

His face became emotionless in a split second. I even though it's just my imagination that he smiled. But positive that I saw him smile!

I smiled wildly at him. He instantly remove that smile because he was shy to be friends with me. But don't worry my friend, I will do the work for 'ya!

I open my mouth to ask him but he already speak.

"One coffee, please," he said with a low baritone voice.

I didn't have time to dwell with the fact that his voice is attractive like him, because I'm having my own thoughts.

He didn't let me speak... Maybe he does not want to be my friend? Am I assuming things and thought that he wants to be my friend?

Stupid, Ellen. No one wants to be your friend.

"One coffee, please."

I wake up from my thoughts when I heard him speak again.

"O-Oh! What kind of coffee?" I asked, trying to smile. It probably looks constipated just like how James smile.

Wait! I hate James's smile. Maybe Mr. Pretty eyes hate it too!

He didn't answer me for a thirteen seconds –yes I counted it– and just continue to stare at me.

Now I'm conscious.

I was about ask him again what's his order because maybe he didn't hear me because he's having a daydream of him and his favorite Disney princess where he saves her from the evil witch. He maybe wants to be a prince charming too! That would be nice, hehe.

Where did I get that? Oh, it happens to me all the time. I daydream of being the princess whereas my price will save me from the witch. Oh, oh! Just like in snow white!

But I don't wanna be kiss. It's disgusting, bleew!

I was busy with my thoughts that I did not understand what he said. Just gibberish.

"What did you said?"

"What do suggest?" he ask.

"Suggest what?"

"What coffee do you suggest?"

That's when everything click in. Oh, right! We were talking about coffee earlier! I should really stop zoning out.

"Oh, I know! I know! I know!" I excitedly said while clapping ang jumping. "I suggest you to have Caramelized Iced Americano – if that's what what you want, and also if you're not lactose intolerance so you can drink it. If you don't know what lactose intolerance means–"

" I know."

I slightly pout because he cut me off while I'm talking. Meanie. But nothing can stop me from explaining in. Who knows he didn't really know what that means, he's just acting genius. Where did I get that? I'm like that most of the time! Hehe.

"Oookay! It means you're not allowed to drink milk because it causes illness to your tummy. So you want that?" I look at him expectantly with a big smile on my face. He just nod. I beam in happiness.

He agreed in my suggestion, maybe he would agree if I also suggest the carrot cake?! I helped baking them! They're my favorite.

I gave his order to Shane who unhappily did it. I think she should really work with her mood while making coffee. It affects how the coffee taste! Because a good mood is a good coffee.

Does that quote exist? Eh, whatever.

I went back to the counter and saw that Mr. Pretty eyes is still standing there. That's when I realized I haven't put the order yet on the computer.

Opsie, my bad!

"Hi again! Sorry I forgot to pouch your order, sir. I was so excited that you like my suggestion that I forgot to put your order– wait speaking of, would you like some carrot cake? I help baking them. I can assure you that it's super duper delicious! I eat carrot, like 5 slices a day. Granny Channy –oh it's rhyme, right?!– gave me free carrot cake everyday. She doesn't mind how many slices I eat, as long as I'm happy. Isn't she the sweetest?!" I repeatedly nod at him, trying to convince him that Granny Channy is so sweet – or it's the cake?

Wait, I'm lost..

"What am I convincing you again?" I ask with a frown. He take a deep breath and unexpectedly answered me.

"The cake," he muttered.

Oh, darn, right! The cake.

I smile at him appreciatedly because he was so attentive. I think I'm going to cry. No one have ever been so attentive to me.

I suck my breath in, trying hard not to cry on Mr. Pretty eyes/ attentive/ nice guy. I'm an ugly crier.

His brows draw together, confusion envelope his face.

"I'm sorry. I just want to suddenly want to cry because no one has ever been attentive on me. Like everyone is– waah!" Before I can even finish I finally cried out loud.

I put my face on my palm and cry right there. I was sobbing when I saw a hand with a tissue in the crack of my fingers. I take it and even want to cry more. He is so nice. No one ever care for me like this.

I was about to blow my second round of cry when he interrupt me. He has to do with his interrupting, I'm not liking it.

"I want that carrot cake too," he lowly said.

My cry was replaced by a very big smile that I think is gonna reach my ear. I know, it's super duper big.

"Okay. Thank you very much. I'm gonna ready it for you, thank you again."

He just nod and walk towards the table in the far end.

I happily slice the carrot cake while humming Frozen song.

"Let it go..."

After his order is finish, I personally went to him and gave him his order. I approach him with a huge smile on my face. I saw how he subtilty took a deep breath.

