
shin from black

shin fuji just transfer to sunset academy although a school for the high well smart and mighty shin isn't there for academy his on a mission to find his brother who've gone M.I.A in the school for over a year now

takamichi_sora · 武侠
13 Chs

chapter 1

I shin fuji just dropped in front of sunset academics gate and took a deep breath wow this looks promising I moved my things to my dorm room before reporting to the principal office to finish my school clearance after that I was on my way to my class

"so class 2-B" I saw the class I open the door and went in in there I saw lot of eyes on my I walked in when the teacher said

"oh you most be the new transfer please introduce your self" he said

"alright hello everyone my name is shin fuji am a transfer from Osaka high no special talent in Particular so I hope I get alone well with you all"I said ending my introduction

"alright that good ok Mr fuji there's and empty seat there "he pointed to the back

"alright think you sir" I said

and went straight to the pack where I sat it was the last seat on the second roll from the wall

"oh hi welcome"the boy next to me said

"oh hi thanks am shin and you?" I said

"am rentaro sasaki you can call me rentato"

" alright call me shin if you please" I said

rentaro sasaki a boy with black hair and blue brown eyes his about 5'7 and well built but something about him seems to speak off in a kind of sense I better watch out for him

"well class we have another transfer student come in" the teacher said and a girl walked in

I could her my classmate saying all kinds of things like wow she's beautiful is she foreign

"hello everyone my name is Alice white am a transfer from abord though am part japanese my dad is japanese though hope we get along well"she said

"well miss white there's an empty seat right next to mr fuji over there"

the only available seat was right in front of me and that where she sat

"alright miss yamaguchi please take there names and give it to me to add in the register"

"yes sir" a girl said cheerful

hmm from my guess she's the class rep seems interesting with that homeroom ended and she came up to me

"hello my name asuna yamaguchi the class rep"

"oh hi am shin fuji a pleasure"


it 3:30pm the bell has rang so I pack my things and was heading out the class bsck to my room to rest.

as I got to my room I saw the door seems off so i try pulling it and i found it open I walked in and saw a pair of shoes out at the front I enter to see rentaro in side my room

" you know it rude to break into someone room right" I said

"hahaha sorry but you where taking your time I couldn't wait" he said with a bright face

"that strange since when where we close friends that you'll decided to wait for me? also how did you know where my room is or how did u get in " I said with an straight face

"I have my ways shin plus hacking door's ain't a problem well I have to be going glad your settling in" he said as he touch my shoulder on his way out

like I said his suspicious I'mma have to keep an eye on him plus I got bigger problem ok my hand and that how to start finding my brother ...

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be dropping every Saturday or Sunday

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