


Kumi panicked because he has also heard about the rich investor and his quest in looking for a wife. Kumi really wanted to stop Aba but he had no reason and was even afraid of the answer he will get if he dared to stop Aba.

Aba arrived to the site and started selling her water. She made a huge sales because all the guys had their eyes on her beauty and many asked her out but she declined because they were not her target.

On her way back to the house, she saw the car of the rich man approaching . Her heart started beating fast but she still maintained a gentle facade and continued walking.  The rich man, Mr. Benson saw Aba and became mesmerised with her beauty. He then made up his mind to get her at all cost.

He drove his car closer to her and stopped Aba . He complimented her on her beauty and asked for her name and where she stays. She happily told him everything and he even offered to send her back home in his car.

Aba hopped into the car and they drove to her house. The moment they arrived home, Aba's mother screamed in her heart and went put to see wat was going on.

Mr. Benson got down alongside Aba and went forward to greet Mrs Asare . She offered him a seat inside but he declined because he was a little busy at that time but then he promised to come back later.

After Mr. Benson left , the mother and daughter duo happily went inside and started dancing because of the good news that was coming their way .

That same that Kumi ,who have closed from the farm was on his way home when he saw Mr. Benson's car coming out from Aba's compound.

Let keep the votes coming guys

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