xiil Sign helped in that regard by allowing basic communications, but since Dogmeat was basically a toddler mentally a lot of it was mainly 'food, play, and I love you.'

I would not have minded a free-spirited dog back home, but if Dogmeat was going to be my Witcher dog she needed to learn to listen to stay alive.

About a week into the voyage, one of the sailors took pity on me and gifted me with a primitive pair of sunglasses. In short, it was a canvas cloth cut into a strip about two inches wide and over a foot long, with two slits cut into the cloth over my eyes. It wasn't as effective as a good pair of reflective lenses, but it served to reduce the sun glare to where I could actually go on deck during most of the day without having a migraine afterwards. Dogmeat loved running around in the sun at least and pretty sure most of the crew loved her as well, even the captain didn't mind her as long as I cleaned up after her.

… I might be tempting Destiny, the bitch, here a little bit but I was totally expecting a sea snake or some other terrible monster to emerge to try and kill us all at this point. I mean, things are never this boring down a DnD session when you are on a boat. Seems like reality was different… or drawing me into a sense of complacency before stabbing me in the back.

I found those odds better.

Till then I just had to enjoy the ride and simply prepare for whatever comes our way till we reached out first stop.


Something did happen the next day, though not was I expected.

"Swimmers, off the port bow! They are requesting we drop anchor to trade!" I heard the man from the crow's nest shout while pointing to the Wave Rider's left side.

"Swimmers?" I muttered from where I was sitting while playing tug of war with Dogmeat on deck before giving her rope and walking over to the left side to join the crowd of sailors already looking over the side.

A bit of pushing had me looking over the edge of ship and my eyes widening under my clothed head. Cause there were about two dozen merpeople riding dolphins alongside the ship, waving and calling out to us about… trade?

"We got some fresh pearls! Slow down and let's talk!"

"Got some worked coral that should fetch a fine price!"

"Fresh meats and kelp as well that should keep till you reach shore!"

"Well, wasn't expecting this at all." I muttered.

"Furl the sails and drop anchor! If trade is what they want, we shall not dissuade them!" I heard the captain say by the helm and the sailors quickly got into action to slow down the ship as Ivar walked over to see what was going on.

"Looks like some merpeople decided to drop by to do business." I summed up.

"Oh my, how rare! While we know of the races that live under the sea rare it is that those living among the land interact with them. Do you think they would be interested in an interview and maybe even discuss the creatures of the deep that no man has likely seen before?" Ivar asked excitedly as he waved over to our visitors.

"Their merchants, make it worth their while and I am sure they will tell you whatever you want." I pointed out.

"Then it will be money well spent!"

At that declaration it didn't take long for the ship to come to a stop in the middle of the ocean and allowing our friendly undersea dwellers and their rides to take a rest on a clear day. From a glance they didn't look much different from humans from the waist up, albeit a bit paler looking than normal from likely living deep in oceans without direct sunlight. No doubt though, even through the water, I could see the long fishtails where their legs would be on a human.

Most of them were shirtless which while not so bad for the men left looking at the women of the group a little awkward since I didn't know where to look without possibly being offensive. I know I shouldn't put human norms on an entirely different race but still. Some did wear some articles of clothing like necklaces, wearing some bags that looked woven out of kelp or something, and a few were even wearing some kind of armor and holding tritons which I assume were the guards of the group.

Hmm, I think I read something on the wikia back home that merpeople didn't have the best opinion of humans in general, but I don't know the details. All I really know is about that one time where Geralt helped a mermaid and a human get together. At least unlike the other Elder Races humans hadn't invaded their homes and pushed them out while killing countless due to the simple fact they couldn't breath underwater. Small mercies there I guess.

I watched as the captain ordered some of the rowboats lowered to allow merchants to directly talk with merpeople about what both sides had to offer, which considering I saw what looked like saddlebags on dolphins as the were jumping out of the water I assume a least a bit. At least trade can bring different races together in some manner of peaceful conversation.

I watched Ivar sweet talk his way onto one of boats as they were lowered down while I remained on the deck, since I had nothing to offer nor wanted at the time so me talking directly with them would be kinda pointless. I did watch and listen as merchants started offering things like golden jewelry, ceramic plates and bowls, and other items I assume wouldn't be negatively affected by being submerged in salt water, smart. The merpeople in return were offering things like pearls, coral, sea sponges, meats from various undersea creatures and many other things I didn't even recognize.

Hmm, since it seemed like this trading session could go on for a little while and that Ivar seemed pretty into his talks with a handsome looking merman I decided-

"Master Witcher!" I heard a voice come from below me and looked down to see a mermaid with black hair and thankfully wearing some kind of top wave up at me from away from trading mass.

"Yes? Something I can do for you? Fair warning, if you are looking for my services if it is anything down too far or long I will have to decline since even with a potion I can't last super long underwater." I stated.

I also really didn't want to fight anything in it's preferred environment and images of sea monsters in the ocean in general scared the crap out of me. I think it was the fact that I wasn't built to move fast in it, not breathing at all, darkness of being underwater, and that most sea monsters tended to be large enough to eat me whole is what really frightened me.

"Nothing like that, I had just heard stories of a Witcher who had convinced the lady Sh'eenaz to give up her tail and live on land with her human lover and wanted to talk to meet one myself. It is a story that has many conflicted back home after all, with some seeing the Witcher as a corrupter while others see him as a hopeless romantic." she explained.

Ha! Geralt? A hopeless romantic? Sure he had his moments in the games but those were rare and he would deny it hard himself.

"Well I am not him nor do I know him personally, but I do know of him. He is known as Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf. What do you think of him, m'lady?" I asked curiously.

"I think that he was just a man that helped bring two loved ones closer together and for that alone he deserves respect. This world needs more love in it if what stories I hear of the surface world is true."

"You're not wrong there. Sadly we Witchers aren't matchmakers on average, just monster slayers when they are killing people. Curious, you have something like that where you live?" I asked myself since I doubted any Witcher has taken up a contract under the sea.

"There are many hunters and warriors that traverse the depths and slay the beasts we cannot peacefully interact with. Though usually it is best to settle in swallower areas or places the larger ones cannot swim. For example, despite what many surface dwellers believe about us controlling them, krakens are feared predators that we usually avoid whenever possible while they remain in their own territory. We have no Witchers as you would know them."

"Figured as much, anything else I can do for you?"

"No, but thank you for letting me satisfy my curiosity. Though I personally cannot imagine giving up my tail to live on land I am happy one of your order helped one of my people find happiness. Farewell Master Witcher, I still must trade while we have time."

And with that she dived back underwater and joined the still vigorously trading mass of merpeople and humans in rowboats haggling back and forth peacefully.