
Battle scars

A few days had gone by since Orie and Shin told the tales of the past and everything was on the way to going back to normal. Shiro was back to evading the minor hits that were put on him and Mia was back to following him everywhere. Victor could finally work peacefully in his lab and Yamato went back to his restaurant job. Endo had nothing to do so he joined Yamato, and as for Tanaka... well, she had her reasons for letting him stay.

Dave was back in control of his body with no memory of what happened. He knew something was missing but didn't try to figure it out because of the fears he had. He just continued his life as nothing happened even though Shiro kept looking at him differently.

Due to the damage caused when the hunters attacked, school remained closed and all the staff and students some free time on their hands. Some went to parties, some went to games, some went on picnics, some even travelled. But Mia decided to use her time to see her father.