
Shh, she can hear me

Running from the watchful eyes inside the mansion, she must be careful whom to trust and use her time wisely because it's running out for her beloved Seamstress Rene'. With so many secrets and so much blood, this tale is not for the lighthearted. This a spin-off from my Wattpad short, 'Shh, she can hear you'.

A_Squared · 青春言情
92 Chs

Chapter coming Next Week!!!

A lot has been going on but at-last a chapter will be coming in Next Week. No promises about more chapters after since it's been so much happening for me lately but I will do my best.

Just to tell you, the story will eventually get a reboot, not soon but eventually. Until then the chapters posted will be canon to the story but used as mainly a test until I can get the story back to the way I want it to.

Thank you for being patient and viewing the story through all these years, I truly appreciate your support and excited to show you what more I can do with my work.

I hope you all have a good day, and remember to take rest days too, you mean something<3.