
Shepherd of Souls

"In a world drowning in despair, where the escape of death remains just out of reach, emerges the Shepherd of Souls. Navigating the thin line between life and death, this regal figure is destined to stride as a benevolent ruler, offering salvation to ease our collective pain. As each step reverberates through the fabric of existence, a profound promise of liberation unfolds, weaving a narrative aimed at breaking humanity free from the relentless grip of suffering."

Midnight_Scribe · 奇幻
10 Chs

Chapter 7: Status Window

Three Days Later...

Yawning wearily, I made my way to the classroom area. I had spent the entire three days doing nothing but training, so I was reasonably exhausted.

[4th Class-Alpha]

Stopping before a classroom, I checked the title plate and lightly opened its door.

I sometimes have a habit of entering the wrong room so I always check the name plate before entering.


After collecting my breath, I slowly made my way inside the room and sat in my seat.

I was sitting in the first seat, which was the seat beside the door.

To pass the time, I was watching the students entering through the classroom door like usual.

It's been three days since the academy started, and a circle of friends have already started forming among students

Ahh… Friend groups…

I still don't have a single friend.

Well, that's to be expected since I was not from a prestigious family and don't have any particular interesting characteristics.

In simple terms, other kids belonging from a prestigious background don't even see me as worth their time.


Compared on the first day when people don't even look at me, people kept staring at me with some of them mixed with contempt.

Those stares make me feel uncomfortable. if they have a problem with me, they should just tell it to my face.

"Ha..... "

Sighing exasperatedly, I thought they had already forgotten the ruckus I caused last Thursday. It's already been three days, for God's sake.

Just when I thought it would still continue for some time, the door to the classroom opened.


Looking over, we saw it was our Instructor for basic orientation, Garry, who had just entered the classroom.

Seeing that, those people who kept staring at me stopped.

"Class, attention!"

A loud voice swept over the classroom and redirected everyone's attention by force to its owner.

Behind a podium that was placed at the front end of the classroom stood Instructor Garry with his usual friendly grin plastered on his face.

After making sure everyone was paying attention to him, he began speaking.

"Now that you have been at the academy for three days and have had a chance to become accustomed to your new surroundings, it is important to familiarize yourself with some rules."

"Although the school has provided you with a list of rules via email, I would like to explain one of the rules in more detail."

"It is important to understand that, regardless of your background or any outside support you may have had, it will not matter at this school, except for some."

As he said that, Garry took a good look at every 'young lord' and 'young lady' present in this class. After a brief pause, he continued.

"Money won't work here, so don't bother trying to show off your family's wealth to anyone in this city."

"But now, a question arises, if money doesn't work here, then how does this island's economy function?"

"As you may already be aware, most of the island's population consists of students in training. As a student, you will be expected to adhere to strict discipline. The reward and punishment system will be utilized to ensure that this discipline is maintained."

"At the end of each month, you will be awarded 'School points' or SP based on your academic performance of that month."

"In addition, your school ranking will increase the total number of your SP through the use of bonuses. The higher your rank, the greater the bonus applied to your SP."

"In this floating island, you can purchase nearly anything with enough SP. This includes both basic necessities and luxurious items."

"For the first month, everything on the island will be free. However, after the end of the month, you will need to earn 'SP' and pay for everything you use. Of course, it includes the skill books in Vestige Hall."

"Those skill books are hella expensive outside, so don't expect to receive a skill book by the end of the month if you don't have enough SP."

"There are many ways to earn SP, such as doing well in training drills or selling mana beast parts to the school and many more. Additionally, you can also exchange your own credits for some SP in a 1:100 ratio."

"In contrast, there are only two ways of rising in school ranks. The first is to perform well on Tri-mester exams and in combat tournaments. The second is to challenge a student one rank higher than you to a duel. If you win the duel, you will advance in rank."

"This school is designed to prepare you for service in the Military by providing a competitive environment that helps you become stronger and more resilient."

"In times of war, physical strength and resilience can be crucial for survival. By training hard and striving to become as strong as possible, you can increase your chances of success in the military and in any challenges you may face."

After causing the entire class to fall silent with anxiety, Instructor Garry continued speaking. "That's all for the rules. Now let's get to the main business."

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

He's still not done?

"Every student needs to undergo a monthly assessment. A Group and Individual assessment."

"A group assessment evaluates the school's members' dungeon raiding skills, assessing their ability to work together effectively in a simulated dungeon environment."

"In contrast, the Individual assessment evaluates one's capacity to achieve specific tasks, resembling the execution of commissioned mercenary work on the island."

"Additionally, the monthly assessment is not exclusive to the Elysium. So it's not entirely impossible not to meet students from other schools during the Assessment."

"Anyway, after this class, you all will be assigned into groups of five via text messages that you'll receive on your smart phone."

"The group you'll be put into will be your 'Squad' and you'll perform group assessment together. Once assigned, you'll be part of this squad until graduation. You'll be awarded SP based on your synergy and comradeship with other members of your group, so get to know each other. Also, Don't think you can trick us because Hermes will be monitoring you all through your smart phone all the time. That's all. Class dismissed."

Instructor Garry announced, with that the class ended.


After my class in Basic Orientation, was my class in 'Introduction to Status Window'.

The classroom for this class is quite spacious and unique, featuring only two rows of seats arranged in an ascending pattern. The seating resembles a theater without a desk, and the glass windows are stained and adorned with various images depicting the past.

At the front of the room was a small stage, on which stood a podium. The distance between the stage and the rows of seats was quite large.

The floor between the Podium and the seat, lies a magic circle with various runes and characters with unknown origin are engraved into it.

At the risk of sounding repetitive, I'll say this again, the classroom was quite spacious.

I don't know why the room needs to be this spacious, and how we could take notes without a desk.

Our instructor for this Class was Irish Rosewell. She was an alumni at the Pantheon—the school of sacred teachings and an Instructor for Elysium regarding the status window.

She had a silky Raven Black Hair, which complimented her fair complexion, was tied in a ponytail while her crimson-red eyes, which were reminiscent of blood, appeared to have a shine of their own, and were staring deep into our soul.

"Now, I know many of you present here have already learned a thing or two when it comes to the status window, so you all may know this, but can someone tell me what exactly the status window is?"

A few hands raised when Instructor Irish asked that question and without delay, she picked one of the students who raised their hand to answer.

-"Status Window digitally records our abilities in real-time, displaying information about our traits, realm, learned skills and our proficiency with it."

Wow, that was a perfect answer. But it looks like Irish had something more to add to it.

"True, but the status window doesn't only display information about your abilities; it has more features. Is there anyone who can tell me more about the status window?"

Again, as soon as Irish shot a question, many hands were raised instantly.

It seems like Irish enjoyed the enthusiasm the students showed in her class.

With a satisfactory smile, Irish again picked one of the students who raised their hand to answer.

The one who was picked was Ken Tetsu. He was the definition of 'Don't judge the book by its cover'.

Despite having a large build that makes him look like a muscle-brained idiot, he answers exceptionally well.

"The status window also display one's epithet, Epithet shows what our future will be. It also acts as our guide to know where we can experience massive growth, it functions the same as Job/Profession in rpg games."

After concluding his answer, Ken Tetsu bowed and sat back in his seat.

"As expected, brilliantly answered," Irish commented.

I don't know why, but it looks like she's showing some favouritism.

"But Instructor Irish, Why can't I see my epithet?" One of the students raised their hand and asked.

"Well, that's because....."