
Shield Vs Sword

Major General Vikrant Singh Rathore, the youngest Major General ever, was the Head and Commander-in-chief of Special Black Ops, a cold-blooded killing machine whose sole mission was to serve the nation. Aaradhya Sharma, the youngest and most brilliant law graduate. Orphaned at the age of 10 she never received any love except from her grandfather, who was her only family and her entire world. Her sole aspiration was to break away from her paternal uncle's family, become a top lawyer, and live happily with her grandfather. One day, she returned home, only to find her grandfather missing. She exhausted every effort to locate him, but he appeared to have vanished without a trace. As she was still desperately searching for her grandfather, suddenly, she found herself surrounded by the police. "Miss Aaradhya Sharma, you are under arrest for hiding illegal weapons and supplying drugs," they accused. "Wait, what?!" she exclaimed in disbelief. Just as they moved to handcuff her, a powerful yet magnetic voice intervened, saying, "Touch her over my dead body."

SageSapphira · 现代言情
3 Chs

Author's Note


I'm Sage Sapphira. Honestly, I'm not sure what to say, as writing 'Author's Note' is something I am not good at. But rest assured, I'm not new to writing. Fiction is still my weak point, and I tend to prefer reading over writing fiction any day. However, I've grown bored with the abundance of similar stories, so I thought, why not try something new?

"Shield Vs Sword" is my debut novel as Sage Sapphire. Yes, I have other works under different names, but not here on Webnovel (Or maybe I do! **wink**). It's also my first attempt at Indian Writing. So, you'll find minimal Hindi vocabulary-almost none, I would say. If you dislike my writing style, feel free to put this book down anytime.

However, I doubt you'll want to, after you've read the first few chapters. Because... You'll know when the time comes.

Anyway, I'm still working on the plot, and most of the characters and their names are yet to be decided. So updates will be rather slow in the beginning. But you can help speed things up by liking, sharing, and commenting on my novel. There's also a voting feature. Maybe click on that too. It helps me think more rapidly as an author. (*wink*)

Let me warn you, though this story contains mature content due to its military and war settings. As for any *cough* *cough* moments, that depends on you as a reader. Although, I must caution you that the romance will progress slowly. Extremely slowly. So much so that you might feel like chopping my head off for torturing you with such plots.

Before you hurl any abuse, I'll take my leave.

See ya!

Sage S