
Princess's Trauma

"Hurry up Motosaki! I wanna see the fish now! Now! Now!" Aisha said rushing me and hopping up and down.

"Can you wait? Geez. I need to put on my shoes." I sighed and slipped on my shoes.

"No I can absolutely not wait! I wanna see them now! C'mon slowpoke!" Aisha grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my room and hurried down the stairs. She dragged me out the door.

"Now hold on! We gotta lock the door!" I said and stopped the closed the door and locked the door. "Now we can g-"

"Hurry! We will miss the train!" Aisha laughed and grabbed my arm and ran towards the train station.

I quickly followed behind her and we made it before the train set off. We hurried inside the train and caught our breath. I stood up by the door and crossed my arms. Aisha stood next to me and decided to take a picture of herself with me behind her. She posted it on social media with the caption "Out with my favorite person". An hour passed and we made it to Kawakata and the train stopped. The doors opened and we got off the train. I held my hand out for Aisha and she took my hand. We interlocked our fingers and walked out of the subway together. We looked around and found ourselves at Kawakata Zoo. Aisha hopped up and down happily and pointed. I smiled and nodded then we walked towards the zoo entrance.

Meanwhile with Otsuki and Naomi, they took the train to Atsu-Kai and hung out at the plaza together. They were close friends and shared many similarities.

"I'm glad we could have this chance to hang out together Otsuki. I have more free time now that we are out of school." Naomi smiled.

"Yeah, I can finally get out more instead of doing boring homework Mr. Hoshida hands out every week." Otsuki stretched. "Last time I was out was when I went to that concert with Tsubami and Saki-kun."

"The Death Bunnies concert? I think I was there for a song I liked." Naomi said and looked at Otsuki.

"Oh? After this, we should definitely listen to Death Bunnies together!" Otsuki smiled and looked at Naomi.

"Definitely." Naomi nodded and giggled.

Meanwhile at the zoo, Aisha and I walked around and looked at the different animals. We were at the snake location and she squeaked and hurried away from there. I laughed a bit and took pictures then followed Aisha. She held onto my arm and we walked over towards the area with monkeys.

"Motosaki! Monke! Spider monke!" Aisha giggled and pointed.

"It's been a while since we've seen a spider monkey. In fact the last time we've seen a zoo was when we were kids." I smiled.

"Your parents and my parents decided to take us to the zoo for your ninth birthday. That was eight years ago. Ever since then we haven't been." Aisha smiled and looked around then pointed at the water. We walked closer to the water and she pointed at the white fish with orange spots. "Koi fish!"

"This is the first time I'm seeing this in person..." I said in awe. "We don't really see fish like this in America."

"Really?" Aisha asked.

"Rarely will a Zoo in America have real Koi fish." I chuckled. "They are just that rare I guess."

Aisha giggled and we continued our stroll around the zoo. Aisha stuck very closely to me and kept holding my arm. We looked at most of the animals and noticed how fast time was going by while we were at the zoo. 2 hours had already passed and Aisha began to yawn. I smiled and took her to the train station and we decided to head back.

"So...how close are you to Saki-kun?" Otsuki asked and looked at Naomi.

"Uhm...I guess you could say we are good friends." Naomi smiled. "He's a really nice guy. He knows how to really woo a girl."

"So...have you kissed him yet...?" Otsuki fiddled with her hands underneath the table and her hair covered one of her eyes.

"E-Ehh? Suki, are you feeling alright..? Why-"

"Answer me, did you kiss him?" Otsuki looked at Naomi.

"M-Mmph...yes. I did..." Naomi gulped.

Otsuki looked down and took out her phone and began typing. She let out a giggle and Naomi looked at Otsuki. She had never seen Otsuki like this before.

"You disgusting slut." Otsuki said. "12 years ago you did the same thing to me. Stealing the boys that I liked..."

"H-Huh?! Slut?!" Naomi looked hurt by her words.

"You heard what I said you insolent bitch." Otsuki said and looked up a bit as her left eye shined a bit. "I always hated you the day you showed up...I wished you never appeared..."

"How could you say such awful things to me?! What did I ever do to you?!" Naomi stood up.

"You lived..that's what you did..." Otsuki had a wider smirk on her face. "I wish you had died...Stealing my senpai away from me was your biggest mistake..."

