
Arc 1 - Ch 4: "An Unforgettable Face"

CHAPTER 4 - "An unforgettable face"

This web novel is a draft of the story. Please expect frequent changes and updates as I see fit. Enjoy! -Cloki

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-The two entered the adventurer's guild together, ready to begin their journey to defeat Hasher and save the world. Suddenly, Siegfried heard the voice of Camriel speaking to him once more.

[Camriel]: "Siegfried, partying up with individuals is an excellent way to go about this situation, but be careful. I'm sensing an unfamiliar, dangerous aura around that girl. Don't get on her bad side, okay? Put your faith in her, she seems to be a powerful mage..."

Siegfried to Camriel: "Understood, also, are you able to hear my thoughts, Camriel? This is confusing..."

[Camriel]: "My soul is close enough to yours that we can indeed communicate telepathically, just make sure not to accidentally say your thoughts aloud, as doing so could put you at risk of suspicion. Okay, Siegfried?"

Siegfried to Camriel: "Okay. Thank you, Camriel."

[Camriel]: "Good luck."

-Upon entering the Adventurer's Guild, Siegfried couldn't help but notice the strong smell of alcohol, and the presence of dozens of adventurers of all levels around the place. Siegfried glanced at a man in a white knight's outfit with scarlet red hair, and he glanced back and said nothing. Siegfried's heart dropped. He could immediately sense the aura of a god around that man. He knew he would definitely be seeing him later. Siegfried broke eye contact and caught his breath. Surveying the area, Sigfried took notice of a few key locations, such as the quest board, rewards table, game area, and bar. But before he could greet anyone-

Azure: "Siegfried, come here, it's our turn to get our adventurers profiles made."

Siegfried: "Already? That was fast, on my way, Azure-san!"

-Siegfried followed Azure to the adventure's profile distribution center.

???: "Welcome to the adventurers guild! Oi? Azure? I didn't expect to see you'd brought a boy along with you! What is this fine young man's name?"

-Standing before us, I could only assume was the quest giver, Azure-san's father. He was a man of shorter stature, yet his aura was that of a dragon. He was an older man who had the eyes of one who's experienced every pain imaginable to man. He was not to be messed with. He had glasses and reminded me of the way Mr. Takada looked in the interview room back on Earth.

Azure: "Father, this is Siegfried, he is my party for our upcoming adventure to defeat Hasher! Siegfried-kun, this is my father, Daichi, he works as a quest giver here and will be issuing us our adventurer profiles."

Daichi: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Siegfried-dono."

Siegfried: "I am honored to meet you too, Daichi-sama."

Daichi: "Well, if you would, please, step this way so I can gauge your pre-determined abilities, and issue you your adventurers' profiles!"

-Both Siegfried and Azure stepped off to the side, and spread their arms out. Daichi took Siegfried and Azure's measurements, and channeled energy through their mana Vats, a concept new to Siegfried, as mana was not something that existed back on Earth. When the process was finished, Daichi gave the party the status report of their abilities.

Daichi: "As expected, Azure, your abilities are far beyond that of an ordinary starting adventurer. You have more than met proficiency in basic, water, and air magic. You will be well off on this adventure."

Daichi: "As for Siegfried.... you have zero magical capabilities at all. You will need to learn the basic spells from scratch. HOWEVER, I do sense an unusual aura around you...almost like you're a god in disguise... be wary of any unnatural powers that may awaken inside of you at any given time..."

Siegfried: "WHAT, I'M BASICALLY USELESS, NO MAGIC WHATSOE-wait did you say a....god? How could that be....? unless.."

Azure to herself:[ "Siegfried...a god...? Interesting.. I'll have to keep my eye on that boy. To me, he just seems like a random adventurer on a suicide mission."]

Azure aloud: "Thank you, Father. What is our first quest on our journey?"

Daichi: "Well, your first task is to teach this boy magic! He will die out there without any combat skills! Please, Azure, if you don't mind."

Azure: "-- --"

Azure: "-- -- what..WHAT"

Azure: "I have to teach him MAGIC? UGH, that totally throws my schedule back like an entire year! How is he going to learn and pick up magic that quickly!?!?"

Daichi: "Well, you did say that this boy here was your party member, did you not? It's only fair that each member of a party is on a similar level, right Azure?"

Azure: "Well, yeah, but learning magic takes years of practice! We simply do not have that time to spare when Hasher is constantly sending out his cults of dark mages to spread his agenda and take over the world!"

Daichi: "I understand your concern Azure, but be not alarmed, I sense this boy has a natural affinity for magic... It may prove to be easier than you initially imagine.. trust me."

Azure: "OI-...yes father, as you wish."

Azure to herself: ["Now that I think about it, teaching this dude magic IS a good opportunity to get close with him. I just hope that what father says is true, and that he does indeed have the natural affinity for magic..."]

