

Black Blade of Konoha

A/N: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto.


[Jin's first person PoV]

Looking down at the goggle wearing brat, I was unimpressed. To think that Obito the simp himself has some beef to pick with me boggles my mind.

"Unfortunately" for this badass wannabe, I'm not in the mood to entertain his idiocy.

"Leave, I have no business with you." I was being rarely courteous. The next words that came out of this simp's mouth left me speechless.

"No, Rin likes you. I won't forgive you!" The Obito shouted with righteous anger. A distance behind the simp I noticed a blushing brown haired shorty watching our interaction behind a wooden wall.

I blinked at the absurdities of this situation. 'How in six path's name did this plot device got feeling for me? This makes absolutely no sense. Isn't she supposed to simp after Kakashi?' First Kobeni (the Uchiha version of hinata) and now this suicidal plot device. I can already feel a headache coming.

'I can still salvage this situation.' I think.

"Who's Rin?" I asked Simpbito, while pretending I didn't see rin looking at us from the corner.

The obito only looked more angry and jumped at me with a fist aiming for my face. "Take this you bastard!"

How generic, if I didn't know better I would have thought that he is born to be an average mob character who's only purpose is to be a stepping stone for someone else. But according to the plot, this lad will become a menace after the plot device behind him gets chidoried.

Grabbing his wrist in one fluid motion, I twisted his arm behind his back like what Sakumo did to me during our spar. Instead of pinning him to the ground like a rooster about to get it's head chopped off, I pinned him against the wooden wall to the side with one hand, leaving his feets dangling above the ground.

"You have no qualifications to demand anything from me." I said with irritation. "Graduate first, before you come to me for a beating." With that, I was about to throw him over the wooden fence into someone's backyard. I felt a faint tug on my sleeve and looked down to see the distressed brunette tugging on my sleeves. "Please don't hurt Obito kun, Kurama senpai." the rin pleaded.

The simp seems to be moved by his crush "trying" to protect him.

I looked at the plot device, I frowned on the outside. Inwardly I was smirking. 'This is getting easier by the minute, all I need to do is to act like a jerk and this plot device will leave me alone.' Formulating a plan I started my act.

"And you wanted to be a ninja?" I asked, showing irritation. Rin looked visibly taken aback by my tone. I couldn't care less. Obito on the other hand seems to be triggered by my cold attitude and started to struggle like a fish out of water.

"With that meek attitude of yours, you will probably be eaten alive by a bunch of bandits on your first out side mission. Quit now and you live longer as a civilian." Ignoring the struggling obito I held up, I said bluntly. Harsh may it be, but she'll probably live longer this way and the simpbito would be less of a menace in the future. Probably.

The rin let loose of my sleeve and I was ready to launch the simp once again. Key word being "was". -if not for a miniature Sakumo trying to hold my arm in place, keyword being trying.

I gave the paintbrush haired youth a deadpan stare. "Kakashi, here to play the hero?" I ask Kakashi mockingly, while slowly move my arms left and right, while still holding the obito up with the same arm. I didn't train for nothing, to train like a madman day and night til I fall asleep while being in pain. Watching Sakumo's brat struggle to keep my arm in place made it worth it.

"Jin senpai, can you please release obito here?" Kakashi asked in his nonchalant manner. I know that the brat is trying to act mature, but I find his attitude rather condescending. Which rubs me the wrong way.

"Are you sure about it? You clearly don't sound like you cared." I know I was being an ass right now. Fuck it, I'm going all in. "Sure you aren't trying to demonstrate your "superiority" over your fellow classmates?" I taunted. Kakashi frowned upon hearing my accusation and the simpbito giggled as if I'm not about to hurl him into someone's backyard.

In a blink of an eye, I managed to grab Kakashi by the collar with my other hand and did a 360 degree rotation before swinging both of them over the nearby fence.

"If you want to challenge anyone to anything, hone your skills first. Even if you have the Sharingan, it's more useless that a dull kunai withoutthe skills to back it up" I casually remarked before leaving the area with a body flicker. Leaving the plot device behind.

This should keep the rin off my back.

[Next day]

Yes, that suicidal plot device is nowhere in sight, but it seems I only traded one noucent for a bigger noucence.

I was just about to enter Higurashi weapon shop for my part-time job in the morning, when I noticed the simpbito standing infront of the shop looking at me intensively for an academy student.

"I don't have time for your antics, go play elsewhere." I was about to walk past him. ready to defend myself if the brat decided to sneak attack me. Instead of yanking him over a fence, I would drag him to the Uchiha police station and complain about this sad excuse of an Uchiha. Let his own clansmen tell him how much of a sad excuse he is.

"Please teach me! Kurama shishou!"

I expected anything else but this. Looking at the Uchiha bowing towards me, I sighed. An Uchiha lowering his head in humility. Even if it's this obito, I didn't expect him to ask me for mentorship after yeeting him over a fence just the other day.

"Why should I do that? Don't you have your clan backing you up?" I was being a little sarcastic.

"You are strong, you were able to humble that Kakashi jerk."

I huffed. Before I was about to dismiss this fool, I thought otherwise. "Get in." I gestured him to follow me.

Before Obito could step into the store I spoke up. "My teaching method is somewhat unusual from what your Academy teacher is trying to drill into your heads. The moment you quit, is the moment I hurl you out. Every Saturday and Sunday morning you will show up here at seven in the morning, not a second too late. If you can't do it, you might as well quit now." I said challenging.

"Yes, Shishou! I'll do my best." Obito looked determinedly at me. I nodded, acknowledging the lads meager resolve. On second glance, he kinda look like the protagonist which the show is named after if he was blond and had blue eyes.

The moment obito stepped into the shop I gave him a face palm, leaving a slip of paper sticked to his forehead. Before he is about to protest I cut him off. "Keep that paper sticked to your forehead at all times whenever you are here using the Leaf sticking exercise." I instructed. The lad nodded reluctantly.

[Scene change: some time later]

Breathing out a steady stream of fire through a tube into the smithy, Obito was sweating like a pig while trying his best to keep the slip of paper sticked to his forehead.

I on the other hand, hammered on the fine tempered iron almost fully immersed in the craft. From time to time I instructed obito to put more or less power in his fire out put and remind him to catch a breather now and then.

I was rather pleased with the Uchiha furnace 2000 that functions on voice command. It took a few trials to get obito to figure out how to regulate his fire out put at first. His great fireball jutsu suck when it comes to explosive power. On the other hand, it was ideal to empower the furnace. Slap a few pieces of cardboard on him and call it chakra control exercise.

Thanks to this gullible lad, the quality of the weapons I made had increased. More and more people were buying equipments from Higashi weapon shop. Toujiya often praised my works and word started to spread about the student of Sakumo hatake who is a prodigy in forging equipments of astounding quality.

I do hope that my reputation as a weapon Smith keeps spreading.


AN: Jin is roughly about three years older than Kakashi.

Due to my job, I don't have much time to write.

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