
Chapter 14

"Tell me your names, Mga Gago." Sera impatiently crossed her arms on her chest while raising a brow.

The three men looked at each other meaningfully before opening their mouths to speak.

"I am called by the name Sylvester, my lady." The man with glasses took the first move.

"If it were such a lovely Mademoiselle I would be honored to introduce myself, my name is Cloud mon beau Soleil." Sera slightly winced as she didn't understand what he said in the last part.

"Did you just cussed at me?" She raised her fist for a punch when Cloud spoke.

"I would never speak so badly about mon doux miel, I'm so sorry for the misinterpretation but mon beau Soleil only meant 'my beautiful sunshine', and mon doux miel means 'my sweet honey."

"Has anyone ever told you that you are so shameless?" Sera asked her face red as a tomato.

"If my honesty means being shameless then I am mademoiselle." Sera rolled her eyes at cloud and looked at the last person to introduce himself.

The man stood regally as he introduce himself to her.

"Lo Siento mi Tesoro for the late introduction, I am blessed with a name Caious."



"Your names are Sylvester, Cloud, and Caious? As in C-A-I-O-U-S Caious?" She recalled their names while pointing at theme.




Maybe it was just a coincidence that their names were the same as her babies. After all, those names were not that unique.

"So, how did you three enter my house? Were you armed that night? And threatened my babies? Or did you tie them up and locked them in the basement, then put them beside me on my bed as if nothing happened?" Sera inhaled a breath after asking questions after questions.

"We entered through the door my lady, no we weren't armed. We didn't see any babies nor any other person inside the house and No my lady." Sylvester answered her question so specifically that she began to feel suspicious.

"Why did you, you, and you touched me?" She said pointing at them again. Sera tried to stop her cheeks from burning red her eyes looking in a different direction.

  "We heard your cry for help, so as a good samaritan we had to offer a hand although you were not in your right mind, we know that what we did is considered harassment but we are willing to take full responsibility."

Sera understood their point, but making them take responsibility for her action was not right.

"Okay I understand, your apology is accepted. Also, I have to thank you for helping me in that kind of state. May I ask if any of you had penetrated me?"

The three were quick to answer her question.

"Not my lady!"

"No! Señora!,"

"I would never!"

Sera was a bit startled by the three suddenly screaming at her, but she sighed in relief.

'Good it's still intact.'

"By the way, there is no need for you to take responsibility, it was after all my fault. I was the one who drank the alcohol even though having the full knowledge of it being drugged. And I may not have locked my door when I entered our house because of being drunk, so clearly it is my fault. Thank you for not taking advantage of the situation and helping me at the same time." Sera felt light and thought that Jonas was not lying to her back then when he told her that he didn't know about the three.

"Seraaaa~" next thing Sera knows, Naja was already clinging to her looking sharply at the three men. Naja seems to be not affected by their looks.

'Deym hot sugar daddy'

Those words kept on running in a circle, around Naja's mind while she kept glaring at the most gorgeous beings she had ever seen.

"Who is this?" Naja looked at them from head to toe, then toe to their heads. "People?"

Naja adorably pouted her lips at Sera as if saying to not leave her.

"A-ahhh we were just talking about some things, hahahahaha. They were about to leave actually, right?" Sera widened her eyes at them as if warning them to say yes.

"Yes, thank you for talking things with us my lady. We will be taking our leave now." They all bowed at her first before exiting the house.

"O.M.G Sera? Your keeping secrets from me now? Why didn't you tell me about those hunks?! I could have one for myself!" Sera rolled her eyes, it was always like that when Naja sees someone she liked, and it was rare for her to see it because Naja had a very, very high standard for dating and liking men.

"What's with my lady? They looked so formally hot, I think I liked the guy with spectacles more."

"Stop it, Naja, they're not here to court or anything, they just wanna apologize for something that they did bad to me, that's all." Sera cut into Naja's words, making Naja wince in annoyance.

"If I were you I wouldn't mind if they'll do horrible things to me-"

"Naja stop it!"

"Hahahahaha I really like it when you blushed like that! It makes me want to tease you even more!"

"Stop it!"


Meanwhile, after the three exited the house they prepared themselves.

If Sera was able to just shrug her shoulders at what Jonas did to her, but the three were releasing a lot of killing intent auras, they will not let that man walk freely on the streets, enjoying his own life while Sera suffer from the possible trauma she had developed.

Caious, Sylvester, and Cloud waited outside for Jonas to be transferred to the hospital.

Once Sylvester saw the silhouette walking in their direction, he stealthily ran behind them and smacked their napes with his hand, making them unconscious on the ground.

Then they took Jonas and its accomplice, sprinting their way out while carrying a body was like an easy job for them, it was just like carrying a 12-year-old child.

They ran through the forest, far from Sera's house, and tied the two on a large tree.

"Let's just follow what we have planned," Cloud, who was just leaning on the same tree where they tied Jonas looked serious, his hands were already itching for some blood.

"Calm down Cloud, it would be more satisfying to kill them if they are wide awake," Sylvester said as he draws his daggers from his jacket.

While Caious was just silently sharpening his katana, waiting for the two men tied on the tree to wake up.

They were all beginning to feel bored when they heard someone groan.

Everyone stood up from where they were sitting and pulled their weapons out while walking toward Jonas who was already awake.

"Finally, you're awake."