
Shining life

I died once but I came back to life in a shining light. That shining light became me and I became it.

i_is_lazy · 奇幻
6 Chs


As soon as Aster nooded his head Elsie put her hand in his shoulder and smiled with interest.

Elsie: "Then let's go."

Just after saying her sentence a transparent silver ring covered both of them at the bottom and dissapeared with Aster and Elsie after flashing a little light.

Aster and Elsie both appeared in the sky where a sun was shining in the horizon like how it would at earth. Aster looked a little surprised at the change of his surroundings but he still looked around this place while standing on the transparent silver ring.

After a while Aster spoke while pointing to a floating island that looked a little tiny in his eyes but was actually nearly 200 thousand km in area.

Aster: "Is this where we are living but why aren't there any other similar areas near it or is there no land in this place other than this island?"

Elsie: "Yes, this is the only land in this world or space you can say."

Aster: "Then is this place not inside a planet? If so how did this place come to be."

Elsie: "It's through magic."

Aster: ( ̄‐ ̄) "Of course, I know that. It's just I wanted to know how that magic works."

After hearing what he said Elsie just laughed softly in teasing manner and touched Aster's head messing with his hair.

Elsie: "For that you need to learn some basics first otherwise even if I explain it you still won't understand how it is done. For now let's go and see how our home looks like."

Aster just nodded his head at her words and used this opportunity to get away from her hands and stood a little away from her so the her hands won't reach him.

Looking at Aster who was starting to get more lively due to his interest and forgot his nervousness that he unconsciously showed before Elsie smiled a little and activated her magic.

The ring shaped disk started to move forward in a super fast speed and reached the island in a matter of seconds. However although they were moving in a super fast speed there was no air pressure or anything that affected them inside.

Looking at the silver disk in his feet Aster's curiosity was once again aroused and his eyes sparkled but he still didn't ask a question and remembered this magic to ask for later.

He then looked at the huge castle like house in front of him. This place was right in the middle of the island and covering about a small half a kilometre in area.

It looked like a beautiful medieval castle built within a wall containing four round fortress. Tens of kilometers around this area was carefully cared for with different paths going to the castle gate and having beautiful trees and flowers as a natural scenery around them. All the borders around the wall was filled with water for hundreds of meters and had beautiful flowers in them.

Inside the wall ther were multiple buildings connected together to form a seamless beautiful structure. It looked like some famous royal castles on earth.

Aster was also a little shocked when he looked at this place. Elsie looked at his surprised eyes and said camly,

Elsie: "Isn't it beautiful?"

Aster: "Well, it's really beautiful but won't this place be too big and hassale to take care of since it's only the two of you?"

Elsie looked a little surprised at his words and asked him, "How do you know only the two of us live together? Can you sense aura of people around you?"

Aster shook his head and replied.

Aster: "I can't do that right now but I guessed that because I don't see any other people working here at all. You also seem more like Nyx's friend rather than a maid working under her so i just randomly guessed."

Elsie: "Well well, it looks like you are really perceptive. But for us to feel lonely, this castles is simply not enough. Let's go around I'll introduce you to this place."

Elsie then reached out to hold Aster's hand and entered the castle through the open main gate. Although Aster was a little embarrassed and felt strange holding hands he didn't break away. After all, for her he is just a child and to be honest her words and expression really made Aster feel like she is more like an elder with lots of experience in life.

Elsie: "You see the part of the building in the middle, we occupy it's first two floors for living purposes and the remaining two are used to store things, research, study or do whatever idea that comes in our mind."

Aster: "Oh."

Elsie then moves to the right of the castle where there is a simple sitting chairs and table under a roof in the middle of a garden. On its right is a beautiful pond with a big cherry tree with a swing in it.

Elsie: "There is where we rest or sleep sometimes. We also have lunch or tea in here. It's beautiful right."

Aster: "Oh."

