
Too Slow

Michael stood tall before the Fallen Merged Archdemons, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. As he began to levitate, the three Merged Archdemons - Lutan, Balphegar, and Madeus - stood their ground, ready for whatever Michael would do next.

With a swift motion, Michael's Saber manifested in his hand, its bright white blade exuding an unimaginable amount of pure, just aura. "Come on, you guys," Michael taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Don't be scaredy cats. Let's go on a little flight test. That is, if you can catch me without Angel wings. I hope you are still pissed off, I did rip them off your backs, one by one."

The three Merged Devils seethed with rage, their eyes blazing with fury. They knew Michael was rage-baiting them, but teasing them with their most humiliating defeat was all they needed to go into a murdering frenzy.

With a collective snarl, they summoned all their power and lunged at Michael, who flew high up in the air to both evade them and mock them further.

The three Merged Devils held each other's hands mid-air, their dark powers merging into a singular force. "Who said the Kings of Hell need wings to fly?"

Lutan sneered, as all three of them set ablaze with hellfire. They literally skyrocketed at Michael, who was taken aback for a moment.

The Devils began with excellent teamwork, their movements swift and deadly. Lutan threw both Madeus and Balphegar, who in turn made strong, dark coil-like substances to hold onto Lutan.

They then threw him like a rock from an overstretched slingshot, propelling him towards the speeding Michael. Lutan broke the sound barrier as he went at unbelievable speeds, his dark red and gold Saber forming into a spear as he closed in on Michael.

But Michael was quick to react, blasting Lutan away with a sonic boom right from his mouth as he said the word, "Too Slow."

Lutan was sent flying away, but just as it seemed that his plan had failed, Balphegar and Madeus appeared behind Michael, tying him in chains formed from their Sabers. They threw the tied Michael down, sending him crashing into an abandoned building.

The two Devils held the chains, trying to keep Michael down.Out of nowhere, Lutan came crashing into the body of the chained-up Michael, his Saber raised high for a killer blow.

Lutan thrusted his Saber in the form of a Trident into Michael's heart, forcing the Holy Archangel to his knees. The Merged Fallen Archangels finally pinned Michael down, causing the foundation of the old abandoned warehouse to shatter into rubble.

Balphegar and Madeus also fused their dark Sabers and pressed it against Michael's throat.

"You may have bested us individually, Michael," Lutan sneered, "but together, we are unstoppable."

Lutan attempted to use a forbidden spell to control Michael's Archangel Saber, the only weapon that could seriously harm him.

Michael's eyes widened as he realized what Lutan was trying to do. He kept his cool, saying, "You must be really desperate to use a dirty trick like that. What would you do if I decided to unleash my true form on all of you?"

Lutan quoted a Bible verse instead of answering: "If you fight by the sword, you die by the sword."

At the Opera House, Lucifer tried to convince Asmodeus to give the Grace from Maria to Madeus.

The Grace was the only thing that could protect Madeus from the powerful expulsion from his host, Johnny, if Michael unleashed his true form.

"If Michael reveals his true angelic face, it will be the end of all three of them," Lucifer warned. "You must act now to ensure our survival."

Asmodeus turned to Maria for guidance, but she simply looked at him with an unreadable expression and said, "The choice is yours, Asmodeus. Choose wisely."

Asmodeus was torn. Should he save his Devil brothers or let Michael rid the world of the Kings of Hell once and for all?

The fate of the Merged Fallen Archangels hung in the balance, as the clock ticked down to their inevitable demise.

Just as Lutan's spell took hold, Michael's Saber began to glow with a dark eerie light, poised to strike down its former master obviously aiming for the head. The outcome hung in the balance, leaving the world wondering.

Asmodeus was torn apart, unsure of what to do next. If he gave Madeus the Grace of God and they defeated Michael, what would happen next?

The other Six Holy Archangels wouldn't stand idly by while their General fell. Raphael and Gabriel were already watching the fight between Michael and the merged Fallen Angels, ready to strike at any moment.

Lucifer stepped forward, his eyes locked on Asmodeus. "What shall it be, brother? Do you choose us or them?"

Belphegor whispered urgently, "You are going to choose us, right?"

Asmodeus was lost, unsure of why he loved his brothers so much. Before he could respond, a bright light and deafening sonic explosion erupted from the abandoned building.

When the dust cleared, it was clear what had happened. Lutan, Madeus, and Balphegar had been defeated, their spirits trapped by Michael's split up Saber.

Lucifer declared, "I hope this makes you happy now. The war finally ended, and we lost."

The Six Archangels surrounded Lucifer, Belphegor, and Leviathan, their fate sealed. Michael appeared, his captives trailing behind him, and Lucifer fell to his knees, defeated.

"So now you have won,tell me, what's next? Will you strike me down or take it slow so that I die from the torture?"

Michael's expression turned serious. "No, you don't get to decide, especially after everything you've done. But if you really want to know what's next, then I will gladly tell you. It's time for Judgment."