
Short Stories - Reincarnation, Transmigration

A collection of short stories dealing with reincarnated or transmigrated people.

ApollyonDais · 奇幻
10 Chs

Death into Life

There comes a time in life when everything dies. For a good majority of the beings that die, they have lived a majority of the time that they were to have lived. Alas for the protagonist of this story, he died as a teenager.

One day, he was living his life as normal; going to school, playing around with his friends, dreaming of hooking up with one of numerous women that he found attractive, and other such things. There was nothing remotely impressive about this day. Not even was the weather was out of the ordinary. Clouds were barely visible in the summer skies, and the sun was shining down warmly about the land. Nothing to point out that he was going to die.

While it was a cause of his own negligence that caused him to die, it was a complete and utter fluke that caused it.

Walking through the hallways of his school, he realized that his shoes had come untied. It happens all the time to probably every person with shoe laces, and in the end amounts to nothing in the grand scheme of things if they do nothing about it, but in this case, while walking, he treads upon the lace of his opposite foot, causing him to trip. This fall causes him to descend onto an open locker, head first.

Head injuries can cause death in and of themselves, but he was lucky in this case. While, if he would have survived it following events had not unfolded, it would have at most caused a small knot on his head. Painful, but nothing life threatening.

No, the thing that actually killed him, was when the person that was following behind him, and like most people, not paying attention, tried to keep from tripping over his falling body. That person tripped into the open locker door, and suddenly….

I think you get enough of what happened to him. Suffice it to say, the young boy died. And so onto the beginning of his next life…


That young boy had the chance to be reborn. It was the choice of going off into the dreamworld of everlasting ebony, or to have life once again. Only a fool would choose to go into oblivion. Though foolish, he was not a complete fool. With there being only one real choice to select from, rebirth it was.

Nothing other than a chance to live again was presented to him. There was no choice of selecting where he would live, not an option of any cheat skills, nor an opportunity to live an affluent life. Everything was up to a roll of cosmic dice. He was not even given the option to see what was to see the outcome of that random game of chance.

What cruel mistress of fate came up with this sadistic gamble. Well, if I were to tell you honestly, she would destroy my own essence, and since I care about my own well-being, well, I guess it sucks to be you. But this story is not about me, so back on with this story of that hapless boy that I described early in this essay.


Different worlds come in all shapes and sizes, and rule sets if you want to be honest. Some are like the world that you, who are reading this, come from. Others follow rules of magic and sorcery. While some of the others are similar enough to past or present of your current world. Some are hospitable, while others are completely devoid of all life. To be fair, nobody can be reborn in a new world in which they could not live, else how would they be born there. So, at least there is a chance of life for this young boy.

Somehow, at least this boy was birthed into a world that was significantly more advanced than your current world, but this was not a world of science, instead it was a world of magic. While the rules might be different, as this world was more advanced than what he was used to, he would not have an upper hand in adapting to his new situations.

Onto his birth…

Well, he was born, and he randomly received a skill on rebirth. He was able to understand languages, both spoken and written. Truly a boon for any being. And from this, after accustoming himself to this new world, he found out that the he that he assumed would be the case, was a she. A cosmic joke on someone that had only lived a culture where masculinity and femininity are defined, separately.

To this newborn baby girl, who had yet come to grasp of her...change, there were too many new things other than her gender to take in. With the weak mind of a newborn infant, her mental faculties were soon exhausted from an overload of new, to her at least, information. So, as all babies do, she fell into the sweet embrace of slumber. Hopefully for her, this period of dormancy would help her slowly adjust to her new life.

Damned Pandora for opening her box...

Thanks for starting this story. Just a male to female reincarnation, and not making it just a simple gender switch

ApollyonDaiscreators' thoughts