
Shinobi System In RWBY

.... Ugh where am I .... [Hello welcome to Remnant] Ohhh No [You have been chosen randomly to entertain higher beings Fortunately for you, you have previous knowledge of this world and the system that has been given to you] [The Shinobi System good luck on your Journey] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May contain foul language Some Smut A bit of Assassinations And a bit of bad Grammar My first fanfic and please comment about what I can do to get better thank you.

Rejack · 漫画同人
4 Chs

1 How did I get here?...

A body without features could be scene floating in a abiss




The being slowly started to open it's eyes


"Where am I"

"Did I shit so hard I created a black hole?"



"Is someone there"


'I guess I will have to wait'

------- Two Minutes Later (Literally) -------

"I can't take it anymo--"

[Hello I am sorry that I am late]

"What whose there!"

Exclaimed the featureless body while trying to find the voice

[Pardon me I was In Incognito mode for *ahem* research purposes]

"Ero-Being" Said the body with a deadpan voice

[Anyway for the reason that you are here]

The featureless body payed more attention

[Is that you lucky sod, which have no redeemable qualities, was chosen for the Shinobi System totally at random and are just serving as a way to entertain higher beings ]

While he said this the featureless body, previously an otaku / 18 year old with way too much free time started to emanate an aura of depression

[So while bringing you here gave me information about you and which universes you would have most information about so lets being the world's are.]

[Star Wars]


[Dragon Ball]

[Attack on Titan]

[Akame ga Kill]



[DC (Comic Version)]




"They all have mayor ways of killing me!!!"

[You are here to entertain obviously it would be hard but don't worry the higher ups will not intervene in your life just to make it more entertaining]


"Fine I guess I'll take RWBY might as well meet one of my favorite characters at least there is way less probability of me being experimented on or just decimated the second I get there"


[World chosen RWBY]

[Beginning Character Customization]

[Select Gender: Male or Female]

"I'm pretty sure that I was male so lets just not curse myself to having to be a futa, I choose Male"


[Male Gender Selected]

Suddenly a male avatar appeared in front on the featureless body

"Huh . . . Gotta make that larger"

[Please Select a clan (2 maximum)]

[Notice once the clan or clans are selected specialized moves from other clans will not be available in the System Shop]

'Well that suck's'

"Let me see I choose"

(A/N Which clans should he chose please comment >Here< )

(A/N Also should he be a faunus and if yes then what kind?)