
Shin the 'Hacker'.

Shin spent 22 years of her life, believing that her parents died in a car accident. when Tanya reveals the hidden truth behind Shin's parents death and her nightmares, her world shatters. Now, Shin's life is full of miseries , traumas and a past that haunts her daily. Then she searches for her parents and in her search she finds a meaning to live her life to the at most. On the other hand, DARK DEVIL the world's most dangerous terrorist gang threatens the whole world to hack their lives. The world blames MIUM for this. And Due to Elizabeth, Shin finds herself in the center of this mess. 2Months is the deadline, within this time either the world turns upside down or turns back to normal and this lies in the hands of Shin. The path she choses decides the fate of the world. What will she choose?

Seulil2061 · 科幻言情
141 Chs

The survival...

Shin woke up with the nightmare and groaned in pain, she opened her eyes and saw she was on a bed and felt that the area they shot has been covered by bandages. She sat up and leaned on the bed rest only to find herself in a hospital and her right hand chained to the hospital bed.

The doctor came and he checks your vitals and blood pressure.

Shin(groaning in pain): Who chained me up?

Doctor: I'm sorry about the chains but they have to make sure you don't try anything to escape.

Shin: You removed the bullet from my body?

Doctor: Yes, it was a minor surgery, but you lost a lot of blood, you need to take a rest and give rest to your hand too, don't swing it like that, the stitches may loosen up. How do you feel?

Shin: Drowsy.

Doctor: You need to take a rest, or else your chance of living will be too low.

Shin: Where are my friends?

Doctor: They are in the room next to yours.

Shin: Doctor, please let me go.