Elsie: *Eye twitch*

They then head to the left where there is a big hall like room and enter inside it. It was all empty and had a smooth floor like a normal room but suddenly Elsie clapped her hands and said, "Archey practice mode, beginner."

Just after saying that a bow and a quiver filled with arrows floated in front of Elsie and multiple human shaped targets appeared at different locations in front of her. Looking at this Aster's eyes once again sparkled with excitement.

Aster: "What is this place called? Can i also command it with my voice right now? Or do you need to tinker with this thing?"

Elsie hands down piece of paper and speaks to Aster, "This is our training room where we practice some skills related to magic and martial arts. As for giving this place commands you can also do that since I already did it but remember to read this manual before you use this place."

Aster takes the manual and thanks her earnestly, "Thank you very much."

Elsie just rubs Aster's head and says, "There is no need for you to say thanks between us. Well, there isn't any other interesting place around the castle so it's better to look inside now. You can try this place later."

Aster: "Okay."

They walked into the rooms in the first floor where Elsie shows him the Kitchen, bathroom, living room, guest room and dinning room one by one while Aster nods his head along the way.

Elsie then leads up to the second floor through the stairs and introduces Aster to different rooms.

Elsie: "The one in the front is my room and the room to the left is Nyx's. Your's is the one in the opposite of Nyx's room and others are unoccupied for now."

Aster: "Oh, okay."

Elsie and Aster then reach up the third floor and Elsie introduces the situation here.

Elsie: "Since the fourth floor doesn't really have any special things this will be the last place I'll introduce to you. The door in the middle with the simple lock in is the storage room. In it's right is the library and in it's left is the place where we sometimes do our research. Other rooms are unoccupied right now. "

Aster: "What kind of research do you do in here?"

Elsie: "We cover different fields of knowledge so there are many kinds of different research that we do. You'll understand it later. Right, you can also use this room for research if necessary."

Aster: "I see."

Elsie: "For now let's go down and meet Nyx and you can decide what to do after that."

Aster nodded his head and followed Elsie downstairs to the living room and sat on the sofa opposite to Nyx and Elsie.

Nyx: "Do you like this place? What do you think about living here from now on."

Aster smiled at her and said, "It's good enough. I would like to live here."

Nyx: "By the way, because your body is just formed and to prevent your body from destroying things due to your uncontrollable power I have put a stopgap measure. I hope you won't break all of that at once and learn to control your power little by little at first."

Aster: "Ohh, due to too many things happening at once I really forgot that i was a star. But since you said that I'll look into that later. I am still feeling uncontrollably sleepy right now so I'll go take rest first. Good night both of you."

Elsie: "Good night."

Nyx: "Sweet dreams."

Aster: "ummm."

After Aster went to second floor. Elsie turned to look at Nyx.

Elsie: "I didn't know that you still did things like kidnapping a child."

Nyx: "Moo(like pouting moo) .It's not like you can't feel the aura in our bodies and don't know what is going on. Yet you still tease me. How mean."

Elsie: "(stare) Every time you do something I always need to clean your ass. I'm sure this time also you will let me handle all your troubles. It hasn't been long since could laze around for a while."

Nyx: "What do you mean it hasn't been long. Its been 300 years since I have not given you any big trouble and het you think it's short?"

Elsie: "Whatever you say but what's wrong with his body aura that looks like some successful chimera experiment caused by a psychotic alchemist? Why did you mix so much different bloodlines? What if he died during the experiement?"

Nyx: "You should know that I never take such risk even more so with others life. It was caused due to his own constitution and I already made sure it has no negative side effect."

Elsie: "*Sigh* I just feel like I won't be able to take it easy in the future. I don't know if he is a troublemaker like you."

Nyx: *Guilty 😊smile* "Hehe"

Mostly I will try my best to update a chapter in 2-3 days at least. I maybe a little slow but I'll try my best to make this a quality work. (≡^∇^≡)

i_is_lazycreators' thoughts