
Short Stories - Reincarnation, Transmigration

A collection of short stories dealing with reincarnated or transmigrated people.

ApollyonDais · 奇幻
10 Chs


Dressed in a conservative wrap dress decorated with floral patterns, Rylee sat at her desk. With a pencil in her hand, she adjusted one last formula on her spell. With a glance, she sat back in her chair, and she smiled a brilliant, yet exhausted smile.

At last, her project had been completed.

Nearly five years ago, she had pieced together all the parts of the spell that she though that she needed. Every theory that she had, she considered flawless. At that time, she considered it perfect.

Luckily for her, she was smart enough to at least put it through some trials first. It was not hesitancy that prevented her from using on herself at that time. Instead, it was the ingrained lessons that she had gained from her time in college. And as I said, lucky for her.

The first time she casted the spell, while not a complete failure, it did not work as intended. The specimen that she used, did switch genders, but became emaciated. The changes that went through the subject took the energy from said subject, while still completing the changes. It never died, but became lethargic all the time, even after it had regained it's weight.

After that experiment, she studied longer, and altered the spell. With the second iteration of the spell, she tried inject more energy from an outside source, so as not to rely on the subject itself. The subject violently exploded before the intended results completed.

Trial 3: Less energy. Transformation decayed after a short period of time.

Trial 4: Subject cycled between genders every five minutes.

Trial 5: Subject cycled between genders, once every hour.

Trial 6: Cycle is now once every two hours.

Trial 7: Cycles are no longer consistent between times.

Trial 8: Cycles are still inconsistent.

Trial 9: Subject is going through cycles normalized through sleep patterns. Inconsistent between the number of sleep cycles.

Trial 23: Change of gender happens when subject is asleep, but reverts back to original gender when awake.

Trial 29: Changes into new gender when awake, reverts to original when asleep. Subject is always lethargic.

Trial 30: Proper change of gender based on sleep. Subject rarely sleeps.

Trial 49: Subject intelligence decreased to a significant amount.

Trial 63: Subject appears to have gone insane.

Trial 96...Trial 156...Trial number whatever

And today should be the last trial that she would ever have to perform on a subject other than herself. While her most recent experiment succeeded, Rylee wanted to tweak one bit of the result. It should not change too much of, just a safety precaution intended for any unforeseen events that might happen. Basically, all Rylee did was implement a reset button if anything went out of hand.


The spell worked as she wanted. After testing out this final iteration a few times, everything worked perfectly. It was finally done.

Throughout her 38 years of being a woman, she had spent the majority of her time on figuring out how she could become what she wanted. If she cast this spell on herself, she would no longer be the she that she was. She would finally become a he. Her goal would be realized.

In preparation for casting this spell on herself, Rylee knew that she would need to bring her A-game. There could be no distractions, nor imperfections while she was casting the spell. Everything needed to go as planned.

Rylee had performed this iteration of the spell a few times, already, to test it out, but, she was apprehensive on casting it on herself. It would be complicated, but she knew that she had the skills to cast it without any problems. Difficulties be damned, she would see this through.


(First Person POV)

Today, I will become a boy once more. The array I setup has been checked with a fine tooth comb, 5 times. It is perfect, better than I have ever done before.

Ah, thank God that I went to the spa yesterday. I feel completely relaxed now. I don't think I even need my morning cup of coffee today. I'm in such high spirits.

Too be truthful, I wouldn't even try drinking coffee today. If I get jittery at all, it might cause the spell to miscast. Instead of coffee, a nice relaxing cup of chamomile tea would be perfect.

After that, no while I'm having my tea, I'll take a nice warm bath. Mom just gave me some oils for it that are said to calm me down. That sounds nice.

What should I wear today? Mmmm.. That yellow a-line is rather nice. It fits perfectly and is so very comfortable. And, I like good in it. Or should I go for my beige blouse with the black pencil skirt? It's been a while since I've worn it.

Before I decide, I need to finish taking my hair. Braid, or put it in a bun? I don't want to blow-dry my hair, it always gives me a headache, and putting my hair in a braid, it'll stay wet all day. Bun it is. As for my make-up, I'll just keep it simple today. My skin is a little dry, so I shouldn't try to irritate my skin too much.

Wait. What am I saying? I'm doing all this to become a guy again. I don't need to worry about my appearance.

Still, though, I like doing this. Okay, for one last time, I'll gussy myself up. I won't have to the chance to do this anymore after today. So for old times sake, I should go all out.

( ˘▾˘)~

Finally, Rylee had everything in place. Her "I's" were dotted, and all her "T's" were crossed.

Everything was proceeding as Rylee intended. She had nothing to worry about. Worries, hah, she had none left. All the was left was to cast her spell, and her goal would be realized.


"Damn it." Rylee was so focused that she had forgotten to turn off her phone. Lucky for her, she had not actually started.

"Oh, Mom… Yes… Tomorrow..? Yeah, I can do that.

"Let's go to Raison de Morte. They have those scones that you like… Yes, the ones with the infusions.

"It's a date. See tomorrow Mom."

After hanging up the phone from her mother's call, Rylee was ready to commence her spell. But, this time, she did remember to turn off her phone. Finally, there was nothing to distract her focus.

Other than her thoughts.

She was ready to cast the spell. She was ready to be a guy again. This was her goal in life.

But what was to be next? She had lived to complete her goal, and nothing else. There was nothing else, other than that.

If it were not for her blasted mother's call, she would already be a guy again. But, the call made her realize something that she had never realized. She liked the life she was living…

Only one last chapter of this story.

ApollyonDaiscreators' thoughts