A story about a male named Motosaki who moves to Japan for his last year of High School and reunites with his childhood friend then meets a few other girls along his last school year. He progressively gets closer to each one of them and on a special Friday he asks one lucky girl out to be his girlfriend.
Class was as ordinary as ever. Mr. Hoshida taught the class as normal and I was doing what I would always do...which was slack off. The bell rang for lunch and everyone left the classroom. I took out my bento box ,and Aisha and Rebecca decided to sit with me. Emma soon entered the class and sat with us. I ate my bento silently, still thinking about the events that happened last week. It was a pretty hectic situation that happened. Aisha lightly tapped my shoulder. I looked at her and she gave me a worried look.
"You normally aren't this quiet. Is everything okay?" Aisha asked.
"Mmm..I don't know. The air around the school feels really tense." I responded. "Also where is Otsuki?"
"You didn't hear the news? She's been suspended for a week. After that big fight, Tsubami decided to suspend her." Rebecca answered. "Don't let it get to you for too long though."
I nodded then finished my lunch. I sat back in my seat and sighed and looked out the window. I wasn't upset at the fact that Otsuki was suspended. I was upset at the fact that I didn't know what to do...after I got my memories back.
"Tsubami.." I quietly muttered under my breath.
"Hm?" Aisha looked at me.
"Hey Aisha, don't wait for me after school okay? I have something I need to handle." I said then looked at her.
"Okay." Aisha nodded and smiled.
The bell rang notifying the school lunch time was over. Everyone went back to their seats and class resumed. I looked at my phone and texted Tsubami.
Me: Hey...have time to spare after school?
Tsubami: Yeah, I'm not doing much of anything after school.
Me: Wanna go on a date?
Tsubami: Eh? You're asking ME out? Wha- I mean yeah I'd love to...what time? I have to get ready and whatnot.
Me: After school. I don't care what you have on, I just want to spend time with you.
Tsubami: Alright...it's a date.
Tsubami looked at her phone and smiled. She set her phone down and covered her face and squealed excitedly. The other Student Council members looked at her questionably. She uncovered her face and blushed madly.
"Hitomi!" Tsubami stood up.
"Y-Yes ma'am!" Hitomi stood up.
"You're in charge after school. Make sure the others get their work done before next week." Tsubami said then crossed her arms.
"Yes ma'am!" Hitomi saluted.
Later that day, the bell rang for everyone to go home. Everyone got their bags and began to leave one by one. Aisha stood up and looked at me.
"See you at home, Saki-san." Aisha waved and left the classroom with Rebecca.
I stood up and grabbed my bag then walked out of the class and headed for Tsubami's office. When I got to the door, I prepared to knock on the door then Tsubami opened the door.
"Remember! Slack off, you're getting cut from the team!" Tsubami yelled at the other members then looked forward. "A-Ahh Motosaki..."
"Still as stern as ever." I smiled and Tsubami blushed then shook her head.
"A-Are you ready to go?" Tsubami asked.
I nodded and walked ahead and Tsubami followed. She looked at me then gave a soft smile.
"So where are we going? What made you want to ask me out?" Tsubami asked as she walked beside me.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay and not stressed over the incident that happened recently." I responded.
"Awe, it's nice hearing you worry about metalhead emo girl like me." Tsubami giggled.
I gave a slight chuckle and we exited the building together. We walked to the train station and waited for the train. Tsubami looked at the ground and held her bag more.
"Nervous?" I asked and looked at her.
"Pfft. Nah, just thinking...how much do you remember about me?" Tsubami asked.
"Well the most I remember was you were really into me. I mean, you dragged me out of all my classes just to hang out with you because you were getting bored. I'm surprised you don't do that anymore." I placed my hands behind my head.
"Fool, I don't do that anymore because you were falling behind." Tsubami giggled.
"Huh? And who's fault was that?" I looked at Tsubami.
"Yours." Tsubami smiled and poked my nose. "You're notorious for being the school's biggest slacker! I'm surprised you were still passing on average.."
"Cut me some slack, you were the one dragging me out of my classes. You're lucky you have no classes! Like geez, you're like my age and already graduated...how did you land the job?" I turned my head and closed my eyes.
Tsubami smiled and looked ahead. The train finally arrived. We got on the train and sat down while we waited to reach our destination. Tsubami looked over at my phone and saw I was playing a game. She tapped on my screen and messed me up.
"Well...I guess I'm not beating the high score." I sighed.
"Sorry." Tsubami giggled playfully.
I gave a smile then turned off my phone and enjoyed the rest of the ride. The train stopped in Nagikawa. We got off the train and walked ahead. The streets were bustling with people and family. Tsubami stuck closely to me as we walked together. I looked around and noticed Tsubami stopped to look at an item through the window. I turned back and walked towards her.
"Kuma-Sensei." Tsubami pointed and looked at me.
"You want that bear?" I asked.
"Mmm! Mmm!" Tsubami nodded.
"For a girl of your caliber, you surely do have a soft interior." I said and walked in the store.
Tsubami smiled and waited outside for me. I walked to the shelf that had the bear she wanted and picked it up. I walked to the counter and purchased it for her. I walked outside and gave her the bear.
"Wow...you actually got it." Tsubami said in disbelief.
"Yeah yeah, no need to thank me." I smiled then walked ahead. Tsubami followed me and blushed even harder.
We continued our date by going to many shops and me spoiling her with things she wanted. We walked out of the next shop, holding hands with our fingers interlocked. Tsubami licked her ice cream and was really showing her soft girly side instead of her usual hardcore metalhead strict side.
"Out of all the dates I've been on...by far this one is and will forever be the best." Tsubami smiled.
"What makes you think this date is the best?" I asked.
"Well because you are...just amazing I guess." Tsubami looked at me. "You treat me so nicely and with care. I know I may not have been the best there was and I did make advancements towards you, but you're just an amazing person."
"Heh...I'm not as great as you make me sound to be." I said.
"No need to be so modest.." Tsubami looked into my eyes.
I looked at her eyes and my heart began skipping beats. Now that I've gotten a close up look at her...she's even more beautiful than I remember. Her long white hair...her sparkling blue eyes. Her mysterious aura... everything about her draws me closer to her.
"Motosaki..?" Tsubami looked at me and held my cheek.
"Yeah..?" I answered.
"Thank you..." Tsubami smiled and closed her eyes.
I couldn't respond as we leaned towards each other and shared a three second kiss. Tsubami pulled back and rested her forehead against mine. She blushed extremely hard and smiled. I was speechless as the kiss was one of the best I've had.
"Can we...do that again..?" Tsubami asked.
"...yeah.." I nodded.
We began to kiss again and this time for longer. I slowly pulled back and opened my eyes slightly. Tsubami smiled and opened her eyes slightly. Her phone began to ring and she looked at it. It was Mr. Hoshida calling her.
"Ugh...Motosaki, I gotta go. Business calls." Tsubami stood up.
"Alright." I nodded.
She leaned down and kissed my lips one last time before walking away. I watched her and felt something drop on my hand. It was blood. I had a nosebleed. I wiped my nose quickly then stood up and made my way back to the station, returning home.
"Tsubami..." I touched my lips and smiled softly. "You're welcome.."