
Shining Duos

Living your best life, an easy sounding feat that is in reality incredibly tough to do in a universe where everyone has extraordinary powers. Though for one Kazami Star he was born with supreme gifts allowing him to live out his greatest desires! To the heavenly pleasure of tasting the love of a fairy maiden or crushing his enemies with supreme power that even gods will tremble upon seeing, he wants it all. Plus he isn't alone! His celestial eccentric twin Kuzumi Star who takes pleasure in the despair of others wants to enjoy life to the fullest as well as long she traveling with her dear Kazami. Fame, Power, Kingdom Toppling Beauties is all that Kazami gain in the exhilarating adventure of cultivation. Though not everything is as one to one as it seems... https://discord.gg/kVbTCay-My Discord.

CosmicPrime · 玄幻
140 Chs

Heavenly Rank Pill

Kazami inspected and searched through the hand space ring finding various valuable items such as numerous blue, green, and red jade crystals. Cultivation skills of humane rank to earth rank and profound spirit weapons.

But the one thing he wanted the most was inside a small specially made box. The aura from the box exuded vigorous life energy and invigorating Qi in which Kazami started to recall the properties of life energy.

Life energy was the essence of which all pills have and what alchemist study and comprehend on. In terms of combat prowess, it's all but useless; however, it has other outstanding effects that still make it useful.

As far he knew, effects come as healing any injury, curing any type of disease or sickness, and the biggest one which is purifying one Qis.

Purifying one's Qi means to clean up any hidden impurities one might gain during the cultivation process, making their Qi stronger and easier to control. Even GodHood cultivators could purify their Qi's, giving the alchemist of this universe that much of higher standing.

These magical effects are why this pill got tightly guarded and why the Kazami Star family is very well off and successful.

Taking the box out, the girls all similarly felt the awe-inspiring energy of the box.

"I take it that's the heavenly rank pill, right?" Kuzumi stated to which Kazami opened the box, pouring out intense life energy.

The pill was bright blue and had a faint blue aura surrounding it. It's energy made the air around the four feel warmer and more conforming. This pill truly is something magical.

"Before we start, let's move away from here in case any stragglers come snooping around this place," Kazami told them, and instantly the four ran further in the forest trail they had crashed toward.

Once they made a far enough distance, Kazami took a talisman from Slaughtering God's space ring using it to create a protective barrier around them.

As a cultivator who made it to godhood and studied the talisman's art, even if he got severely weakened, the level of his talisman was certainly enough for the humane realms.

"Kazami the alchemist way, none of us practice it. How will this pill be used then?" Brenda suddenly said, which caused the others to think for a second.

Splitting a pill between people for ordinary people and the regular cultivators would be near impossible for them, no matter the rank of the pill. Attempts at doing so would leave the pill useless, effectively wasting all of the life energy.

But for people who study the alchemist way, it's but a mere wave of the hand to split a pill and have it still keep its value.

It got Kazami thinking until he recalled his father's actions in the past. When he and Kuzumi were younger, whenever they trained too hard with monsters, Cathal would bring them pills and had one-timed showed them a process of him using his bloodline power to split a pill correctly. He remembers their brief conversation as;

'You brats sure are troublesome and will probably keep getting into trouble in the future. So watch this for whenever your bloodline awakens, you can try this if you're low on healing pills.' Cathal hand had light up a deep purple, and carefully using a strand of bloodline energy, he split the pill in half.

'But father, I thought only alchemists could control pills?' And the answer he got from his father was;

'Well, that is certainly true, but because of my evolving divine bloodline, I managed to discover I could do this after many trial and errors while out on my adventures. And as for you two, I can sense your bloodlines will surpass everyone in this family, but remember only use it with each other or people you can trust.'

"I got an idea! Stand back; I learned a neat trick at home." Kazami intensely focused and remembered every action of his father and the feeling he felt back then.

His star hand flashed purple and produced four strands of purple energy, which latched onto the pill without destroying it. If Cathal were to see this, his jaw would hit the ground as Kazami only needed one try to lock on this pill.

Kuzumi's eyes did widen in shock as she had then recalled that conversation with their father and started to study Kazami every move.Concentrating profoundly, Kazami managed to split apart the pills apart four ways and guide them to all of their hands.

Brenda and Lun Yuo were similarly astounded since it was a rule of thumb; everyone knows that only alchemists could control pills and their life energy.

Although they had no time to stay shocked as Kazami yelled to them;

"Quickly eat!"

And in less of a second, they all shoved the pill into their mouth, absorbing the life energy from it.

Kazami felt pure life energy getting sucked into his Qi spirit sea, purifying it and making it even stronger. Suddenly his Spirit Sea formed wholly and transformed entirely into a mix of red lightning and ice Qi.


Instantly his eyes turned half silver, his star hand flashed bright purple, and red lightning ice Qi gushed out of him. Kazami had crossed the threshold into peak Spirit Formation.

He didn't encounter any bottlenecks when breakthrough as he already comprehended Spirit Qi fully and was only suppressing his levels as per his father's advice.

And the phenomena wasn't done there as Kuzumi spirit sea turned entirely blue lighting fire Qi and her divine powers with her bloodline exploded open as well. Blue lightning fire Qi raged out of her, indicating she broke through to peak Spirit Formation.

Like with Kazami, Kuzumi also fully comprehended Spirit Qi already along with Brenda and Lun Yuo, who also was on the verge of advancing.

Lun Yuo spirit sea turned transformed entirely too bright green grass Qi and her heart shined a blinding green light. Her divine powers fully unleashed, and vines crazily spewed out of her.

Brenda had the most significant transformation as in her mixture spirit sea of golden white sword and slaughtering Qi in the center of it crystal blue Origin Qi was gathering.

The pill for Brenda not only purified her Qi more it also allowed her to fall into an advanced martial comprehension state. She could now sense Origin Qi and absorbing inside her; she smoothly comprehended a little bit of it too;


Her spirit sea underwent a significant change as broke through the Origin Formation realm creating a small hazy Origin core in it. The golden sword Qi and white slaughtering Qi blasted out of her shooting into the air and slicing the trees inside the barrier.

Although despite the damage she caused by the breakthrough. Kazami and the others were protected cause of their phenomena of advancing.

Kazami opened his eyes first and saw the surrounding destruction of their multiple breakthroughs. And in succession, the girls opened their eyes as well in a bit of shock, seeing just how much power came from advancing.

"Congratulations, girls, but now let's get out of here before anyone show up," Kazami said, and agreeing with him, they all activated their special powers rushing out of the forest with speed significantly faster than before.

Off the side of a clear dirt road was a forest trail that leads towards a massive expansive red building. The four youths were currently masking themselves, observing this building and watching numerous people in and out of it.

The unique design carved into it and had a sign on it reading 'Occult Heart Guild.'

From the four observations, they sense the aura of the people going from and into the building were all at least Ruler Transformation to some of the strongest being Heaven Ruler or a rare Heaven King Sea cultivator.

"Occult Heart Guild? Seriously what's with these weird names. Though at least they are strong." Kuzumi commented, observing each passerby unquestionably wasn't a weak person. This level of power indeed wasn't something the former province could afford.

"All of these people will soon know; we're here to kill them!!" Brenda suddenly said in an outburst, slightly surprising herself. For an odd reason, the thought of killing everyone in there hugely excited her.

"Somone excited, but first, let's go over everything that we need to do and all the stuff we need. Kazami, if you can." Lun Yuo reminded them and got Kazami to hold up Slaughtering God's space ring a battle-hungry smile blooming on his face.