"Tch! I don't need to sit here and take this bullshit from you! Call me when you've come back to your senses!" Naomi sniffled and left money on the table and left the restaurant.

"Goodbye Naomi...nothing you do can save you anymore.." Otsuki stood up and left the restaurant also. The people looked at her and thought she was strange. They wondered what they even fought about. "You will suffer slowly and keep suffering until you inevitably take your own life...and nothing, not even Saki-kun will stop it."

Otsuki hit save on her notes and stood outside and looked at Naomi walking off. Her eyes were red and she giggled and began to laugh. A male looked at Otsuki and walked off. Otsuki calmed down as people looked at her laughing. She walked off and placed her phone in her pocket.

Meanwhile with Tsubami, she sat in a meeting room with Detectives and saw a male enter the room. She looked at the male and sat up.

"Mr. Hoshida..? What are you doing here?" Tsubami asked.

"Otsuki...she's acting more strangely. Laughing hysterically...Talking to herself...she's one huge bad sign.." Mr. Hoshida sat down. "We should investigate her.."

'Hm...I have my wondering suspicions about her too, but I can't really make any assumptions because she might just be insane because of her past...I don't take Otsuki as the type to kill people...I have never gotten those signs of murderous intent...yeah she could be a bit mentally unstable and insane but I don't think she would hurt anyone...' Tsubami thought to herself.

"Otsuki Nagagami...She's been on my mind since Shokyo made an appearance. Otsuki and Shokyo do have a lot of similarities..." A woman said.

"Detective Marshall...I don't think Otsuki would be the type of person to kill anyone despite her slight mental illness. Besides anyone could be Shokyo. We don't have enough deciding clues to go off of." Tsubami crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "I can't count Otsuki as a suspect until I've gotten enough clues. Right now she's innocent. The only clue we have is she went after Reiko and Satori after Motosaki was beaten up...and she held Reiko captive until she got money to help Emma...also nearly forced Naomi to kill herself...Whoever Shokyo is has morals as well as a strong desire to kill. Right now we know Shokyo can't be anyone older than the age of 18 as they only go after students..." Tsubami said.

"Who do you think Shokyo will target next?" Detective Marshall asked and sipped her coffee.

Naomi was walking home then a male grabbed her arm and she squeaked. She struggled to get away from the male and screamed for help...but no one was around. The male dragged her to her home and kicked the door down then threw her against the wall. Naomi cried out and began kicking.

"No one will save you..." The male closed the door and laughed. He walked to Naomi and stepped on her arm and got on top of her then pinned her down. "Stop crying, I hate it when people cry!"

"Please get off of me! Get off of me you creep!" Naomi kicked the man off her and took out her phone.

"Oh now you've done it." The man growled and stomped on her arm, causing her to drop her phone. Naomi cried as the man picked up her phone. "Oh? You were gonna call Motosaki? He can't save you now bitch."

"Please...don't hurt me...please stop this." Naomi begged.

"Oh I won't hurt you...I'll be gentle." The male chuckled and threw her phone on the ground then got down again and pinned her on the ground once more.

Naomi whimpered and closed her eyes, accepting her fate. She felt hopeless and muttered "Motosaki..." as a final tear rolled down her cheek as the male began undressing her. She heard a faint chuckle before she blacked out.

The next day, I decided to call Naomi and check up on her. All I got was a voicemail and I began getting worried. She always answered when I called her. I called Otsuki to see what was up with Naomi. She answered almost immediately.

"Hello senpai! Do you need anything from me? Like a n y t h i n g?" Otsuki asked.

"Naomi...isn't answering her phone. Is she alright?" I asked.

"Oh...you called me just to talk about Naomi?" Otsuki said disappointed.

"Eh..? It isn't like that. I'm just checking up on her. I haven't spoken to her in a while and I wanted to see if she was alright." I said.

"She's fine. Now focus more on me! You called me so I should be the center of attention!" Otsuki said.

"Alright alright. Calm down. Meet me at the station. We can hang out today.." I sighed.

"Yay! I'll be there shortly!" Otsuki hung up.

"Geez...she gets weirder and weirder everyday..." I said and walked off.

Meanwhile...Naomi was laying on the floor, naked. Just staring at the wall. She didn't move, but hummed a sad tune softly. Tears formed in her eyes and she silently cried as she laid on the cold floors of her home.

"Why...me..?" Naomi asked herself quietly.