
Should have remained crush

Warning: (Mature content) Which is more painful? Losing your childhood friend or losing your other half? What if your childhood friend is also your other half? Life with Ray was perfect. Perfect family, lovely kids, lavish life...everything was perfect. But then Ray had to die leaving Laura an emotionless object. She became immune to pain. She forgot how to care and in the process, she pushed her friends away. She needed healing. Or maybe love. But the media wouldn't make things easier for her. Every tiny bit of her life was captured and featured on the dailies. Her immediate best option was you hide; Hide her life, work, kids, friends and love. Hiding her feelings wasn't easy though. She was hurting the other party in the process. Dario Anderson. Our dark eyed knight. If the media was the issue, then he had to be more powerful to control the media. If he was the issue, then he had to change to be worthy of her love. If his age was the issue, then he had to convince her that age was just a number. If her kids were the problem, then he had to convince them that he wouldn't try replacing their father but would try helping their dad finish what he had left unfinished. What about if his family was the issue? What if the Andersons hid some informations on Ray's death? What will happen if Laura came to know? There are so many hurdles that the two were to pass through such that they would begin questioning if their decision to become a couple was a good one. The main question is: Should they have remained crush? .

sugainmytea · 现代言情
44 Chs


Dario watched the screen in awe. His strawberry woman was creating waves in the media.She took over the company after her husband's death.

She was being interviewed and all her answers came out with confidence.Dario could see that the confidence was just a facade."Why is she even pretending?" He chuckled softly.

He admits, he admires her courage.She was now the prettiest CEO in the country.That's how the media put it.

"What is Dan doing there?"

Blake who had just entered the room asked.Dario looked at the other people present and realized that his father's right hand man is present there.He didn't see him before.

You can't blame him,can you?

"Yeah that's surely is Dan.What is that old man up to now?"

They were both confused.

Dario took his phone out and made a call.

"What is Dan doing at the R&L agency?"

"I told you that no one is going to lose."

Came the deep voice from the other end.

"I'm not sure but i think dad is up to something?" Blake commented.Yeah even Dario had the same thoughts.

If he is up to something then he should make a counter attack to prevent him from harming the Williams.He took his car keys hurriedly leaving the confused brother behind.

His first instinct was to protect Laura.Why?He didn't know.


R&L is busy lately.The are new projects already.Some of the projects left halfway by Ray are there too.

Everyone is focused on their work..Each one of them wishes to prove themselves to the new boss.

However, there is a problem.

"There is a problem Mrs. Williams," That's Nora. She's still the CEO's secretary.

"I told you to call me Laura." Laura smiled at her. Nora nodded before continuing with, " there is a shooting scheduled for today in the afternoon but we lack a photographer."


"He asked for an emergency leave. Normally Mr. William would take up the photography in case of issues like this but..."

"Okay...okay i get it.What is the most possible option now apart from rescheduling."

Before Nora could answer,there was a knock at the door.

"Thomas," Laura nodded to him as a que for him to continue.

"Someone is here to see you boss but it's fine if you're busy I'll ask him to wait."

"Tell him to come in."

The door opened opened widely and a dark eyed guy entered.If you asked Laura to describe the person who entered that afternoon, I'm sure she'll only say he hard dark eyes.The man's dark eyes was a charm...she definitely got drawned in them for a few seconds before bolting back to reality.

"Dario Anderson."He introduced himself.Deep voice.

"Anderson from The Anderson Dynasty?" Laura asked.Dario nodded.After that question, he began being nervous.He regretted why he came here in the first place.

He began thinking of what he would answer if at all he was asked why he was there.

"I came to check on you.No.That way I'll sound like a psycho...I came to apply for a job...now that's crazy.Why did i even come here?"

As he was thinking of the most believable answers, he felt a tap on his shoulder.


"How may we help you Mr.Anderson."

"Mrs.William...I'm sorry Laura, I'll come back later to talk about the photography issue." Nora said before she excused herself.

Dario found a way to divert the topic of discussion.

"What about the photography.Actually I'm into photography as a part time hobby maybe i can help."

Laura could see the sincerity in those dark eyes.

In as much he believed that she shouldn't accept any help from the Andersons, she strangely trusted Dario and definitely accepted his help and she replied with;

"It's okay but it's just covering for the current photographer.He's on leave."

Dario accepted.

Immediately he left to get more information from Nora as he was instructed, Laura remembered that she didn't get an answer on why Dario was there. They seemed to have been distracted with all the photograpghy stuff. She'll ask him in the afternoon maybe.For now let her continue signing those documents.

She received a text from Liz, her best friend.

'I'm in town. I'll come pick up up at 4.'

She smiled warmly.Liz was always bossy.At first Laura didn't like her bossy attitude but slowly she came to appreciate her friend's personality.That's how it should be:accepting your friends the way they are.

She replied with a quick 'ok' before getting engrossed again in her work.Maybe it was all for the better...she will be too busy to think about Ray...at least that is what she thought.



I'm loving Dario alot 🤦🏾‍♂.

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