Oh, is he getting ready to fight with me. Did he know that I'm gonna be a WWA fighter in the future? Did he know that I'm gonna be Ronda Rousey?! Because we have the same surname? Wait, how did he knew my surname, I never told him that. Oh! Oh! Maybe he knows cause he have super powers. Is he a clairvoyant! Woah, if he knew, that would be amazing.

"Hi, here's your order! I hope you like it. You can give me feedbacks about the carrot cake later if you want. I would want to hear that. Also if you want to give feedback about the coffee, you can go to Shane. But she's not really enthusiastic about hearing that –but you can still tell her! I swear she'll be nice?" I whispered.

He nod and muttered "Thanks." I smiled at him and continue to serve. He stayed for a good thirty minutes. I kept glazing at him every 5 seconds and our eyes always meet.

I'm positive he wants to be my friend, he's just shy.

He stood up and went to the door, but he didn't forgot to gave me a little nod. I happily wave at him. I'll surely be friends with him! I'm super duper excited!

But wait! How do you start being friends with someone? Do you call each other? I don't have his number– and I also don't have a phone. How can I call or text him if I want hang out with him? I don't even know his name!

Stupid, Elle, you literally forgot his name! How are you gonna be officially friends with him now?!

I was sad throughout my shift. I think Granny Channy noticed that because she ask me when were closing the store at 11  PM. I usually stay this late to accompany the sweet Granny. I assured her that I'm perfectly fine and start my walk to home.

1 hour of walking is just a piece of cake for a  WWA fighter. I carry people and knock out them. This is basic.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Half way to my way home, I was already running out of breath. I just run because a cat decided to scare me. What a meanie cat.

I saw a bench just a few feet away and I decided to seat there to rest. Was I scared that some guy might come up to me and holdup me? No, they have nothing to get from me. I don't have even a cent!

Oh, that's funny. Hehe.

I was humming some random Disney song when I saw someone going out of some dark establishment. I just stared at the big silhouette of a man. Oh, what a bulky big man. His silhouette seems familiar tho.

I saw the bulky guy's head turn to my direction. I subconsciously wave at him. He stopped from his track when I did that. As if thinking who in the peanut butter would wave at him.

Oh! Oh! That would be me!

He eventually continue to walk, but not in the direction his going the last time, he's coming to me.

I feel shiver down to my spine when he takes large predatory steps to me. Opsie, that does not seem to safe to me.

I immediately stood up and was about to run, when a warm big hands grabbed my arms. I turn my head towards its direction, alarm.

I really don't want to die this way. When you got rape and kill. That's awful. No one is allowed to touch my goody parts except for my husband – if I get a husband. I surely get one. I'm super duper cool! I'm a WWA fighter and aside from that, I'm gonna be a life guard - even tho I don't know how to swim, but I'm gonna learn. Watch me as I cooly save a drowning kid while I'm drowning too.

Oh, that does not should good.

"What are you doing here?"

I shot my eyes open – that I have no idea that it's close – when I heard the familiar voice. It's Mr. Pretty eyes/ attentive / nice guy.

I widely smiled at him, but sadly, he didn't return na smile. He just look at me with confusion and... worry?

"Hi Mr. Pretty eyes slash attentive slash nice guy. What are you doing here?"

His brows furrowed and his jaw clench with my question. Opsie, I shouldn't ask that. It's none of my business.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me instead, empathizing every word.

"Oh, I was on my way home. I just stop because I got tired walking and I saw a cat who scared me that's why I ran and it made me tired tenfold! What a meanie cat you know? And I won't be that tired if I have long legs. But unfortunately, I have short legs. But hey, I'm not short, my height almost reach the average height-"

"Key word, almost."

I ignored his comment and continue to blabber things. "And anyway, I want to ask your name. I forgot to ask you that earlier, but at least I mentally took note of it – wait I really did not mentally took note of it. I actually wrote on my cute notepad." I showed him my cute little mermaid notepad which I own when I was 12 when everything is still fine.

He looked at the notepad and back to me. I watch him as he amazingly move his eyes. He really have such a beautiful eyes. I wish I have like him. Mine is brown. I don't dislike it, I don't like it either. It makes me remember my father.

"You should go home," he ordered instead of suggesting. It's my time to nod at him.

" Yes, I was about to, right? I just took-"

" Stop."

I shut up when he told me that. Oh, I think I talk to much. He takes a deep breath and remove his hold on my arms to hold me on my wrist.

"You know what, I'll give you a lift," he said and I beam in happiness.

I won't have to walk anymore!

Word count: 2014