Azure: "Come on Siegfried-kun, it's time for us to begin our journey. I guess I'll be teaching you magic. Follow me, to the Aqua Trail, that is where we will begin our practicing."

Siegfried: "Sounds good, Azure-san! I'm right behind ya!"

-Azure, with a look of content, waves Siegfried over, signaling that it is time to leave.

Daichi: "Good luck Azure and Siegfried! Do check in every now and then to collect quest rewards!!!"

-With their adventurers' profiles made, Azure and Siegfried go off on their journey together. Siegfried, a promising savior, is about to begin his journey through Provincia...

Azure: "Siegfried-kun, follow me real quick to the Inn, I'd like to book us a room so that we may have a place to retire to once the sun has gone down."

Siegfried: "I'm right behind ya!"

[???]: "Hey, you two, stop right there for a second."

Siegfried and Azure: "Oi?"

[???]: "I got a question for ya."

-A cloaked figure stood before Siegfried and Azure, he was much taller than them and had the aura of a ghost floating about him. He pulled his hood back, to reveal white hair and a masked face.

Azure: "AH! Who are you?"

[???]: "My name does not concern you two. I have but one question. How would you two like to join Hasher's Cult, and secure your spots in the hierarchy of his mages?"

Siegfried: "...excuse me?"

-Siegfried could feel Camriel's soul approaching him, eager to listen in on what this mysterious man had to say, almost as if she was ready to prevent Siegfried from doing something stupid, which was probably true.

[???]: "Yes, I am asking you if you would like to join Hasher's Cult. It would provide you with a stable and successful future, guaranteed."

-The cloaked man then presented a book representing a bible to the pair. On the cover of the black book, was an illustration of Hasher, with numerous symbols around him. It was quite a beautiful illustration, yet it also had a terrifying aspect to it...

[Camriel]: "Siegfried, do not listen to this man, he is a dark mage who wants nothing more than to convert you to the dark side early and spread the agenda of Hasher. Tell him you're not interested at the moment, and you'll come back later. It's the safest way to keep yourself alive."

-Siegfried has the ability to naturally converse with Camriel, given that her soul is close enough to his.

Siegfried to Camriel: "Alright, whatever you say, Camriel-sama."

Azure: "...could you tell us more about Hasher's Cu-"

-Siegfried interrupted Azure-

Siegfried: "Sorry, mystery man, but we have to go. I'm not interested at the moment. However, I'll meet up with you later so we could potentially discuss this matter."

[???]: "hmm. it seems you lack enlightenment, young man. We will meet again soon..."

-Suddenly, the mysterious man cast a spell, and teleported away. Teleportation is an advanced spell that requires a sound mind and a substantial amount of mana to cast, so this mysterious hooded figure was definitely a legitimate wizard...

Azure: "What gives? I thought we could gather some inside information about Hasher, Siegfried! You idiot!"

Siegfried: "Trust me Azure, it's better that we don't question Hasher's Cult this early. A little birdie told me that it could potentially be dangerous..."

Azure: "Ugh, whatever you say, imbecile."

-Azure flicked Siegfried on the head, leaving a small red mark where her finger contacted his head. Together, they made their way into the inn, as the sun began to set. They entered the double doors of the Formai Inn, and were met with a cheerful welcome.

[???]: "Welcome to the Formian Inn! My name is Jinore! How may I be of assistance?"

-Jinore was a taller lady, who ran the Formai Inn. She had dark forest green hair, reaching down to about her neck. She wore an apron, and had a relaxed expression. Her aura was that of a housecat hunting for mice.

Azure: "A room for two please, one bed is fine."

Siegfried: "OI OI OI, ONE BED? d-d-does that mean w-were sleeping IN THE SAME BED AZURE-SAN!?"

-Siegfried was overcome with excitement, however, it was quickly diminished at Azure's reply.

Azure: "No, you idiot. You're sleeping on the floor. A one-bed room costs less than a double bedroom. Plus, the floor ain't that bad."

Siegfried: "WA-"

Jinore: "Here is the key to your room, you two take care! I will be awakening the inn at 8:00 for breakfast. Sleep well!"

Azure: "Come on, Siegfried-kun, to the room!"

Siegfried: "ugh.. okay, I'm coming."

-As the two made their way to their room, Siegfried felt a chill run down his spine. He quickly turned around, thinking somebody was watching them, but realized nobody was there.. at least nobody he could see.

Azure: "Everything alright, Siegfried?"

Siegfried: "yeah... I just thought I saw something."

Azure: "You're just tired. Come now, let's rest up before we start magic training in the morning."

Siegfried: "Sounds good. Goodnight, Azure-san."

Azure: "Goodnight, Siegfried-kun."

-The two fell asleep, Azure in bed and Siegfried on the floor as dictated by Azure. They rested well that night, but something wasn't right... A presence was looming outside of their window, just as Siegfried has suspected.

[???]: "You should have joined when you had the chance. It's too late for you to turn back now, boy."

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