
No More

In the vibrant corridors of the college campus, Alan, his golden locks catching the sunlight, confidently strode towards the public washroom. With a vigilant glance around, he ensured privacy for what he believed would be a discreet.

Plugging in his earphones, he retrieved his phone, a sly smirk playing on his lips as he prepared to immerse himself in a tantalizing R18 video. Little did he know, destiny had different plans in store.

As Alan eagerly tapped to commence his clandestine viewing, his eyes widened in shock as the imposing figure of Asmo, the once-feared ruler of hell turned CEO of an STD awareness company, materialized on the screen. Clad in a pristine white coat, Asmo's presence commanded attention as he addressed Alan directly, his words laced with a potent blend of authority and amusement.

"Hello, Alan," Asmo's booming voice echoed through the video, freezing Alan in place, his heart thumping with apprehension.

Asmo continued,"Caught you in the act, didn't I?

You thought you were in for a good time, but I'm afraid.I have different plans for you.

It is my pleasure to invite you to the new video censorship order.

But... don't you dare think you can ditch us for any other R18 company because I own them all."

Asmo broke into diabolical laughter as Alan freaked out and tried to cut the video.

Asmo's revelation about a new censorship order sent shivers down Alan's spine, replacing his initial excitement with a foreboding sense of consequence.

The realization that Asmo held dominion over all R18 content companies ensnared him in a web of his own creation.

With a malevolent laugh, Asmo taunted Alan, his words resonating not only within the washroom but also permeating the college's public announcement system, amplifying Alan's humiliation tenfold.

Frenziedly, Alan attempted to halt the video, but his efforts proved futile. The relentless playback propelled him into desperation, leading him to hurl his phone to the ground in a panicked escape from the damning exposure.

As Alan sprinted away, mind ablaze with mortification, he stumbled to his knees, gasping for breath. Yet, before he could regain composure, Asmo's voice, a haunting whisper, echoed once more.

Turning in disbelief, Alan found himself face to face with Asmo, the embodiment of his deepest fears. As Asmo's words urged him to break free from destructive habits, Alan sensed a profound shift within himself—a glimmer of hope amid the chaos.

Abruptly, the surreal encounter ended, leaving Alan alone in the empty classroom. The weight of Asmo's words lingered, compelling him to take action.

With newfound determination, Alan discarded the gel-like substance, symbolizing his former vices, and headed to the counselor's office. His resolve solid, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, determined to liberate himself from the chains that bound him.

Meanwhile, within Johnny's office, Asmo observed the unfolding events with a blend of amusement and contemplation. Johnny, the astute observer, probed Asmo's motives, prompting a response with a sly smirk.

Asmo looked up at him with a dead serious face and answered,"I would be a fool if I didn't free a young guy with so much potential from his eternal bond under me."

Asmo smiled and then he said,"Remember that Valentine is also coming.I can't stand him sitting at home feeling all lonely and pathetic."

Johnny concluded,"Here I was thinking you really changed.You are still the same old Devil I knew before.You just seem to have softened your stone cold heart."

As Johnny chuckled at Asmo's cryptic word behavior, the true essence of their exchange hung in the air—a testament to the intricacies of redemption and the lingering allure of devilish intrigue.

"You are right.Am still the same old Devil doing a new kind of evil.This evil, forces the worst to do better for the good of all mankind and the cooling down of our heating up servers.

It's not about severing ties with a client, Johnny, "It's about granting someone the chance to find their own path, even if it means letting go of the past,"

Asmo replied, a mischievous tone coloring his words.

As Asmo ended the conversation, Johnny stumbled upon something Asmo said which he found particularly amusing.

A burst of laughter bubbled up within him, threatening to spill out uncontrollably. However, Johnny, ever mindful of the social setting and his echo amplifying office, made a valiant effort to suppress his laughter.

His face betrayed subtle signs of the internal struggle. Johnny tightened his lips into a thin line, desperately attempting to keep any hint of a smile at bay. His eyes squinted slightly, as if trying to ward off the impending laughter that lurked behind them. The corners of his mouth twitched, betraying the mirth that sought release.

Johnny's body language became a canvas of restraint. He leaned back slightly, as if distancing himself from the source of amusement, and crossed his arms in a feeble attempt to conceal the laughter threatening to erupt. His breathing, normally steady, took on a rhythmic pattern as he inhaled and exhaled with deliberate control, a tactic to regain composure.

As the tension built within Johnny, he found himself resorting to physical actions in a bid to stifle the laughter. His hand instinctively moved towards his mouth, covering it briefly as if to imprison the laughter within. At times, his teeth clamped down on his lower lip, a physical manifestation of the internal struggle between holding back laughter and succumbing to the infectious mirth.

Asmo, on the other hand, observed Johnny's peculiar behavior with confusion. The reasons behind Johnny's amusement eluded Asmo, making the situation even more perplexing. Unaware of the comedic spark that had ignited Johnny's laughter, Asmo remained a spectator to this silent battle of self-control.

Johnny finally broke out in laughter and even Asmo didn't get why his last words were funny at all.