
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · 奇幻
39 Chs

Chapter 15: To The Ground

(What is your command my master) Raijū appeared before Shoto bowing.

"Track the scent of the people who wore these" Shoto pulled out the two pieces of cloths that Grysilia gave him.

(Your wish is my command)

Two dire wolves came from behind Raijū and sniffed the cloths. Once they got the scent they moved through the shadows following it. The scent lead the two dire wolves to a wearhouse in the deepest parts of Freetown. The dire wolves got in the wearhouse by slipping through the shadows they were about to attack when.

(Don't engage just listen and observe) Raijū commanded them.

The dire wolves stayed in the shadows of the wearhouse listening and observing as they were told. Thanks to the skill <Wolf Gate> Shoto could hear and see everything the wolves were.

The wearhouse was full of people all crooks they all were looking up at a man in a fedora. This man stood high up on a box of crates.

"Welcome my people" the man in a fedora spoke he stroked his chin before speaking again.

"Let's get to business first some of you went to do a job today step forward"

Five men stepped forward the looked like adventurers but Shoto could only see them from behind. The dire wolves transferred itself beneath the shadows of the crates.

On of the men the one with mohawk had a bag of coins in his hand. The fedora man gestured him to throw it.


The bag landed in his hand he looked through the bag then closed it.

"You did good although 70 Gold is too much for shuck a job"

"Kekeke" the five man laughed.

"Everyone is desperate to get rid of their competition these days" the Fedora man said.

"Aren't you to Parlo?" A woman with tattoos allover her right arm said.

Parlo adjusted his fedora and looked at the woman.

"Of course but you have to understand without good competition we get lazy ain't that right Fredo" he said to the man with a mohawk.

"Yeah but Parlo that job wasn't low profile someone in La Breon might have recognized us" Fredo said.

"Don't sweat it that old fool Mariposa is too lazy to do anything the most he'll do is send me a warning" Parlo said.

"The only person worth being scared in La Breon is Santino" the woman with tattoos said.

"Still bitter about that scar Mara?" A man in the crowd said.

"Of course he-"

"Enough chit chat we have business to talk about"

Mara was cut off by Parlo everyone's attention gathered on him again.

"First of salut to our four new members for complete their first job and making us more money!" Parlo said walk on the crates.


"Second it's time to take down the Mariposa family there's nothing for us in Freetown anymore.

It's time we becom-"

"Ok I heard enough" a voice cut Parlo off.

Everyone's head's turned around looking at the wearhouse door. The owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows it was Shoto Kuzakabe.

"Who are you?" Parlo was cought of guard by Shoto's sudden appreciate.

"That doesn't matter give those five men"

"W..who does this kid think he is coming here and asking for my people"

fingers snap!

"Get rid of him"  Parlo ordered.

"I wasn't asking" Shoto coldly.

Twelve men rush for Shoto weapon's in hand. Dire wolves came out Shoto's shadow growling and charged for the attackers. Before colliding the dire wolves jumped into the shadows and dragged the five men Shoto wanted through the <Wolf Gate>.

Shoto pulled out a blade from his arm guard and swung it horizontally decapitating the twelve men.

It all happened so fast for Parlor five of his men disappearing through the shadows and twelve of them losing their heads. He had never seen such a move even his gang was paralyzed in shock.

"What are you staring at get him!" they all charged at Parlo's command.


Shoto took a deep breath and brought it out. He couldn't use the Kuzakabe Sword Art with the blade but he could use another sword art.

[Storm God Sword Art: Storm Flash]



The wearhouse was slit in half and everyone who charged was now a corpse. The only people who were alive were Parlo,Mara and three random mages who kept a barrier up.

"Seems my attack wasn't strong enough" Shoto said in cold voice.

'Shit that was scary' Mara was paralyzed in fear behind the barrier.

"Mara snap out of it!" Parlo yelled.

His eyes were glowing with magic circles in them he was the one who casted the barrier the mages were just keeping it together. Parlo's ability <<Magic Eyes>> could store magic circles in his eyes for later casting.

"Interesting" Shoto took noticed of Parlo's eyes but he didn't have time.


The sky roared with thunder snapping Mara out of her fear. She gazed at all her dead comrades with rage then charged out the barrier in a blind fury.

"Mara no!" Parlo's

Mara's tattooed arm turned red and she unleashing strong blaze towards Shoto. The blaze took the form of a devil about to eat Shoto but -


Shoto's blade flash cleaving the fire devil in half and cleaving Mara's crimson arm off in the process. Silence filled the room before a scream erupted from Mara mouth then falling to her knees. Shoto peaked up her crimson arm and stored it in his bracelet. He then stood before Mara with a blank face.

"I like you" he said.


"Take here"


Raijū quickly grabbed Mara by the foot then dragged her into Shoto shadow. One last scream came before all was silent.

"Play time is over" Shoto said.

He used <Force Control> to crush the three random mages and weakened the barrier. Shoto pulled Parlo towards him until he felt his neck his hand. Parlo tried to cast another spell but Shoto plucked out his eyes a second faster.

"I like your eyes"


"Too loud"


Parlo's neck was snapped like a twig. Shoto dropped his dead body on the ground then sat on it. He stuck the blade in the ground and began thinking. Freetown wasn't a town it was a criminal base and if didn't eliminate it some else would take over and hurt his people again. Those were the thoughts running through his mind.

Shoto removed his blade from the ground and commanded the Dire wolves wait out said Freetown.

(Raise this place to the ground)

Shoto opened a transfer gate to were the five men were taken. It was time to get answers.