
Gacha System

You know... Life is full of surprises. One night, I'm just your regular office drone that tries to survive the capitalistic city where the rich, but it changes quickly. One night, I died. Yup, just like that. I died while sleeping. However, it was not the important thing. The most important thing is that I reincarnated into a fantasy world. That sounds good, right? No! I get reincarnated into the world where monster roams the land, and what makes matters worse is that I'm reincarnated as the son of a lord who defends the land from monsters. And that is not the worst of it all! I got a Gacha-based system! The bane of my existence!

LuxVonDeux · 都市
26 Chs

Chapter 13: Calm Before The Storm

We managed to get all the goods just a few hours after we arrived in this city. Not only that, but we also managed to get some chickens from the city. We also need to buy another wagon and four camels to take the goods back home.

It needs a lot of money to buy them all, but we have the money to buy them all. I am lucky to have that Block of Gold from the system.

Speaking of a system, I look at the blue screen in front of me and press the accept button. A second later, a card appears in front of me. I take the card and sigh a little when I see a stack of stones on it. I did not need to read the description to know what kind of thing was inside the card, as I got many of these cards in the past few weeks.

I prefer wood to stone because we use wood more than stone.

I store the card inside my inventory and look out the window. I hate how slow the journey from one place to another is in this era. Leaving me alone with my thoughts is something that I have yet to get used to.

However, there is a plus in this slow journey. I can think of something to make my fief prosper. At the moment, we have enough water to use for gardening and drinking. I want to create a small but large number of canals that water the plants around the village.

It did not need to be wide but rather long, with branches spreading across the farm. With this, the others did not need much time to water the farm, and they could spend their time on other things. At the moment, only a few people are helping me on the project to restore the village.

Even then, we managed to build more homes for the others and a new storage for our excess food. I also need new people to stay in our village. At the moment, we lack the human resources for all the projects I have in mind.

A dozen or so people would be good for our village. That is how desperate I am for a human resource. Especially if they are carpenters. I have one, but we need more to build more things. A mason is also good because the blacksmith is the one taking care of all the stones back home.

"My lord."

I snap from my thoughts and say.

"What is it, Sebastian?"

"There are a group of people in front of us."

I look out of the carriage and see there is a group of people walking through the road. As we get close, I look at them and say.

"Can I ask the reason you guys are moving north?"

A middle-aged man looks at me and says,

"We are migrating north because of an incoming monster wave, my lord."

"Monster wave? Where?"

A monster wave is a migration of monsters that will attack any humanoid race, like dwarves, beastman, elves, and humans. It is dangerous and takes many people to stop a monster wave.

"The City Lord is about to activate his blessing, sir. Because of this, monsters coming from the east and south will be going north, east, and west. We want to go further north to avoid the monster migration. We hope that they do not go that far north."

"I see. Thank you for this information."

When we were far away from that group, I suddenly said,

"Sebastian, what is the blessing of Orton's City Lord?"

"It is a blessing called [Fragrant Shield]. It let him cover his city with a shield that ensured the monster did not want to attack or approach his city."

"That means a monster wave will appear on our doorstep. Dammit!"

All my hard work will be gone if I let them arrive at our village. No! I will not let them do that.

"Sebastian, we need to return ASAP! We will prepare for the defensive stance against the monster. Non-stop march. I will heal the horses and camels."

"Yes, my lord."

Sebastian barks orders, and we move faster than before. I hope that we have enough time to prepare.


"Move! Move!"

I shout as we move the one-meter cubic stone using a wooden sled. We are building a small wall to protect our village. Our village location is not good, but lucky for us, we know where the monster is coming from. They are coming from the east and the south. We can build a small wall and tower to put an archer or two to snipe monsters from a high place.

Not only that, but we can also control the monster's movement with that tower and wall. Put two walls in front of us with a small gap in the middle for us to stand, and the monster will focus on the gap instead of the massive opening to the side. Monster is simple-minded. As long as there are not too many people outside that gap, they will attack through the gap between the wall and the towers.

The people in that gap will act as a wall to stop the monster's movement.

Lucky for me, the stones from the card are already neatly in a row when I summon them. I only need to ensure I am in the right position when I rip it apart. The hard one is the small tower or rather a stack of stone for an archer to stand. They will be our eyes and the ones killing the flying monster, if there is one.

It has been two days since we returned from Irton City, and we have been busy. We have already fortified the mansion using logs and stone. The women will stay back in the basement until the fight is over.

Some of the women, including Cassandra, want to fight, and I already asked the carpenter and the blacksmith to make as many spears and bows for them. I already have the arrows we need because of my Gacha power.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead as we are done for the last stone.

"My lord! My lord!"

I look to the side and see the scouts return. However, they are not alone. I can see at least thirty people arrive alongside the five scouts. I jump down the wall and say.

"Welcome back. How are they?"

Instead of the scout, one of the refugees walks forward and says.

"My lord. My name is Demmar, and I am the chief of the Harmas Village. We are asking for asylum for the incoming monster wave, my lord. We know that we are asking for too much. We had already lost many of our people at the monster ambush, and we did not know where to go. We don't think we can survive another journey to another village."

I look at him for a second before saying.

"Very well. Welcome to our village. How many of you can fire an arrow?"

Ten of them raise their hands, and I nod.

"Good. You guys will help us defend the village when the monster wave arrives. For now… Sebastian! Feed them something."

Sebastian nods his head and walks to the kitchen to get food for them.

"After you guys are done eating, help us take all these stones."

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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